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国语音轨区 今日: 97 |主题: 11877|排名: 1 

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[官方出品] 我们诞生在中国 Born In China 2016 公映国配 DD5.1 640kbps attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 baick CMCT工作组 2018-4-27 701532 19791120 2023-11-24 09:33
[原盘提取] 三块广告牌 原盘提取DD5.1-448k 国语配音(附字幕) - [售价 8 大洋] heatlevel agree  ...2345 gskening 2018-4-27 2495186 calluser 2024-10-17 16:12
[转载音轨] 圣诞奇妙公司Christmas & Co.2017公映国配.aac - [售价 20 大洋] attachment agree “逸”表非凡 2018-4-22 28825 pixel 2022-5-21 23:48
[转载音轨] 赤裸特工 Naked.weapon.2002.央视录音重混版国配DTS 5.1 1536Kbps - [售价 20 大洋] agree  ...2 xianghua123 2018-4-22 521683 sqs123 2024-6-16 00:05
[重混音轨] 三个亡命徒 Three Fugitives 1989 央视国语 DD2.0-384kbps.ac3(已更新) - [售价 5 大洋] attachment agree imagine 2018-4-21 411557 黑白王道 2025-1-21 11:58
[调制音轨] 反黑行动组 Antigang (2015)央视国语 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 xhswlj CMCT工作组 2018-4-21 581504 想什么是什么 2023-11-17 10:43
[调制音轨] 第一夫人 Jackie (2016)公映国语 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 xhswlj CMCT工作组 2018-4-20 681402 pixel 2022-5-21 23:49
[转载音轨] 刺激1995/肖申克的救赎.The Shawshank Redemption1994.北影\央视\新索三音轨 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 lsf987 2018-4-20 1063560 droupout 2024-10-27 17:28
[转载音轨] 致命黑兰.哥伦比亚人 Colombiana.2011公映国语混音5.1-768kbps.dts - [售价 20 大洋] heatlevel agree  ...2 xianghua123 2018-4-20 591741 droupout 2024-11-22 08:45
[调制音轨] 丹尼·科林斯.Danny.Collins.2015.央视国配.DD2.0_256kbps.AC3 attach_img agree jycnet 2018-4-20 48861 ZJS50726072 2024-7-15 18:30
[调制音轨] 终结者2(最新4K重制剧场版).Terminator 2.1991 国配 DD5.1-341Kbps AAC attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2345 东妖 2018-4-18 2314486 Jaclick 2024-7-13 01:29
[官方出品] 移动迷宫3:死亡解药 2018 长译国配 DD5.1 640kbps【正版重制】 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..7 baick CMCT工作组 2018-4-18 3394905 擎天兔 2023-3-6 00:05
[转载音轨] 绝地逃亡.Skiptrace.2016.公映国语.DD5.1-384K attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 lsf987 2018-4-17 551947 bearangel 2024-1-21 20:33
[转载音轨] 断头谷.Sleepy.Hollow.1999 上译国配 AC3-DD5.1-448K attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 lsf987 2018-4-17 852191 ftjohn 2024-9-3 14:22
[转载音轨] 歌舞青春三部曲 High.School.Musical(2006-2008)央视国配 AC3 2.0-192kbps attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 _释然 2018-4-17 721180 droupout 2023-9-20 20:17
[转载音轨] 未竟一生/美丽待续.An.Unfinished.Life.2005 重混央视国配DTS5.1-768kbps.dts attach_img agree 1111293 2018-4-16 391258 沈阳小路 2024-2-11 00:53
[转载音轨] 赎金风暴.Ransom.1996.重混六区德加拉国语.DD5.1 640kbps attachment agree  ...2 lsf987 2018-4-16 521183 chi65000 7 天前
[转载音轨] 赎金风暴.Ransom.1996.重混央视长译国语.DD5.1-640kbps attachment agree lsf987 2018-4-16 49948 chi65000 7 天前
[原盘提取] 惊爆内幕.The.Insider.1999 德加拉国配.DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3(内附简体国配/简/英SUP字幕 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 1111293 2018-4-16 521146 kevin9611 2024-2-23 22:00
[调制音轨] 绿巨人2:无敌浩克.The Incredible Hulk.2008 北影国配【匹配4K】DD5.1-448K attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 lsf987 2018-4-15 671870 DC小鬼 2023-6-12 09:30
[调制音轨] 绿巨人2:无敌浩克.The Incredible Hulk.2008.东影上译【匹配4K】DD5.1-640k attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 lsf987 2018-4-15 833151 Jaclick 2024-10-17 23:45
[原盘提取] 昏迷.Coma.1978.上译经典国配.DD2.0-192kbps.ac3(内附简/繁/双语SUP8条字幕) attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 1111293 2018-4-15 571787 飞鸟飞鸟 2024-3-4 00:41
[转载音轨] 荒野生存.Into.the.Wild.2007 重混央视国配DD5.1-320kbps attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 lsf987 2018-4-15 632098 pixel 2022-5-21 23:57
[转载音轨] 泰坦尼克号(白星版).Titanic.1997 国配 DD5.1-384Kbps AAC attachment heatlevel agree  ...234 东妖 2018-4-15 1673927 kuohsienl1290 2024-9-22 01:00
[调制音轨] 刺杀盖世太保 HHhH (2017)公映国语 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 xhswlj CMCT工作组 2018-4-14 852173 8506933 2023-3-12 14:22
[调制音轨] 移动迷宫3死亡解药.The Maze Runner: The Death Cure.2018.公映国语 2.0-192kbps.aac - [售价 20 大洋] heatlevel agree  ...2 liangda 2018-4-14 731836 pixel 2022-5-21 23:58
[调制音轨] 金钱世界 All the Money in the World (2017)公映国语 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 xhswlj CMCT工作组 2018-4-13 1201179 lorenCeQAQ 2024-9-15 22:45
[转载音轨] 超时空宠爱.Blast.from.the.Past.2006 东影长译国配 DD2.0-256Kbps.ac3 agree lengshan310 2018-4-10 49740 只为你来 2023-8-3 15:20
[调制音轨] 变形金刚.Transformers.2007.六区国配.DD5.1-448kbps.ac3 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 jetli1992 2018-4-10 551566 pixel 2022-5-21 23:58
[原盘提取] 水形物语 The.Shape.of.Water.CEE正版国配提取 DD5.1-448kbps - [售价 10 大洋] heatlevel agree  ...23456..7 gskening 2018-4-9 3504620 lt83687365 2023-12-22 17:37
[调制音轨] 24小时:末路重生 24 Hours To Live (2017)公映国语 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 xhswlj CMCT工作组 2018-4-8 1092182 jiajia28a 2024-12-20 05:44
[转载音轨] 热血高校2.Crows.Zero.II.2009.东森台配DD 2.0-192Kbps.mp3 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 zhushen789 2018-3-29 712183 leafyt 2024-11-27 23:26
[原盘提取] 星球大战8:最后的绝地武士.2017.正版港版蓝光八一国配.DD5.1-640Kbps.ac3 attach_img agree  ...234 fenglong 2018-3-29 1893431 junjun2013 2021-2-11 21:30
[原盘提取] 星球大战8-Star Wars Episode VIII The Last Jedi 2017原盘国配DD5.1-640Kbps-Free attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..10 zhougg009 2018-3-28 5034777 xinzhe07 2023-8-9 10:30
[调制音轨] 碧玉惊魂夜 Still of the Night (1982)央视国语 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 xhswlj CMCT工作组 2018-3-25 62888 gskening 2022-11-24 20:48
[转载音轨] 警网铁金刚.Bullitt.1968 国配 AC3 DD2.0-192kbps.mka attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-25 491617 slhxz 2024-11-24 14:44
[转载音轨] 极度冒险/硬闯100%危险.Maximum.Risk.1996 国配 DD2.0-224kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-25 392563 pixel 2022-5-22 00:06
[转载音轨] 城市英雄.Falling Down 1993 六区国配.AC3-DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-25 471212 CheeseMouse 3 天前
[转载音轨] 未来世界.Futureworld.1976 上译国配 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 shayiqing 2018-3-25 511738 leafyt 2024-9-12 00:29
[转载音轨] 宠物当家:雅夫爱相随.2012_东森台配国语.AC3-DD2.0-256Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-25 351537 pixel 2022-5-22 00:08
[转载音轨] 断锁怒潮 Amistad.1997 央视国配.AC3-DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-25 30920 pixel 2022-5-22 00:08
[转载音轨] 我为玛丽狂.There.Is.Something.About.Mary 1998 央视国配 AC3 DD2.0-192kbps.mka attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 shayiqing 2018-3-25 541308 pixel 2022-5-22 00:08
[转载音轨] 危机四伏.hat.Lies.Beneath.2000 中录德加拉国配 DD 2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-25 38415 小丹尼23 2024-2-8 22:05
[转载音轨] 穿越火线 August.8th.2012公映国配精调版 2.0_192Kbps.MP3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-25 431464 lihang77 2023-10-29 06:57
[转载音轨] 天真与无知.The Girl.Was.Young.1937 国配MP3-2.0-51.6kbps.mka attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-25 32392 pixel 2022-5-22 00:13
[转载音轨] 相助.The.Help.2011.上译国配.AAC 2.0-48kbps.MP3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-25 33569 lorenzo 2018-8-19 06:47
[转载音轨] 环游地球八十天 国配 DD2.0-192kpbs.ac3 attachment agree  ...2 shayiqing 2018-3-25 931146 pixel 2022-5-22 00:14
[调制音轨] 笼中女人The.Keeper.Of.Lost.Causes.2013 DD2.0-192Kbps ac3 - [售价 20 大洋] attach_img agree liguiying1970 2018-3-24 471064 飞鸟飞鸟 2023-9-23 16:35
[转载音轨] 幽灵鬼屋.The.Haunted.Mansion.2003 国配 DD2.0-448kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-24 40578 pixel 2022-5-22 00:14
[转载音轨] 百货战警/商场保安.Paul Blart Mall Cop.2009 国配 DD2.0-128kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-24 29489 pixel 2022-5-22 00:15
[转载音轨] 一升的眼泪 台配 AAC 2.0-128Kbps.m4a attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-24 37470 pixel 2022-5-22 00:15
[转载音轨] 80天环游世界Around The World In 80 Days.2004 京译国配 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-24 44633 leafyt 2024-2-29 22:22
[转载音轨] 中途岛之战.Midway.1976 八一内参国配 DD2.0-224kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-24 491219 wanmin111 2023-7-31 11:58
[转载音轨] 街头之王/守夜人.Street.King.2008 六区京译国配 DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-24 32415 小丹尼23 2024-6-10 22:15
[转载音轨] 再无可失/王牌任务 德加拉国配 DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-24 33808 fkyouxi 2024-8-23 03:34
[转载音轨] 迈阿密行动.R.T.T. 2009 八一国配 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-24 351073 鸣狮dannie 2023-1-25 09:42
[转载音轨] 惊魂记/精神病患者.Psycho.1960 上译国配 AAC 2.0-127kbps.aac attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-24 461474 pixel 2022-5-22 00:21
[转载音轨] 极度狂热.Fever.Pitch.2005 央视国配 AAC 2.0-64kbps.m4a attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-24 29502 pixel 2022-5-22 00:22
[转载音轨] 蒙古王.Mongol 2007 台配国语.AC3-DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-24 22454 pixel 2022-5-22 00:23
[转载音轨] 日落黄沙/野战群.The.Wild.Bunch.1969 国配 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-23 40550 wanmin111 2025-1-11 09:52
[转载音轨] 隐秘而伟大.Secretly Greatly.2013 台配 2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-23 36576 pixel 2022-5-22 00:23
[转载音轨] 迷踪:第九鹰团/帝国战记.The Eagle.2011 北影公映国配 AAC 2.0-65kbps.aac attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-23 301032 pixel 2022-5-22 00:26
[转载音轨] 成名之路.Almost.Famous.2000 六区国配 AC3 DD2.0-192kbps.mka attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-23 27493 pixel 2022-5-22 00:26
[转载音轨] 魔界契约/ 魔鬼契约.The.Covenant.2006 东影上译国配 AAC2.0-68kbps.aac attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-23 36559 jd870326 2023-10-14 00:17
[转载音轨] 我最好的敌人.My.Best Enemy.2011.央视国配 2.0-49.6Kbps.mp4 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-23 32795 boaigjh 2023-10-7 06:44
[转载音轨] 香辣一家亲.Garam.Masala.2005 央视国配 2.0-64kbps.m4a attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-23 28962 pixel 2022-5-22 00:28
[转载音轨] 末代皇帝(加长版).The.Last.Emperor.1987.Extended 国配 DD2.0-128Kbps.ac3 attachment shayiqing 2018-3-23 401402 214171162 2018-8-18 18:32
[转载音轨] 悍将双雄.Jerry.Cotton.2010 央视长译国配 2.0-128Kbps.m4a attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-23 30438 lookxxx 2022-7-26 21:52
[转载音轨] 寻找伴郎.I Love You, Man 2009 央视国配.AC3-DD2.0-256Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-23 27441 pixel 2022-5-22 00:30
[官方出品] 万物理论.The.Theory.of.Everything.2014.央视国配.DD5.1-640Kbps attach_img heatlevel agree  ...234 baick CMCT工作组 2018-3-22 1924026 wanmin111 2024-12-14 08:38
[转载音轨] 梦的味道.Монтевидео 2010 央视国配.AC3-DD2.0-256Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-22 34582 pixel 2022-5-22 00:32
[转载音轨] 与敌同眠.Sleeping.With.The.Enemy.1991 央视国配 DD1.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-22 30992 shuilunji 2022-8-2 17:09
[转载音轨] 猎鹿人.The.Deer.Hunter.1978 国语DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 shayiqing 2018-3-22 591505 pixel 2022-5-22 00:32
[转载音轨] 愿嫁金龟婿.How to Marry a Millionaire 1953 央配国配.AC3-DD2.0-224Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-22 41968 doufupi 2023-7-23 18:58
[转载音轨] 狼少年.A.Werewolf.Boy.2012 录制星卫HD台配 DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-22 33537 maya 2024-12-15 16:12
[转载音轨] 美娜文具店 Happiness for Sale 2013 台配 2.0-192kbps.mp3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-22 27640 pixel 2022-5-22 00:33
[转载音轨] 皇室风流史.2012 央视国配.AC3-DD2.0-256Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-22 441214 mblgc71 2024-2-17 14:02
[转载音轨] 视差.The.Parallax.View.1974 央视国配 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-22 31664 pixel 2022-5-22 00:34
[转载音轨] 玫瑰战争.The.War.of.the.Roses.1989 国配 2.0-128Kbps.mp3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-22 30486 kevin9611 2023-10-22 11:08
[转载音轨] 我的P.S.搭档.2012 纬来台配 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-22 27995 zxc9142 2024-3-16 12:05
[转载音轨] 爱情事件.Love.Affair.1994 先科国配 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-22 23715 pixel 2022-5-22 00:36
[转载音轨] 走投无路/谍海军魂.No.Way.Out.1987 北影公映国配 2.0-128kbps.mp3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-21 451207 飞鸟飞鸟 2024-7-31 07:40
[转载音轨] 花都艳舞 国配 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-21 34878 pixel 2022-5-22 00:37
[转载音轨] 惊天杀人陷阱/火线悍将 国配 2.0-329Kbps.m4a attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-21 37540 pixel 2022-5-22 00:37
[转载音轨] 早安越南.Good.Morning.Vietnam.1987 六区德加拉京译国配 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-21 36475 aglisw 2023-5-12 11:27
[转载音轨] 死亡倒数88分钟.88.minutes.2007 央视国配 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-21 35591 msba 2024-11-28 08:39
[转载音轨] 胡桃夹子3D版 公映国配自混版 5.1-63.6kbps.mka attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-21 431601 pixel 2022-5-22 00:38
[转载音轨] 致命人脉.People.I. Know.2002 央视国配 AAC 2.0-64kbps.m4a attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-21 38526 大鲨鱼jqb 2024-6-8 21:01
[转载音轨] 雪地狂奔.Snow.Dogs.2002 国配 DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-21 231116 pixel 2022-5-22 00:39
[转载音轨] 天降神兵.Howard.the.Duck.1986 东影上译国配 AAC 2.0-128kbps.m4a attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-21 281049 bokee 2022-12-9 02:54
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