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国语音轨区 今日: 72 |主题: 11912|排名: 2 

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[原盘提取] 天才眼镜狗.Mr.Peabody.And.Sherman.2014原盘自带国台粤三国配DD5.1-448kbps attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 manana 2017-6-4 721760 zk2015 2025-2-9 12:35
[原盘提取] 地心历险记.Journey.To.The.Center.Of.The.Earth.2008原盘自带国配DD5.1-384 kb/s attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 manana 2017-6-4 891433 hotangle2015 2025-1-15 16:20
[转载音轨] 兵人 Soldier 1998 重混上译国配DTSHD-MA-5.1 24bit 2.86G attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 蝴蝶效应 2017-6-4 1071790 psbpsb 2025-2-19 10:35
[调制音轨] 旗鼓相当 Grudge Match.2013.长影国配.DD2.0-448Kbps.AC3 attachment agree gumfifasyd 2017-6-4 421130 CaoXiang891226 2020-3-10 15:02
[原盘提取] 丛林大反攻全系列4部曲.Open Season S01-S04 2006-2015 原盘国粤台配DD5.1-640Kbps attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 zhougg009 2017-6-3 963381 天妖 2024-9-28 16:52
[原盘提取] 阿拉丁Aladdin.1992.CHN 台配/粤语 AC3 DD5.1-640Kbps attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 rightemp 2017-6-3 701860 bobi58888 2024-6-10 15:29
[重混音轨] 长城 The Great Wall 2016 重混中影数字公映国配 DTS 5.1 + AC3 5.1 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..7 nywyw 2017-6-2 3065016 yunhuiwu 2024-1-6 21:49
[其他分类] 大侦探福尔摩斯2:诡影游戏 CEE原盘自带上译国语音轨DD5.1 448K attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 hxj5566 2017-6-2 901881 慕容雪虎 2024-12-22 19:35
[其他分类] 大侦探福尔摩斯.Sherlock Holmes.2009 中录华纳6区国配DD5.1-384Kbps.ac3 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 hxj5566 2017-6-2 801209 19791120 2024-11-30 11:47
[其他分类] 乐高蝙蝠侠大电影 The LEGO Batman Movie.2017.台配国语AAC attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 gumfifasyd 2017-6-2 1011043 19791120 2024-11-30 11:49
[调制音轨] 了不起的菲丽西 Ballerina.2016.公映AAC2.0 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 gumfifasyd 2017-6-2 932304 CaoXiang891226 2020-3-10 15:03
[原盘提取] 那些最伟大的比赛.The.Greatest.Game.Ever.Played.2005 国配Dolby AC3 320K.ac3 attachment agree rightemp 2017-6-1 521129 ZJS50726072 2024-3-1 23:38
[调制音轨] 【首发】最终幻想15:王者之剑 Kingsglaive-Final.Fantasy.XV.2017.内录公映国... - [售价 50 大洋] attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 天使游民 2017-6-1 1082440 天妖 2024-5-4 20:56
[重混音轨] 长城 The Great Wall 2016 重混中影数字公映国配 DTS-HD MA 7.1 16bits(更新) attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 nywyw 2017-5-31 3746183 lchlxx 2024-5-27 19:35
[官方出品] 金刚狼3:殊死一战 Logan 2017 上译公映国语 【更新第一音频版】DD5.1-640kbps attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 优伶 SSD管理组 2017-5-31 5757123 wanmin111 2024-12-23 17:32
[调制音轨] 双龙出手 2 Guns (2013) 东影上译国语 DD2.0 192kbps attach_img heatlevel agree  ...234 doufupi 2017-5-30 1571979 lys518 2025-2-21 23:58
[调制音轨] 借着雨点说爱你/爱的轮回.Be.with.You.2004.央视国配.DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 - [售价 25 大洋] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 raul2615 2017-5-30 571268 sgfx8020 2022-3-29 16:33
[调制音轨] 勇闯黄金城 The Road to El Dorado.2000.台配国语.DD2.0-384Kbps.AC3 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 gumfifasyd 2017-5-29 592461 leo008 2024-10-31 20:19
[原盘提取] 外星醉汉PK地球神 DTS1509 全码国语 - [售价 35 大洋] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 shao76 2017-5-29 932015 19791120 2023-12-21 09:16
[调制音轨] 长城 The Great Wall 2016 数字公映国配 AC3 2.1 384Kbps (全程国配匹配蓝光) attachment heatlevel  ...2345 nywyw 2017-5-28 2192536 maeric31 2020-7-11 10:31
[调制音轨] 火车大劫案 The First Great Train Robbery (1979) 央视国语 DD2.0 192kbps attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 doufupi 2017-5-27 831585 gtszfczjy 2024-3-29 14:10
[转载音轨] 黑皮书.Zwartboek.2006.上译公映国语.补全版.DD2.0-256Kbps attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 wusongchun 2017-5-27 761524 chirs 2023-11-18 06:49
[调制音轨] 恋爱小说 A Novel Romance (2015) 央视国语DD2.0 448kbps attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 doufupi 2017-5-27 531244 CaoXiang891226 2020-3-10 15:07
[其他分类] 我的个神啊/外星醉汉PK地球神 PK.2014 公映国配 AC3 DD5.1-640Kbps attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 leon7799 2017-5-27 791636 19791120 2024-11-30 11:49
[调制音轨] 秘密的战争.Oorlogsgeheimen.2014.央视国配.DD2.0-256kbps.ac3 - [售价 20 大洋] attach_img agree raul2615 2017-5-26 481438 doculover 2024-2-13 16:47
[原盘提取] 乐高大电影.The.Lego.Movie.2014.台版原盘(2D)自带台配/粤配DD5.1-448kbps attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 manana 2017-5-26 1042142 leos 2024-1-20 20:38
[原盘提取] 天降美食二部合集.2009/2013.(3D)原盘自带台配/粤配DD5.1-448 kbps/DD5.1-640kbps attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 manana 2017-5-26 801000 19791120 2023-12-21 09:22
[原盘提取] 玩具总动员1-3/短片.Toy.Story.1995-2010/2013-2014.3D原盘自带台/粤配DD5.1-640kbps attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 manana 2017-5-26 601165 19791120 2023-12-21 09:23
[原盘提取] 魔术师.The.Illusionist.2006.华录原盘自带国配dtshd5.1- 1711kbps/DD5.1-448 kbps attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 manana 2017-5-26 951931 zc386255 2024-11-8 09:57
[原盘提取] 魔术师.The.Illusionist.2006.CHN 华录蓝光上译次世代国配 DTS-HD.MA5.1-1711Kbps - [售价 10 大洋] agree nbk_LXu 2017-5-25 351339 19791120 2023-12-21 09:27
[原盘提取] 玩具总动员Toy Story 1995-2010 三部曲原盘国粤配 DD5.1-640 kbps attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 zhougg009 2017-5-25 891393 bobi58888 2024-6-22 15:45
[转载音轨] 魔力女战士.Aeon.Flux.2005.重编码央视国语 DTS 5.1-755Kbps attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 manana 2017-5-23 821613 jasonwang68 2024-12-7 20:36
[原盘提取] 精灵旅社1/2.Hotel.Transylvania.2012/2015.原盘自带台配国语/粤配DD5.1-640 kbps attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 manana 2017-5-23 1302766 happyfan 2024-12-22 19:11
[原盘提取] 猫狗大战:珍珠猫复仇.2010.原盘台配国语/粤配DD5.1-640 kb/s attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 manana 2017-5-22 681442 cwjgogo 2024-10-13 22:47
[转载音轨] 小鬼救地球.Echo.Planet.2012.台配国语DD2.0-448 kb/s attach_img agree manana 2017-5-22 431020 doculover 2023-7-11 10:14
[转载音轨] 星河战队3.Starship.Troopers3.2008央视国语 acc attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 hxj5566 2017-5-22 75931 zxc9142 2024-9-15 09:02
[转载音轨] 星河战队2联邦英雄.Starship.Troopers.2.2004.京译国语aac attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 hxj5566 2017-5-22 892097 yinxingde 2024-10-24 13:00
[其他分类] 浴血擒魔/眼镜蛇/铁胆威龙 Cobra.1986.DD2.1 192K 国语 attachment agree  ...2 hxj5566 2017-5-22 501163 19791120 2024-11-30 11:51
[其他分类] 乐高蝙蝠侠大电影.The LEGO Batman Movie.公映国语 48.0khz aac2.0 - [售价 10 大洋] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 dearkang 2017-5-22 711781 19791120 2024-12-6 08:43
[调制音轨] 金刚狼3:殊死一战 Logan 2017 数字公映国语(匹配蓝光) DD2.0 256kbps attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..10 doufupi 2017-5-22 4596917 影音极客 2023-4-11 09:54
[其他分类] 银河护卫队2 (2017) 外录公映国语 DD2.0 -192kbps - [售价 2 大洋] heatlevel  ...2 ming_1022 2017-5-22 661731 19791120 2024-12-6 08:44
[调制音轨] 如何众叛亲离 How to Lose Friends.2008.长影国配.DD2.0-448Kbps.AC3 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 gumfifasyd 2017-5-21 551800 kevin9611 2022-6-13 20:55
[调制音轨] 老兵.The.Veteran.2011.东影国语.DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attach_img agree xiaoyang 2017-5-21 491190 tian7060 2022-9-21 14:25
[调制音轨] 四眼天鸡 Chicken Little.2005.央视国配.192Kbps.AC3 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 gumfifasyd 2017-5-20 561375 冰霜圣堂 2025-1-5 09:23
[调制音轨] 美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast (2017) 国语(匹配蓝光)DD2.0 384kbps - [售价 10 大洋] attachment heatlevel  ...23 lingfriendly 2017-5-19 1202230 CaoXiang891226 2020-3-10 15:31
[重混音轨] 海底总动员2 Finding Dory 重混正版国配 DTSHD7.1 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...234 汉江源 2017-5-19 1713488 kelinyujc 2024-6-2 21:52
[调制音轨] 美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast (2017) 大陆数字公映国语(匹配蓝光)DD2.0 256kbps attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..7 doufupi 2017-5-19 3255001 戰神龍之子 2024-5-17 01:35
[调制音轨] 幻想曲2000 Fantasia.2000.1999.央视国配.DD2.0-448Kbps.AC3 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 gumfifasyd 2017-5-18 82672 布莱顿 2023-5-8 12:47
[转载音轨] 精灵鼠小弟Stuart Little1和2合集 国配 DD5.1 -384 kbps /448kbps attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 zhougg009 2017-5-18 711319 ZJS50726072 2022-12-15 19:25
[转载音轨] 逃出克隆岛(重制版).The Island.2005.国配.DD5.1_448Kbps.ac3 - [售价 20 大洋]  ...2 klarkeliu 2017-5-18 52935 qn288 2022-8-17 04:23
[转载音轨] 金刚狼3:殊死一战 公映数字删减提取版 48.0khz aac2.0 - [售价 25 大洋] 530219 2017-5-18 33735 maeric31 2020-6-23 17:12
[原盘提取] 豚鼠特工队.G-Force.2009.港版3D原盘自带上译公映国配/粤配DD5.1-640kbps attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 manana 2017-5-16 85913 范海辛 2024-2-6 21:44
[原盘提取] 通灵男孩诺曼.PARANORMAN.2012.港版3D原盘自带台配/粤配DTS5.1-768kbps attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 manana 2017-5-16 651920 bobi58888 2024-5-4 21:51
[原盘提取] 海绵宝宝历险记:海绵出水.2015.台版原盘自带台配/粤配音轨DD5.1-640 kb/s attachment agree manana 2017-5-16 45746 poesung 2025-1-22 17:09
[原盘提取] 丁丁历险记.The.Adventures.of.Tintin.2011.原盘自带台配/粤配DD5.1-448 kb/s attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 manana 2017-5-16 591426 poesung 2024-11-3 12:24
[原盘提取] 穿靴子的猫.Puss.In.Boots.2011.原盘自带国配/粤配DD5.1-640 kb/s attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 manana 2017-5-16 1042139 afu1123 2024-8-6 08:17
[调制音轨] 狐狸猎手 Foxcatcher.2014.央视国配.DD2.0-128Kbps.AC3 attachment agree gumfifasyd 2017-5-16 431422 zrk123 2022-10-24 16:00
[转载音轨] 全面回忆(剧场版).Total.Recall.2012 上译公映国配 DD5.1-448Kbps.ac3 - [售价 30 大洋] attach_img agree msba 2017-5-16 411325 山水有相逢 2021-10-31 12:49
[原盘提取] 小黄人大眼萌(新索)Minions.2015.原盘自带台配/粤配音轨DD5.1-640kbps attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 manana 2017-5-16 672201 ZJS50726072 2024-8-5 21:10
[官方出品] 一条狗的使命 A Dog's Purpose 2017 重混公映国配 DD5.1-640Kbps heatlevel  ...23456..8 优伶 SSD管理组 2017-5-15 3846349 hlhl1111 2024-7-15 08:45
[原盘提取] 飞行家.The.Aviator.2004.原盘自带国配DD5.1-448 kb/s attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 manana 2017-5-15 631471 HD-SUB-LOL 2024-3-12 22:17
[调制音轨] 幸存的女孩.The.Final.Girls.2015.东影上译.DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 xiaoyang 2017-5-15 64747 superconan123 2024-9-26 14:52
[官方出品] 钢铁骑士 Max Steel 2016 中译公映国配 DD5.1-640Kbps attach_img heatlevel agree  ...234 TANSHU 2017-5-14 1723127 zk2015 2025-2-3 13:36
[调制音轨] 野马.Mustang.2015.央视.DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 xiaoyang 2017-5-14 661707 liguiying1970 2021-3-4 07:44
[原盘提取] 蝙蝠侠大战超人:正义黎明(剧场版).2016.台版原盘自带国配DD5.1-448 kb/s attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 manana 2017-5-14 741508 天妖 2024-6-12 13:10
[原盘提取] 终结者:创世纪.Terminator.Genisys.2015.泰盛原盘自带国配DD5.1-640kbps attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 manana 2017-5-14 1101887 zxc9142 2025-1-5 18:17
[原盘提取] 泰山归来:险战丛林.The.Legend.of.Tarzan.2016.台版原盘自带国配DD5.1-448kpbs attachment heatlevel  ...2 manana 2017-5-14 941483 19791120 2023-12-22 09:29
[原盘提取] 奇幻森林.The.Jungle.Book.2016.港版原盘自带国语DD5.1-640kbps attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 manana 2017-5-14 712206 liguiying1970 2024-1-31 21:57
[原盘提取] 美国队长3.Captain.America.Civil.War.2016.台版原盘自带国配DD5.1-640 kb/s attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 manana 2017-5-14 1001303 19791120 2023-12-22 09:32
[原盘提取] 星球大战7:原力觉醒.2015.台版原盘自带国配/粤语DD5.1-640 kb/s attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 manana 2017-5-14 972142 kuohsienl1290 2024-9-20 19:43
[原盘提取] 卑鄙的我1/2.Despicable.Me.2010/2013.原盘自带台配国语/粤配DTS5.1-768kbps attachment heatlevel agree  ...234 manana 2017-5-14 1803337 jiajia28a 2024-8-17 15:45
[转载音轨] 擒凶记.The.Man.Who.Knew.Too.Much.1956 上视国配 DD2.0-224kbps.ac3 attachment agree 邹清音 2017-5-13 39640 liguiying1970 2024-1-19 11:29
[其他分类] 赤色谍战.Communist.spy.2009.央视国语.AAC.DD2.0 attach_img agree huzy2003 2017-5-13 421378 19791120 2024-12-6 08:45
[原盘提取] 007:幽灵党.Spectre.2015.新索原盘自带国配DD5.1-448kbps attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 manana 2017-5-13 78788 19791120 2023-12-22 09:38
[原盘提取] 隐藏人物.Hidden.Figures.2016.欧版原盘自带国语DD5.1-448kbps attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 manana 2017-5-13 1502582 完颜光弟 2024-8-2 20:52
[调制音轨] 垫底辣妹.2014.六区央视国配.AC3-2.0(匹配蓝光) - [售价 10 大洋] heatlevel agree  ...2 wahahawa 2017-5-13 791583 westking2001 2024-3-12 15:55
[调制音轨] 宇宙威龙.Total.Recall.1990.调制国配音轨DD5.1-448kpbs attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 manana 2017-5-12 1082710 合金弹头09 2024-12-13 21:44
[原盘提取] 破坏王拉尔夫.2012.台版原盘自带国语/台配国语DD5.1-640kbps/粤配dtshd7.1-2046 kbps attachment agree manana 2017-5-12 40898 擎天兔 2024-2-25 08:42
[原盘提取] 地心历险记2:神秘岛.Journey.2.The.Mysterious.Island.2012.原盘国配DD5.1-640kbps attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 manana 2017-5-12 681093 19791120 2023-12-22 09:40
[原盘提取] 雷神2:黑暗世界.Thor.The.Dark.World.2013.台版原盘自带国配DD5.1-640kbps attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 manana 2017-5-12 851386 kuohsienl1290 2024-12-26 22:08
[原盘提取] 加勒比海盗4:陌生的潮汐.2011.港版原盘自带国配DD5.1-640kbps attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 manana 2017-5-12 68641 擎天兔 2024-7-28 15:08
[调制音轨] 惊天巨啸/海啸奇迹 The Impossible 2012 公映国配 AC3 5.1 640K attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23 leon7799 2017-5-12 1082586 czkaizi 2024-12-24 11:14
[调制音轨] 脱线女王 Young Adult.2011.东影上译.DD2.0-192Kbps.AC3 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 gumfifasyd 2017-5-12 521362 superconan123 2024-9-27 21:23
[转载音轨] 惊天巨啸.海啸奇迹.The.Impossible.2012.aac.128.Kbps国语音轨 attachment agree 邹清音 2017-5-11 35975 czkaizi 2024-12-24 11:16
[转载音轨] 异形2 Aliens 1986 央视国配 DD5.1 448Kbps.ac3 - [售价 15 大洋] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 onloveu 2017-5-11 771592 mblgc71 2024-12-29 20:17
[调制音轨] 玩命速递:重启之战.The.Transporter.Refueled.2015.央视长译公映国配.DD2.0-256Kb... - [售价 20 大洋] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 raul2615 2017-5-11 601688 CaoXiang891226 2020-3-12 23:24
[重混音轨] 神话 The Myth aka San Wa 2005 重混正版公映国配 DTS-HD MA 7.1 16bits attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 nywyw 2017-5-11 1222789 ZJS50726072 2024-9-5 09:59
[调制音轨] 一酷到底 Be Cool.2005.央视国配.DD2.0-224Kbps.AC3 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 gumfifasyd 2017-5-10 521346 tf2008624 2024-12-17 04:18
[调制音轨] 但丁密码.Inferno.2016.新索正版上译公映国配.DD5.1-384kbps.ac3 - [售价 20 大洋] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..7 raul2615 2017-5-10 3314942 CaoXiang891226 2020-3-12 23:25
[调制音轨] 萨利机长.Sully.2016.新索正版长译公映国配.DD5.1-384kbps.ac3 - [售价 20 大洋] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..7 raul2615 2017-5-10 3294067 lxm9357 2023-5-18 15:38
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