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公告 公告: 11月SSD邀请码申请 Bluray 2024-11-9    
[转载字幕] 【央视国语 】终结者1 The Terminator 1984 BluRay 央视OCR国语SRT字幕 jiaoliyu attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 realyinxu 2017-12-18 601921 08dan 1 小时前
[转载字幕] 【公映央视】火海凌云.The.Crew.2016.BluRay 央视sub字幕 匹配蓝光 agree realyinxu 2019-10-4 19617 yang93541 3 小时前
[转载字幕] 【国配字幕】九品芝麻官.Hail.The.Judge.1994 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23 bo521shao 2016-4-27 1173771 拨云见日liu 昨天 20:02
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】异星战场.John.Carter.2012.BluRay.公映国配精调特效.ass attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 阿廖-子非驴 2018-7-4 651833 虎皮猫大人 前天 06:04
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】忍者神龟:变种时代.3D字幕【左右半宽&上下半高】 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 优伶 SSD管理组 2014-12-2 642204 gm0606 3 天前
[转载字幕] 【台版国配】冰河世纪1-4/冰川时代1-4/Ice Age 1-4 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 bo521shao 2015-5-5 1042576 黑橡果 4 天前
[转载字幕] 【台版国配】怪物史瑞克4\怪物史莱克4\Shrek Forever After 2011 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 bo521shao 2015-6-16 1063104 fwldsr8T 4 天前
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】指环王:国王归来/魔戒3(加长版)The Return of the King.2003 attachment heatlevel  ...23 fengqing69 2014-11-27 1213329 leon7799 5 天前
[转载字幕] 【原盘台配】花木兰2.Mulan Ⅱ.2004.BluRay 原盘台配SUP字幕 agree realyinxu 2018-1-14 20546 anquye12300 5 天前
[转载字幕] 【原盘台配】花木兰1.Mulan.1998.BluRay 原盘大陆公映/台配SUP字幕 agree realyinxu 2018-1-13 343106 anquye12300 5 天前
[转载字幕] 【台配国语】艾特熊和赛娜鼠élestin.2012.台配国语.SRT attachment agree 邹清音 2018-10-11 22774 小丹尼23 5 天前
[转载字幕] 【台配字幕】驯龙高手台配繁中特效+台配繁英特效 attachment agree playants 2018-11-24 271237 emo 5 天前
[转载字幕] 【台配国语】奇妙仙子.小叮当.1-4.四部合集.2008-2012.Tinker.Bell.Bluray 台配字幕 attachment agree realyinxu 2017-7-28 201046 emo 6 天前
[转载字幕] 【台配字幕】熊的传说1.Brother.Bear.2003.BluRay 台配SRT字幕 attachment agree realyinxu 2018-1-26 16792 emo 6 天前
[转载字幕] 【台配字幕】狂野大自然/野蛮任务.The.Wild.2006.BluRay 台湾国配字幕.srt attachment agree realyinxu 2018-3-8 4511 emo 6 天前
[转载字幕] 【台版国配】穿越时空的少女\跳跃吧!时空少女.The Girl Who Leapt Through Time attachment heatlevel agree bo521shao 2015-6-19 321907 emo 6 天前
[转载字幕] 【台版国配】超能陆战队\大英雄联盟.Big Hero 6 2014 中文字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...2 bo521shao 2015-6-21 571790 emo 6 天前
[转载字幕] 【台版国配】汽车总动员.Cars.2006 attachment heatlevel agree bo521shao 2015-9-17 33964 emo 6 天前
[转载字幕] 【台版国配】汽车总动员2.Cars.2.2011 attachment heatlevel agree bo521shao 2015-9-18 401538 emo 6 天前
[转载字幕] 【台版国配】美食总动员/料理鼠王/Ratatouille.2007 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 bo521shao 2015-9-18 522975 emo 6 天前
[转载字幕] 【台版国配】兰戈/飙风雷哥/Rango.2011 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 bo521shao 2016-1-3 552396 emo 6 天前
[转载字幕] 【台版国配】怪兽电力公司.Monsters, Inc.2001 attachment heatlevel agree bo521shao 2015-9-18 35869 emo 6 天前
[转载字幕] 【台版国配】极速蜗牛/涡轮方程式/Turbo.2013 attachment agree bo521shao 2016-1-3 9744 emo 6 天前
[转载字幕] 【台版国配】驯龙高手/驯龙记/How.To.Train.Your.Dragon.2010 attachment heatlevel agree bo521shao 2016-1-3 31800 emo 6 天前
[转载字幕] 【台版国配】疯狂动物城 / 优兽大都会 / 动物方城市.Zootopi. 2016 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 bo521shao 2016-7-11 552102 emo 6 天前
[转载字幕] 【台版国配】逗鸟外传:萌宝满天飞/送子鸟/Storks 2016 attachment agree bo521shao 2018-1-19 211210 emo 6 天前
[转载字幕] 【台版国配】怪物史瑞克3\怪物史莱克3\Shrek the Third 2007 attachment heatlevel  ...2 bo521shao 2015-6-16 962206 emo 6 天前
[转载字幕] 【台版国配】天降美食\美食从天而降\Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 bo521shao 2015-6-16 712093 emo 6 天前
[转载字幕] 【台版国配】追逐繁星的孩子.Children.Who.Chase.Lost.Voices.from.Deep.Below attachment heatlevel agree bo521shao 2015-6-13 361756 emo 6 天前
[转载字幕] 怪物史瑞克2\怪物史莱克2\Shrek 2 2004 匹配台配 attach_img heatlevel  ...2 bo521shao 2012-8-23 743485 emo 6 天前
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】疯狂动物城.zootopia.2016.BluRay 正版网络公映普通话字幕[5.23更新] attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456 realyinxu 2016-5-20 2725888 uiop13 6 天前
[转载字幕] 【东影上译】汉娜.Hanna.2011.BluRay 东方电影频道 agree realyinxu 2018-8-26 19534 gm0606 7 天前
[转载字幕] 【央视国配】两小无猜/敢爱就来/宝贝游戏.Jeux.d'enfants.2003.央视普通话字幕 简中ASS attachment agree wycjwl 2022-11-4 141179 胜天半子 7 天前
[转载字幕] 【中影国配】超人:钢铁之躯.Man.of.Steel.2013.BluRay.简体中字.ass attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 梦幻之龙 CMCT工作组SSD管理组 2016-12-11 881177 gm0606 7 天前
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】盗梦空间.Inception.2010.简中/双语/台版官方字幕 attachment heatlevel agree  ...234 xiaochenjia 2015-5-15 1783535 emo 7 天前
[转载字幕] 吉卜力所出所有蓝光原盘的台配国语字幕合集 attachment heatlevel  ...2 lzk788136 2014-1-12 752883 emo 2024-11-2 22:30
[转载字幕] 【台版国配】小黄人.Minions.2015.匹配蓝光【原盘精调版】 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 66ds 2015-10-24 1182165 emo 2024-11-2 21:50
[转载字幕] 【台版国配】飞机总动员2.Planes.Fire.and.Rescue.2014 attachment heatlevel agree boy3510817 2015-10-6 371320 emo 2024-11-2 21:43
[转载字幕] 【上译国配】危情谍战(加长版)Knight.And.Day.Extended.Cut.2010.Blu.ass国配特效 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23 wusan918 2017-1-19 1362610 一凡GH 2024-11-2 21:30
[转载字幕] 【台版国配】恐龙当家.The.Good.Dinosau.2015.(精调版)4.12更新 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 aojing85 2016-4-11 993058 emo 2024-11-2 21:27
[转载字幕] 【台配国语】麻吉妖怪岛台配国语.简中 attach_img agree 邹清音 2018-9-30 141235 emo 2024-11-2 20:30
[转载字幕] 【台配国语】恐龙当家.The.Good.Dinosaur.2015.台配国语.ASS attach_img agree 邹清音 2018-10-8 241219 emo 2024-11-2 19:59
[转载字幕] 【蓝光国配】赌圣.All.for.the.Winner.1990.KOR.BluRay.国配简体 attachment agree jetli1992 2022-8-12 431792 kelvinqi 2024-11-2 19:39
[转载字幕] 天降美食2\美食从天而降2\Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2009 配匹台配 attachment heatlevel  ...2 bo521shao 2014-2-26 542506 emo 2024-11-2 15:17
[转载字幕] 【台版国配】怪兽在巴黎\巴黎魅影\A Monster in Paris 2011 attachment heatlevel agree bo521shao 2015-6-15 311722 emo 2024-11-2 15:00
[转载字幕] 【台版国配】精灵旅社/尖叫旅社/Hotel.Transylvania.2012 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 bo521shao 2016-1-3 752670 emo 2024-11-2 14:55
[转载字幕] 【台版国配】丁丁历险记.The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn 2011 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 bo521shao 2015-7-2 621781 emo 2024-11-2 14:53
[转载字幕] 【台版国配】精灵旅社2/尖叫旅社2/Hotel.ransylvania.2.2015 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 bo521shao 2016-1-18 572561 emo 2024-11-2 14:47
[转载字幕] 【台版国配】爱宠大机密/宠物当家/The Secret Life of Pets 2016 attachment agree bo521shao 2018-1-19 19678 emo 2024-11-2 14:43
[转载字幕] 【台版国配】海底总动员/寻找尼莫/Finding.Nemo.2003 attachment heatlevel agree bo521shao 2015-9-17 40974 emo 2024-11-2 14:26
[转载字幕] 动画片完美匹配国语字幕库个人收藏专贴,所有字幕免费下,2014新年福利! attachment digest heatlevel agree  ...23456..11 lorrylxw 2013-4-8 53624613 虎皮猫大人 2024-11-2 14:15
[转载字幕] 【原盘台配】拜见罗宾逊一家 / 未来小子.Meet the Robinsons.2007.BluRay.SUP字幕音轨 agree realyinxu 2018-1-25 9345 emo 2024-11-2 13:55
[转载字幕] 【台配字幕】尼斯大冒险 Manou the Swift 2019 BluRay 简中SRT attachment 轻语 2020-10-17 5442 emo 2024-11-2 12:34
[转载字幕] 【台配字幕】我的爸爸是森林之王.The.Son.Of.Bigfoot.2017.BluRay 台配SRT字幕 attachment agree realyinxu 2018-1-30 12541 emo 2024-11-2 12:27
[转载字幕] 【原盘台配】狮子王 1-3 合集 .The Lion King 1994-2004 BluRay 原盘台配SUP字幕音轨 heatlevel agree  ...2 realyinxu 2018-1-24 592409 aing 2024-11-2 04:59
[转载字幕] 【上译国配】神秘代码/先知.Knowing.2009.BluRay.ass【精调版】 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 梦幻之龙 CMCT工作组SSD管理组 2016-5-23 881721 xiurong 2024-10-28 23:22
[转载字幕] [巨人捕手杰克].Jack.the.giant.slayer.2013.1080p.[国配特效字幕] attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..9 guomaomao895 2013-6-4 40212500 gm0606 2024-10-26 22:03
[转载字幕] 【上译国配】东方快车谋杀案.2017版.Murder.on.the.Orient.Express.简中srt - [售价 18 大洋] agree 随缘58 2018-7-18 13401 老鸟不飞 2024-10-26 00:26
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】狂暴巨兽 Rampage.2018.国配对应srt字幕 - [售价 15 大洋] agree 随缘58 2018-7-11 41882 chi65000 2024-10-22 20:00
[转载字幕] 【央视配音】勇闯黄金城.勇闯黄金岛 字幕 sub - [售价 6 大洋] agree realyinxu 2018-11-22 7483 ngdxw 2024-10-20 03:16
[转载字幕] 【国语配音】春逝.One.Fine.Spring.Day.2001.国语简中srt attach_img agree 想什么是什么 2023-9-3 2296 古早人 2024-10-15 19:52
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】王牌特工:特工学院.未删减版.上译国配特效(精调版) attachment heatlevel agree  ...234 fishcp163 2016-4-28 1883961 chieny 2024-10-15 13:07
[转载字幕] 【上译国配】国王的演讲.The.King's.Speech.2010.1080p.BluRay.完美匹配上译国语.SRT attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 2012cmct 2016-1-24 741845 binbey 2024-10-13 19:03
[转载字幕] 沉睡魔咒.Maleficent.2014.BluRay.SUP国配中文字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...23 kelinyujc 2014-9-17 1253393 【捆绑】 2024-10-13 18:31
[转载字幕] [宝贝计划].Rob-B-Hood.Extended.Version.2006.BluRay.1080p.x265.10bit.AC3.3Audios-CMCT_Track5 attachment agree realyinxu 2024-1-31 13535 kuohsienl1290 2024-10-13 13:08
[转载字幕] 【六区国配】醉拳2.Drunken Master II.BD.匹配蓝光中文字幕 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 realyinxu 2015-5-4 882171 kuohsienl1290 2024-10-13 10:21
[转载字幕] 【央视国配】第一滴血4(加长版)Rambo.First.Blood.IV.2008.BluRay.ass字幕 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 hxj5566 2017-4-27 621403 枫香秋舞 2024-10-12 16:11
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】驯龙高手国配简中特效+国配双语特效 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 playants 2018-11-24 641904 虎皮猫大人 2024-10-11 20:07
[转载字幕] 【蓝光国配】重案组 Crime Story 1993 国配ASS简体中文字幕 attach_img agree 轻语 2019-11-16 39993 yuanhz_1983 2024-10-11 13:31
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】灰姑娘.Cinderella.2015.中文字幕【原盘版\修正版】 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...234 优伶 SSD管理组 2015-6-22 1764073 zhaoqiao118 2024-10-6 22:44
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】2012世界末日.2012.2009.Blu-ray.简体中文SRT attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 heartwood 2016-2-12 991742 kuohsienl1290 2024-10-5 23:29
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】007幽灵党 Spectre 2015 BluRay 1080p .ass国配特效(修正版) attach_img heatlevel agree  ...234 wusan918 2016-2-6 1833464 mjpl1314 2024-10-3 16:50
[转载字幕] [钢铁侠3]中国大陆特供版国语配音字幕1.5版(514更新) attachment heatlevel  ...23456 knuc12345 2013-5-13 2619915 mjpl1314 2024-10-3 16:02
[转载字幕] 【原盘台配】公主与青蛙.公主和青蛙.Princess and the Frog.2009.原盘SUP字幕及音轨 agree realyinxu 2018-1-20 211190 古早人 2024-10-1 10:31
[转载字幕] [卑鄙的我.神偷奶爸.收藏版]Despicable Me.2010.Bluray.720p.x264.AC3.2Audios-CMCT.国语匹配字 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456 realyinxu 2010-12-12 25610956 神力永恒 2024-9-30 18:35
[转载字幕] 猩球崛起2.Dawn of the Planet of.the Apes.2014.BluRay.国配中英字幕(CMCT风格) attachment heatlevel  ...23456..11 wo5888 2014-11-11 5289540 飞鸟飞鸟 2024-9-30 01:12
[转载字幕] 【上译国配】金刚狼 X-Men.Origins.Wolverine.2009国语ass字幕 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 hxj5566 2017-3-31 941420 Chinaqhxn 2024-9-29 20:45
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】洛杉矶之战.Battle.Los.Angeles.2011.BluRay.简体中字.ass attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 梦幻之龙 CMCT工作组SSD管理组 2016-12-11 551586 jzsjj 2024-9-28 22:39
[转载字幕] 【大陆台湾】钟楼怪人.The Hunchback of Notre Dame.1996.BlrRay 上译sub字幕 attachment agree realyinxu 2018-4-18 7427 花开米兰 2024-9-27 00:09
[转载字幕] 【台配字幕】阿拉丁.Aladdin.1992.BluRay 台配SRT字幕 attachment agree realyinxu 2017-12-21 221085 花开米兰 2024-9-26 22:01
[转载字幕] 【台版国配】头脑特工队.Inside Out.蓝光原盘台配/粤配双字幕 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 the 2015-11-4 952473 天妖 2024-9-26 08:50
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】中南海保镖.The Bodyguard From Beijing.1994.匹配法二【精调版】 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 citetsilver 2016-4-7 651914 老鸟不飞 2024-9-24 01:47
[转载字幕] 怪物史莱克 1 2 台配SUP特效字幕【百度网盘】 heatlevel  ...23 8815974 2013-4-26 1224452 boaigjh 2024-9-22 20:31
[转载字幕] 【京译国语】夺宝奇兵3 Indiana.Jones.and.the.Last.Crusade.1989.ass国配特效 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23 wusan918 2015-12-11 1463156 meiyuting 2024-9-20 12:26
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】饥饿游戏3:嘲笑鸟(下)国配中英双语特效精调字幕 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23 fishcp163 2016-4-25 1463167 kuohsienl1290 2024-9-19 01:04
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】神探夏洛克.Sherlock.The.Abominable.Bride.2016.BluRay特效精调[修正版] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23 lh2012 2016-2-23 1482409 Chinaqhxn 2024-9-18 18:23
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】《速度与激情4》/《赛车风云》Fast.And.Furious.4.2009【修正版】 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23 优伶 SSD管理组 2015-4-29 1423168 老鸟不飞 2024-9-16 22:29
[转载字幕] 【长译国配】圆梦足球.Der.ganz.grosse.Traum.2011.BD.German.MiniSD-TLF 央视国配 attachment agree realyinxu 2016-5-31 5361 doculover 2024-9-3 08:21
[转载字幕] 【公映国配】叶问2.Ip Man 2.简体中文SRT.匹配港版蓝光 attach_img heatlevel agree 574619744 2016-5-7 44988 1023886356 2024-8-31 11:26
[转载字幕] 【上译国配】海神号.Poseidon.2006.BluRay.上译国配字幕.ass heatlevel agree  ...2 合金弹头09 2018-3-7 531367 chi65000 2024-8-19 11:19
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