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国语音轨区 今日: 26 |主题: 11912|排名: 2 

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[调制音轨] 莫斯科陷落2 2020 国语DD2.0-192.kbps attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-12-16 342452 lonely_ldx 2024-8-20 23:24
[调制音轨] 安吉和加布里埃 Ange et Gabrielle (2015)央视音轨DD2.0-384kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-12-11 131449 gskening 2022-11-13 09:05
[官方出品] 失控玩家 Free Guy 2021 上译国配 DD5.1 640kbps attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23 baick CMCT工作组 2021-12-10 1125086 甜蜜的心 2024-9-3 15:27
[调制音轨] 与我跳舞 ダンスウィズミー (2019)中影公映国语DD2.0-384kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-12-8 181962 boaigjh 2023-9-24 12:42
[调制音轨] 功夫梦(完整版) The Karate Kid 2010 台配国语 DD2.0 448kbps attach_img agree 枫香秋舞 2021-12-7 262506 阿天 2024-6-17 11:35
[调制音轨] 危险陷阱 Bait (2000)国语音轨DD5.1-448kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-12-7 152059 小丹尼23 2024-8-30 12:23
[调制音轨] 土耳其勇士 Wolf (2018)央视国语DD2.0-384kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-12-3 172242 想什么是什么 2025-1-18 16:09
[调制音轨] 敲开天堂的门 Knockin' on Heaven's Door (1997)长影译制国语DD2.0-384.kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-12-2 242028 CheeseMouse 2024-12-2 08:06
[其他分类] 求偶游戏.The.Mating.Game.2021.B站孟非解说.DD2.0-192kbs.ac3 - [售价 30 大洋] attach_img kxlg 2021-12-1 61502 19791120 2024-5-29 07:03
[调制音轨] 皇家丑闻 The Royal Scandal (2001)国语音轨DD2.0-448kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-11-30 161475 劫兰浪浪 2024-5-22 11:28
[调制音轨] 冰雪大作战2 Racetime 2018 国配.DD5.1.448K.EAC3 attach_img agree crane35 2021-11-29 192383 yang9354 2024-1-7 20:39
[调制音轨] 仙人掌花 Cactus Flower (1969)国语音轨DD2.0-192.kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-11-28 191870 劫兰浪浪 2024-5-19 11:26
[调制音轨] 猫和老鼠 Tom and Jerry 2021 中影公映国语 DD5.1-320kbps attachment 梦幻之龙 CMCT工作组SSD管理组 2021-11-28 372262 以是 2025-2-1 14:56
[调制音轨] 警官的诺言 Parole de flic (1985)央视音轨DD2.0-384kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-11-26 182296 飞鸟飞鸟 2025-2-7 10:35
[调制音轨] [木乃伊归来].The.Mummy.Returns.2001.BluRay.DD2.0-320Kbps.上译国配.ac3 attachment agree jiaoyoutian 2021-11-26 342772 飞鸟飞鸟 2024-5-18 08:46
[调制音轨] 黄飞鸿之五:龙城歼霸.Once Upon a Time in China V 1994.国语.DD 2.0-448kbps - [售价 5 大洋] attach_img agree chziy2345 2021-11-25 381948 xianghua123 2024-5-11 06:08
[调制音轨] 黄飞鸿之四:王者之风.Once Upon a Time in China IV 1993.国语.DD 2.0-448kbps - [售价 5 大洋] attach_img agree chziy2345 2021-11-25 342386 gm0606 2024-6-22 21:44
[调制音轨] 混沌行走 Chaos Walking (2021)中影公映国语DD2.0-128kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-11-24 282233 想什么是什么 2024-3-13 10:22
[调制音轨] 妈妈还是爸爸 Mamma o papa? (2017)央视音轨DD2.0-384kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-11-23 51163 pixel 2022-5-20 10:38
[原盘提取] 少年黄飞鸿之铁马骝 IronMonkey 1993 匹配英版2K修复完整版国配 DD5.1-640K - [售价 30 大洋] agree 超哥 2021-11-22 342081 liuaipeng 2024-4-12 23:39
[调制音轨] 非凡夏日 Mijn bijzonder rare week met Tess (2019)央视音轨DD2.0-384kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-11-21 61727 pixel 2022-5-20 10:39
[调制音轨] 【音轨】腊肠狗 Wiener-Dog (2016)央视音轨DD2.0-384kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-11-19 101053 gskening 2022-11-13 09:39
[原盘提取] 太空旅客 Passengers 台版国配(中文片尾曲) DD5.1 384Kbps attachment agree wolf00 2021-11-19 112084 19791120 2023-12-11 09:19
[官方出品] 最后的前线 The Last Frontier 2020 官方国配 DD5.1 640kbps attach_img heatlevel  ...2 baick CMCT工作组 2021-11-19 603628 mjpl1314 2024-11-27 10:08
[调制音轨] 福尔摩斯小姐:失踪的侯爵 Enola Holmes (2020)央视音轨DD2.0-384kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-11-18 422826 一凡GH 2024-1-29 21:25
[调制音轨] 伯顿与泰勒 Burton and Taylor (2013)央视国语DD2.0-384kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-11-15 131680 gskening 2022-11-13 09:54
[调制音轨] 乔西的虎与鱼 2020 中影国语 DD2.0-128kbps 轻语 2021-11-15 111885 289629195 2022-7-1 21:02
[调制音轨] 绝代双骄 Handsome Siblings 1992 港配国语 DD2.0-640kbps attachment agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2021-11-10 261750 pixel 2022-5-20 10:45
[调制音轨] 间谍之桥 Bridge of Spies (2015)央视音轨DD2.0-256kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-11-10 382124 c2211576 2025-1-2 20:25
[调制音轨] 寂静之乐 La musica del silenzio (2017)央视国语DD2.0-384kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-11-8 81734 pixel 2022-5-20 10:46
[调制音轨] 夏日友晴天.Luca.2021.公映国语.DD2.0-256kbps - [售价 66 大洋] agree dean02916 2021-11-6 323573 xiaofei2023 2023-11-15 10:20
[调制音轨] 五十而立 Marie-Francine (2017)央视国语DD2.0-384kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-11-6 141914 gskening 2022-11-13 09:58
[调制音轨] 决战猩球/人猿星球.Planet.of.the.Apes.2001.央视重配长影国语.DD2.0-192kbps attach_img agree binbey 2021-11-5 242276 mafol 2024-6-13 12:21
[调制音轨] 守护天使 The Guardian Angel (2018)央视音轨DD2.0-384kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-11-3 201445 一凡GH 2024-11-7 23:37
[调制音轨] 喋血战士 Bloodshot (2020)长影公映国语DD2.0-384kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-10-30 302355 huyue2024 2024-11-27 17:24
[调制音轨] 黄昏的清兵卫 たそがれ清兵衛 (2002)央视音轨DD2.0-384kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-10-30 232006 黑白王道 2023-3-20 21:16
[调制音轨] 劝导 Persuasion (2007)央视音轨DD2.0-384kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-10-27 151653 gskening 2022-11-13 10:21
[调制音轨] 追风战警 No Good Deed (2002)长影国语DD5.1-448kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-10-24 231920 劫兰浪浪 2024-5-22 11:36
[原盘提取] 比得兔2:逃跑计划 2021 BluRay 台配+粤配+字幕 attachment 轻语 2021-10-23 424063 yingjieyu 3 天前
[原盘提取] 空中大灌篮:新传奇 2021 BluRay 台配+粤配+字幕 attachment 轻语 2021-10-23 462537 神力永恒 2024-10-16 23:25
[调制音轨] 纽约,我爱你 New York, I Love You (2009)央视国语DD2.0-384kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-10-19 191644 飞鸟飞鸟 2024-6-30 02:09
[调制音轨] 贵族大盗 Mortdecai (2015)长影国语DD2.0-384kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-10-15 221467 19791120 2023-12-25 15:23
[调制音轨] 寂静之地 A Quiet Place (2018)中影公映国语DD5.1-256kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-10-12 462325 zk2015 2024-11-8 10:07
[调制音轨] 变形金刚大电影.The.Transformers.The.Movie.1986.六音轨合集DD2.0-192kbps attachment agree binbey 2021-10-9 312567 神力永恒 6 天前
[调制音轨] 骗徒奇遇记 Yucatán (2018)央视音轨DD2.0-384kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-10-8 24718 gskening 2022-11-13 10:42
[调制音轨] 索比堡.Sobibor.2018.国配.DD2.0-640kbps attachment agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2021-10-8 241472 njcsgs 4 天前
[调制音轨] 特工威龙 The Operative (2000)辽宁凤凰国语DD2.0-128kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-10-5 171150 gskening 2022-11-13 10:47
[调制音轨] 匹诺曹 Pinocchio (2019)中影公映国语DD2.0-256kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-10-1 301874 tomchoi 2025-2-20 20:16
[调制音轨] 最美年华 Les plus belles années d'une vie (2019)央视国语DD2.0-384kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-9-30 291658 劫兰浪浪 2024-11-30 22:03
[转载音轨] 失控玩家 Free Guy 2021 公映国语DD2.0 AC3448kbs MKA attach_img westking2001 2021-9-29 91526 wyang 2022-8-14 08:41
[调制音轨] 与狼为伍 Nicije dete (2014)央视音轨DD2.0-384kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-9-28 191261 溱剑飘零 2025-2-20 23:12
[调制音轨] 伊萨卡 Ithaca (2015)央视音轨DD2.0-384kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-9-27 181389 who1982 2024-7-6 20:50
[调制音轨] 哆啦A梦:伴我同行2 2020 国语音轨+台配国语+粤语音轨 - [售价 50 大洋] 轻语 2021-9-24 351837 老鸟不飞 2024-6-1 18:46
[调制音轨] 坚不可摧 Несокрушимый (2018)长影国语DD2.0-384kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-9-24 281998 794196967 2024-5-2 06:47
[调制音轨] 寄生异形 Спутник (2020)国语DD5.1-256kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-9-20 423817 liujie 2025-1-29 11:17
[官方出品] 杰出公民 The Distinguished Citizen 2016 央视国配 DD5.1 640kbps attach_img heatlevel agree baick CMCT工作组 2021-9-18 492532 Jet_Li 2024-7-9 12:14
[调制音轨] 亲情无价 One True Thing (1998)央视音轨DD2.0-384kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-9-16 25603 liguiying1970 2022-9-7 13:56
[官方出品] 猎杀T34 T34 2021 上译国配 DD5.1 640kbps attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23 baick CMCT工作组 2021-9-15 1104318 crok 2024-11-16 22:27
[调制音轨] 如晴天,似雨天 Like Sunday, Like Rain (2014)央视音轨DD2.0-384kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-9-14 281901 zhuyongshe 2024-5-28 18:32
[重混音轨] 人之怒 Wrath of Man 2021重混中影国配DD5.1-640Kbps attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 gumfifasyd 2021-9-13 622364 擎天兔 2024-10-16 21:37
[转载音轨] 比得兔2:逃跑计划 Peter.Rabbit2 2021公映国语DTS-HDMA 7.1 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 xuhuilongno1 2021-9-12 572463 hangxj 2024-8-8 20:01
[调制音轨] 洛卡改变世界 Rocca ver ndert die Welt (2019)央视国语DD2.0-384kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-9-11 15599 boaigjh 2022-12-18 18:41
[转载音轨] 大黄蜂 Bumblebee 2018 重混公映国配次世代 DTSHD 7.1 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 xuhuilongno1 2021-9-11 561793 冰霜圣堂 2024-7-11 14:53
[转载音轨] 雷霆沙赞 Shazam 2019 重混公映国语 DTS-HD7.1 attachment agree xuhuilongno1 2021-9-10 101231 冰霜圣堂 2024-6-23 10:40
[转载音轨] 蜘蛛侠:平行宇宙 Spider Man Into The Spider Verse 2018公映国语 DTS-HD.MA 5.1 attachment agree xuhuilongno1 2021-9-10 161387 manhua2005 2023-11-29 10:07
[转载音轨] 多力特的奇幻冒险.Dolittle.2020.重混国配DTS-HD.MA7.1 attachment agree xuhuilongno1 2021-9-9 171799 huyue2024 2024-9-12 20:42
[转载音轨] 星际探索 Ad Astra.2019 重混国配DTS-HD.MA 5.1 attachment agree xuhuilongno1 2021-9-9 61408 pixel 2022-5-20 13:51
[转载音轨] 超凡蜘蛛侠2 The Amazing Spider-Man 2 2014 上译国配 TrueHD5.1-16bits attachment agree xuhuilongno1 2021-9-9 71177 pixel 2022-5-20 13:52
[转载音轨] 超凡蜘蛛侠The Amazing Spider-Man 2012 上译国配 TrueHD5.1-16bits attachment agree xuhuilongno1 2021-9-9 81308 hongtaowu 2023-9-3 17:23
[调制音轨] 寂静之地2 A Quiet Place: Part II (2021)公映国语DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-9-8 421797 mjpl1314 2024-4-26 10:24
[官方出品] 速度与激情9 导演剪辑版 Fast & Furious 9 DC 2021 中影国配 DD5.1 640kbps attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23 baick CMCT工作组 2021-9-7 1244528 jiajia28a 2024-12-17 06:13
[官方出品] 速度与激情9 剧场版 Fast & Furious 9 2021 中影国配 DD5.1 640kbps attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 baick CMCT工作组 2021-9-7 533088 grape100 2024-3-11 18:44
[原盘提取] 坏小子迪德夫 Titeuf The Film 2011 BD 华录国语 DD.5.1@448KBPS attachment agree safeandsound 2021-9-7 131190 19791120 2023-12-11 09:47
[转载音轨] 特拉·威利 未知星球 Terra Willy Planete inconnue 2019 BD 台配国语 DD.2.0@192KBPS attachment agree safeandsound 2021-9-7 11953 pixel 2022-5-20 13:55
[调制音轨] 迷雾追凶 La ragazza nella nebbia (2017)上译公映国语DD5.1-256kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-9-5 301389 li123ming 2024-10-13 09:06
[调制音轨] 海上钢琴师 1998 BluRay 央视公映 DD2.0 384kbps agree realyinxu 2021-9-5 331828 yujiajiem 2024-11-24 16:59
[调制音轨] 速度与激情9 2021 导演剪辑版 BluRay 中影公映国语DD2.0-256kbps attach_img agree danya 2021-9-5 151423 wyang 2022-8-14 08:53
[调制音轨] 小士兵 Солдатика (2019)央视国语DD2.0-384kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-9-4 205186 虎皮猫大人 2024-9-13 11:11
[调制音轨] 偷穿高跟鞋 In Her Shoes 2005 调制六区国配 TrueHD 5.1 [匹配02:10:23] - [阅读权限 10]- [售价 30 大洋] attach_img agree goldlw 2021-9-3 992 wyang 2022-9-21 15:20
[调制音轨] 速度与激情9 2021 剧场版 BluRay 中影公映国语DD5.1-256kbps attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-9-2 281803 kevinyu_yee 2023-5-11 22:39
[调制音轨] 义胆双雄 Curacao (1993)辽宁凤凰国语DD2.0-128kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-8-31 131337 gskening 2022-11-13 12:34
[调制音轨] 雪山特警 Icebreaker (2000)辽宁凤凰国语DD2.0-128kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-8-29 13982 pixel 2022-5-20 14:49
[调制音轨] 最萌警探 Naparnik.2017 2017 长译国配 WEB-DL DD5.1 448kbps attach_img agree baick CMCT工作组 2021-8-28 251279 lijian9365 2024-9-17 04:46
[调制音轨] 蜂鸟计划 The Hummingbird Project (2018)中影公映国语DD2.0-128kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-8-27 20958 wyang 2022-8-14 08:56
[重混音轨] 招魂2.The.Conjuring.2.2016.重混台配国语.TrueHD 5.1-16bits - [阅读权限 10]attach_img agree  ...2 goldlw 2021-8-22 50446 goose 2024-2-22 23:39
[重混音轨] 哥斯拉大战金刚.Godzilla.vs.Kong.2021..重混公映国语.TrueHD 5.1 - [阅读权限 10]attach_img agree  ...2 goldlw 2021-8-21 54440 19791120 2023-11-29 09:38
[调制音轨] 杰出公民 El ciudadano ilustre (2016)央视国语DD2.0-384kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-8-20 15634 oasisFAN 2022-7-4 18:10
[调制音轨] 贤妻 The Wife (2017)央视音轨DD2.0-384kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-8-19 201337 oasisFAN 2022-7-4 18:06
[调制音轨] 明日的记忆 明日の記憶 (2006)央视音轨DD2.0-384kbps.ac3 attachment agree xhswlj CMCT工作组 2021-8-16 14886 19791120 2023-12-25 15:24
[重混音轨] 白宫陷落/奥林匹斯陷落 Olympus Has Fallen(2013) 自混公映国配DTS5.1 1536Kbps attach_img zymlzl 2021-8-15 432380 mjpl1314 2024-10-10 08:44
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