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[转载字幕] 动画片完美匹配国语字幕库个人收藏专贴,所有字幕免费下,2014新年福利! attachment digest heatlevel agree  ...23456..11 lorrylxw 2013-4-8 53323594 leos 2023-12-7 15:02
[转载字幕] 猩球崛起2.Dawn of the Planet of.the Apes.2014.BluRay.国配中英字幕(CMCT风格) attachment heatlevel  ...23456..11 wo5888 2014-11-11 5228543 hazaj88 2024-3-17 20:58
[转载字幕] [巨人捕手杰克].Jack.the.giant.slayer.2013.1080p.[国配特效字幕] attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..9 guomaomao895 2013-6-4 40011612 老鸟不飞 2024-1-28 16:55
[转载字幕] [国配]雷神.Thor.2011.720P.BluRay.x264.国配双语特效字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..8 guomaomao895 2013-5-26 3528052 枫香秋舞 2022-5-2 08:32
[转载字幕] [速度与激情5].Fast国语配音字幕 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..7 knuc12345 2011-10-16 33314103 Ronnie 2023-11-13 18:57
[转载字幕] 冰河世纪1 2 3 4 上译国配SUP特效字幕【重传百度网盘】 heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 8815974 2013-4-22 3618460 mm123mm456m 2024-4-9 13:12
[转载字幕] 银河护卫队Guardians.of.the.Galaxy.2014.BluRay.(原盘)国语中文字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..7 娑罗树 2014-11-19 3175962 山水有相逢 2023-9-3 09:33
[转载字幕] [侠探杰克].Jack.Reacher.2012.1080p.BluRay.X264[国配特效字幕] heatlevel  ...23456..7 guomaomao895 2013-6-6 3488857 飞鸟飞鸟 2024-3-20 21:19
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】蚁人.Ant.Man.2015.蓝光2D/左右半宽/上下半高【更新精调版】 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456 优伶 SSD管理组 2015-11-19 2665658 gm0606 2023-2-19 11:11
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】星际穿越.Interstellar.2014.DVDScr.XVID中文字幕修正版 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456 knuc12345 2015-1-21 2535304 yewenwu 2023-11-13 23:57
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】疯狂动物城.zootopia.2016.BluRay 正版网络公映普通话字幕[5.23更新] attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456 realyinxu 2016-5-20 2685287 jjyzlbf1 2022-10-13 13:35
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】侏罗纪世界 Jurassic.World.2015.简中特效字幕 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456 liang75639759 2015-9-28 2875061 矛头 2024-1-30 20:01
[转载字幕] 魔戒三部曲中文字幕(完美匹配剧场版国语发音) attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456 lishiren1978 2012-5-16 25511719 gm0606 2023-2-28 12:57
[转载字幕] [卑鄙的我.收藏版]Despicable Me.2010.Bluray.720p.x264.AC3.2Audios-CMCT.国语匹配字 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456 realyinxu 2010-12-12 25510289 yonhoop 2024-3-24 16:01
[转载字幕] [钢铁侠3]中国大陆特供版国语配音字幕1.5版(514更新) attachment heatlevel  ...23456 knuc12345 2013-5-13 2589243 天妖 2024-2-17 04:32
[转载字幕] 里约大冒险 上译国配SUP特效字幕【重传百度网盘】 heatlevel  ...2345 8815974 2013-4-26 2476497 colacc 2024-3-4 23:50
[转载字幕] 美国队长.Captain America: The First Avenger.2011国配对应中英字幕(CMCT风格) attachment heatlevel  ...2345 wo5888 2014-8-5 2464526 yingfeng-li 2023-11-29 12:28
[转载字幕] 【完美匹配】上译公映国配【新特警判官】双语特效字幕 heatlevel agree  ...2345 guomaomao895 2013-5-13 2247197 老鸟不飞 2024-3-23 00:00
[转载字幕] [银河守护队 公映国配字幕].Guardians.of.the.Galaxy.2014.BD1080P - [售价 2 大洋] attach_img heatlevel  ...234 feng0571hk 2014-11-18 1973539 308875811 2015-12-7 23:05
[转载字幕] 美国队长2.Captain.America.The.Winter.Soldier.2014国配字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...2345 guomaomao895 2014-8-2 2065066 良乡夜色 2021-4-13 16:02
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】疯狂外星人Home.2015.720p.匹配WEB-DL【中英双语字幕】 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...234 LINJIANPING 2015-5-23 1852636 sakewine 2020-2-3 22:44
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】移动迷宫2.Maze Runner:The Scorch Trials2015.蓝光简中【修正版】 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2345 优伶 SSD管理组 2015-12-3 2204137 binbey 2024-3-13 16:02
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】谍影重重.The.Bourne.Identity.2002.BluRay.ass国配特效 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456 wusan918 2016-1-3 2814631 PlasticLove 2024-2-25 13:26
[转载字幕] 【上译国配】真实的谎言 True Lies 1994.国配特效字幕 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2345 wusan918 2015-12-24 2484435 kuohsienl1290 2024-4-4 14:46
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】谍影重重2.The.Bourne.Supremacy.2004.BluRay.中文特效字幕 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456 wusan918 2016-1-4 2504738 想什么是什么 2023-12-11 21:59
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】谍影重重3.The.Bourne.Ultimatum.2007.BluRay.ass国配特效 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456 wusan918 2016-1-6 2564743 kuohsienl1290 2024-2-7 00:04
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】像素大战.Pixels.2015.WEB/2D/左右半宽/上下半高【更新蓝光版】 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...234 优伶 SSD管理组 2015-10-2 1593258 lihang77 2023-9-4 00:38
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】007幽灵党 Spectre 2015 BluRay 1080p .ass国配特效(修正版) attach_img heatlevel agree  ...234 wusan918 2016-2-6 1823012 飞鸟飞鸟 2023-12-5 16:33
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】灰姑娘.Cinderella.2015.中文字幕【原盘版\修正版】 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...234 优伶 SSD管理组 2015-6-22 1753576 ZJS50726072 2024-1-30 16:05
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】加勒比海盗.4部合集.BluRay.简体中文字幕SRT attachment heatlevel  ...2345 suguicai11 2015-4-29 2344857 TY1023 2024-2-10 10:42
[转载字幕] 冰雪奇缘 对应台配发音 attachment heatlevel  ...23 lzk788136 2014-3-21 1333748 xianrenyou2012 2019-4-20 14:33
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】末日崩塌.San Andreas.2015.简中特效字幕 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 liang75639759 2015-9-25 1462380 洪福齐天 2023-9-27 20:52
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】明日世界.Tomorrowland.2015.调制匹配蓝光版 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23 优伶 SSD管理组 2015-9-25 1242812 quyanglu 2023-10-29 21:27
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】马达加斯加的企鹅.Penguins.of.Madagascar.2014.Web-di字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...23 realyinxu 2015-1-1 1152286 rywane 2017-6-7 12:09
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】神探夏洛克.Sherlock.The.Abominable.Bride.2016.BluRay特效精调[修正版] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23 lh2012 2016-2-23 1442066 binbey 2024-3-5 13:15
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】盗梦空间.Inception.2010.简中/双语/台版官方字幕 attachment heatlevel agree  ...234 xiaochenjia 2015-5-15 1773146 sunstar12 2023-4-1 18:43
[转载字幕] 沉睡魔咒.Maleficent.2014.BluRay.SUP国配中文字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...23 kelinyujc 2014-9-17 1233049 softdl 2023-6-8 09:24
[转载字幕] 【台版国配】小黄人.Minions.2015.匹配蓝光【原盘精调版】 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 66ds 2015-10-24 1171862 colorange 2023-10-20 13:18
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】《速度与激情4》/《赛车风云》Fast.And.Furious.4.2009【修正版】 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23 优伶 SSD管理组 2015-4-29 1402781 枫香秋舞 2024-3-18 12:57
[转载字幕] 怪物史莱克 1 2 台配SUP特效字幕【百度网盘】 heatlevel  ...23 8815974 2013-4-26 1203918 conanjhc 2024-3-8 22:00
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】头脑特工队.Inside Out.2015.蓝光简/繁【原盘版】 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23 优伶 SSD管理组 2015-10-21 1052576 liguanru 2018-8-23 19:15
[转载字幕] 【六区国配】唐伯虎点秋香.1993国配字幕精校版 attachment heatlevel agree  ...234 songhong001 2015-5-1 1504110 aicong 2023-9-20 20:50
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】饥饿游戏3:嘲笑鸟(下)国配中英双语特效精调字幕 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23 fishcp163 2016-4-25 1432647 quyanglu 2024-2-20 19:05
[转载字幕] 【六区国配】国产凌凌漆/From Beijing with Love 国语字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...23 bo521shao 2015-5-19 1102744 huleigood 2022-9-26 23:27
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】移动迷宫.The Maze Runner 2014 DVDRip XviD-MAXSPEED attach_img heatlevel  ...2 feng0571hk 2014-11-28 782263 shengang82 2018-1-13 14:01
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】星际穿越.Interstellar.2014.HDCAM.ACAB attachment heatlevel  ...2 fishcp163 2015-1-1 881341 nickhuajun 2016-9-14 10:41
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】007:量子危机 Quantum Of Solace.2008 BluRay 1080p .ass+sup国配特效 heatlevel agree  ...234 wusan918 2016-5-1 1592514 cosmos_2000 2022-2-28 10:34
[转载字幕] 【京译国语】夺宝奇兵1:法柜奇兵.Raiders.of.the.Lost.Ark.1981国配特效 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...234 wusan918 2015-12-5 1652417 天妖 2024-3-22 19:52
[转载字幕] 【国配字幕】小王子.The Little Prince.2015.2D+3D左右 完美匹配国语音轨 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 3dezu 2015-12-1 872176 niniwo228 2023-9-16 19:01
[转载字幕] 【台版国配】恐龙当家.The.Good.Dinosau.2015.(精调版)4.12更新 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 aojing85 2016-4-11 982672 淡淡的秋痕 2023-8-22 18:58
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】王牌特工:特工学院.未删减版.上译国配特效(精调版) attachment heatlevel agree  ...234 fishcp163 2016-4-28 1843250 doculover 2024-3-19 23:23
[转载字幕] 【央视国配】僵尸世界大战.World War Z.2013.BluRay ASS国配特效 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...234 wusan918 2016-5-3 1553824 conanjhc 2024-3-12 21:50
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】蚁人.Ant.Man.2015. 断句处理. 完美匹配国语音轨 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23 wusan918 2015-12-3 1102266 liuaipeng 2021-6-2 21:39
[转载字幕] 【京译国语】夺宝奇兵4 the.Kingdom.of.the.Crystal.Skull.2008.ass国配特效 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...234 wusan918 2015-12-13 1612529 lt83687365 2023-11-10 20:04
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】猩球崛起2:黎明之战.3D字幕.【左右半宽&上下半宽】 attachment heatlevel  ...23 优伶 SSD管理组 2014-12-1 1004096 fwldsr8T 2024-1-2 17:34
[转载字幕] <<创战记>>国配对应字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...2 jjw8008 2011-5-15 764621 mjpl1314 2022-11-22 13:14
[转载字幕] 【京译国语】夺宝奇兵3 Indiana.Jones.and.the.Last.Crusade.1989.ass国配特效 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23 wusan918 2015-12-11 1442602 天妖 2024-3-22 19:57
[转载字幕] 【京译国语】夺宝奇兵2 Indiana.Jones.and.the.Temple.of.Doom.1984.ass国配特效 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23 wusan918 2015-12-9 1452786 天妖 2024-3-22 19:54
[转载字幕] 【台版国配】怪物史瑞克4\怪物史莱克4\Shrek Forever After 2011 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 bo521shao 2015-6-16 1002495 niniwo228 2023-10-1 18:32
[转载字幕] 【台版国配】头脑特工队.Inside Out.蓝光原盘台配/粤配双字幕 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 the 2015-11-4 931903 happyfan 2024-2-22 15:28
[转载字幕] 【动画字幕】小马王 国配字幕 完美匹配台配 attachment heatlevel  ...2 8815974 2014-4-28 831956 maoboli 2022-12-23 14:57
[转载字幕] 吉卜力所出所有蓝光原盘的台配国语字幕合集 attachment heatlevel  ...2 lzk788136 2014-1-12 742714 SZTW 2020-2-9 15:12
[转载字幕] [盗梦侦探].Paprika.2006.BluRay.国语匹配字幕.简繁 heatlevel  ...2 hoboyo 2011-5-20 774933 al6 2021-7-16 10:40
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】生化危机4:战神再生.Resident.Evil.Afterlife.2010.简体特效ASS attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 梦幻之龙 CMCT工作组SSD管理组 2016-1-26 1322498 天妖 2024-3-17 17:30
[转载字幕] 【台版国配】冰河世纪1-4/冰川时代1-4/Ice Age 1-4 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 bo521shao 2015-5-5 1022017 古早人 2023-3-12 11:17
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】指环王:国王归来/魔戒3(加长版)The Return of the King.2003 attachment heatlevel  ...23 fengqing69 2014-11-27 1192869 iamzxw 2023-5-15 08:58
[转载字幕] 【台版国配】怪物史瑞克3\怪物史莱克3\Shrek the Third 2007 attachment heatlevel  ...2 bo521shao 2015-6-16 921713 wyanghpq 2023-10-13 15:03
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】伦敦陷落.London.Has.Fallen.2016.R6.720P.WEB-DL.x264 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 zmz1314520 2016-5-29 622316 hdfand 2017-4-2 21:49
[转载字幕] 【六区国配】星球大战4新希望.Star.Wars.Episode.4.简体字幕【梦幻之龙原创上精修】 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23 古早人 2016-2-4 1032627 jianghong 2024-4-6 22:10
[转载字幕] 【八一国配】生化危机5:惩罚.Resident.Evil.Retribution.2012.简体特效ASS attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 梦幻之龙 CMCT工作组SSD管理组 2016-1-26 1302334 天妖 2024-3-17 17:26
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】忍者神龟:变种时代.3D字幕【左右半宽&上下半高】 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 优伶 SSD管理组 2014-12-2 631919 上海凯砾丝网 2018-11-5 09:10
[转载字幕] 【上译国配】生化危机1.2002.720P.简单ASS特效 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 梦幻之龙 CMCT工作组SSD管理组 2016-2-23 1192382 天妖 2024-3-17 17:00
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】蚁人.Ant.Man.2015. 精心调校. 完美匹配国语音轨 heatlevel agree  ...2 3dezu 2015-11-30 602002 Aimo 2016-2-21 12:20
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】钢铁侠1.Iron Man.2008.中文字幕 - [售价 20 大洋] heatlevel agree  ...2 msba 2015-4-28 961965 天妖 2024-2-17 04:35
[转载字幕] 【动画字幕】变身国王 国配字幕 完美匹配台配 attachment heatlevel  ...2 8815974 2014-4-30 683033 锦州飞鹰 2019-10-14 23:16
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】第七子:降魔之战.Seventh.Son.2014【转3D:左右半宽&上下半高】 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 优伶 SSD管理组 2015-4-29 611805 foolishdog 2021-2-25 15:47
[转载字幕] 【国配字幕】九品芝麻官.Hail.The.Judge.1994 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23 bo521shao 2016-4-27 1133330 holoe 2024-2-5 15:43
[转载字幕] 怪物史瑞克\怪物史莱克\Shrek 2001 匹配台配 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 bo521shao 2012-8-22 803146 淡淡的秋痕 2023-8-22 10:15
[转载字幕] 蝙蝠侠前传2:黑暗骑士 [绝对完美国语匹配字幕] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 吴汉三 2011-12-29 5710386 lqken 2019-4-10 10:36
[转载字幕] 【六区国配】醉拳2.Drunken Master II.BD.匹配蓝光中文字幕 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 realyinxu 2015-5-4 851604 hbyczgqyfhx 2024-3-30 18:18
[转载字幕] 三个傻瓜\三傻大闹宝莱坞\3 Idiots2009 国配字幕 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 bo521shao 2012-9-5 773886 yefeng51 2024-3-16 07:20
[转载字幕] 玩具总动员之惊魂夜Toy Story of Terror 2013国语字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...2 66ds 2014-8-17 601651 天妖 2024-1-31 02:50
[转载字幕] 【上译国配】生化危机3:灭绝.2007.720P.简单ASS特效 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 梦幻之龙 CMCT工作组SSD管理组 2016-2-23 1142402 天妖 2024-3-17 17:29
[转载字幕] 【台版国配】天降美食\美食从天而降\Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 bo521shao 2015-6-16 701807 yonhoop 3 天前
[转载字幕] 《变形金刚3》国配对应字幕 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 jjw8008 2011-8-17 505487 al6 2021-7-21 06:03
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】2012世界末日.2012.2009.Blu-ray.简体中文SRT attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 heartwood 2016-2-12 951473 TY1023 2024-2-4 22:55
[转载字幕] 【台配国语】圣斗士星矢:圣域传说.Saint.Seiya.Legend.Of.Sanctuary.2014.BluRay attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 zmz1314520 2016-4-7 691547 doculover 2023-7-5 22:03
[转载字幕] 怪物史瑞克2\怪物史莱克2\Shrek 2 2004 匹配台配 attach_img heatlevel  ...2 bo521shao 2012-8-23 683032 gm0606 2023-3-21 22:01
[转载字幕] 【台版国配】精灵旅社/尖叫旅社/Hotel.Transylvania.2012 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 bo521shao 2016-1-3 722179 小丹尼23 2024-1-2 06:25
[转载字幕] 卑鄙的我2.Despicable.Me.2.2013.chs台配特效字幕,集多位大神而成的作品(11.06更新) heatlevel agree lorrylxw 2013-11-6 493370 xianrenyou2012 2017-9-9 10:25
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