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[转载音轨] 十日拍拖手册.2003 六区国配.AC3-DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-19 38406 pixel 2022-5-22 00:45
[转载音轨] 致命女人香.Bad.Girls.1994 国配 DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-5-20 381105 鸣狮dannie 2023-1-28 21:20
[转载音轨] 奴隶情人.100.Days.with.Mr.Arrogant.2004.台配2.0-128kbps.m4a attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-2-22 37929 pixel 2022-5-22 06:37
[转载音轨] 擒凶记.The.Man.Who.Knew.Too.Much.1956 上视国配 DD2.0-224kbps.ac3 attachment agree 邹清音 2017-5-13 39486 liguiying1970 2024-1-19 11:29
[转载音轨] 导盲犬小Q.Quill.2004 上译国配 AAC 2.0-128Kbps.m4a attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-20 381181 pixel 2022-5-22 00:41
[转载音轨] 星银岛.Treasure.Planet.2002 央视国配 DD2.0-256kbps.ac3 agree realyinxu 2017-7-28 361042 CaoXiang891226 2020-3-10 11:11
[转载音轨] 秒速5厘米.Byousoku 5 Centimeter.2007 大陆国配 DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-10 39305 doculover 2023-7-5 18:50
[转载音轨] 惊天杀人陷阱/火线悍将 国配 2.0-329Kbps.m4a attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-21 37375 pixel 2022-5-22 00:37
[转载音轨] 日落黄沙/野战群.The.Wild.Bunch.1969 国配 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-23 39427 boaigjh 2022-11-8 01:59
[转载音轨] 愿嫁金龟婿.How to Marry a Millionaire 1953 央配国配.AC3-DD2.0-224Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-22 41885 doufupi 2023-7-23 18:58
[转载音轨] [补档]史密斯行动/夫妇 Mr. & Mrs. Smith DTS-1509kbps泰盛上译重配 attach_img agree 第二百纪冰川 2020-3-28 39542 slhxz 2024-3-4 14:27
[转载音轨] 猫头鹰王国:守卫者传奇 Legend of the Guardians.2010_三区粤配.DD5.1-384Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-1 37925 alexhzz 2024-3-5 15:57
[转载音轨] 盲女惊魂记.Wait.Until.Dark.1967 央视国配 AAC2.0-64Kbps.m4a attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-19 37383 pixel 2022-5-22 00:49
[转载音轨] 金钱帝国.The.Hudsucker.Proxy.1994 国配AAC 2.0-162Kbps.aac attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-25 371036 pixel 2022-5-22 06:16
[转载音轨] 极度冒险/硬闯100%危险.Maximum.Risk.1996 国配 DD2.0-224kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-25 392382 pixel 2022-5-22 00:06
[转载音轨] 憨豆特派员.Johnny.English.2003.央视国配.AAC 2.0-33kbps.aac attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-13 44946 pixel 2022-5-22 06:49
[转载音轨] 幽灵鬼屋.The.Haunted.Mansion.2003 国配 DD2.0-448kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-24 40496 pixel 2022-5-22 00:14
[转载音轨] 缘分天注定/美国情缘.Serendipity.2001.六区国配.DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-2-13 431012 pixel 2022-5-22 06:52
[转载音轨] 妙探出差2.Beverly.Hills.Cop.II.1987.央视长译国配.DD2.0-192kbps - [售价 10 大洋] attach_img agree 邹清音 2018-9-26 33909 lorenCeQAQ 2024-3-10 10:56
[转载音轨] 外欲杀机.The.Other.Man.2008 国配 DD2.0-192kpbs.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-5-21 361418 pixel 2022-5-21 23:27
[转载音轨] 小美人鱼3:爱丽儿的起源 The Little Mermaid Ariel's Beginning 2008 央视配音 agree realyinxu 2018-9-5 36512 lt83687365 2024-1-5 08:58
[转载音轨] 国语 致命距离.Striking Distance.1993.mp3.192 Kbps.mka - [售价 20 大洋] attach_img agree 修改人生 2018-10-3 35474 ZJS50726072 2024-2-20 08:35
[转载音轨] 蔬菜宝贝历险记.央视国语DD2.0_448K_CCTV6HD_25fps - [售价 10 大洋] attach_img lind 2016-5-25 14429 kuairb 2018-12-14 22:41
[转载音轨] 宠物当家:雅夫爱相随.2012_东森台配国语.AC3-DD2.0-256Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-25 351236 pixel 2022-5-22 00:08
[转载音轨] 最后一班地铁/最后地下铁.Le.Dernier.Metro.1980.正版国配DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-2-22 35433 pixel 2022-5-22 06:38
[转载音轨] 往事如烟央视国配.AC3-DD2.0-128Kbps attachment agree shayiqing 2018-6-25 37447 pixel 2022-5-21 22:22
[转载音轨] 魔界契约/ 魔鬼契约.The.Covenant.2006 东影上译国配 AAC2.0-68kbps.aac attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-23 36419 jd870326 2023-10-14 00:17
[转载音轨] 脱线先生.Mr.Magoo.1997 中录国配 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-2-23 431024 pixel 2022-5-22 06:35
[转载音轨] 迈阿密行动.R.T.T. 2009 八一国配 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-24 35990 鸣狮dannie 2023-1-25 09:42
[转载音轨] 我的爸爸是森林之王.The.Son.Of.Bigfoot.2017.BluRay 国配DD2.0 attachment agree 沧海683 2018-2-25 441053 飞鸟飞鸟 2024-4-6 00:48
[转载音轨] 水啸雾都/洪水风暴.Flood.2007.东影国配.DD2.0-192k.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-22 441244 pixel 2022-5-22 06:39
[转载音轨] 一升的眼泪 台配 AAC 2.0-128Kbps.m4a attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-24 37403 pixel 2022-5-22 00:15
[转载音轨] 阿甘正传.Forrest.Gump.1994.八一公映国配.AC3-DD2.0-192Kbps attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-20 34364 pixel 2022-5-22 06:47
[转载音轨] 早安越南.Good.Morning.Vietnam.1987 六区德加拉京译国配 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-21 36377 aglisw 2023-5-12 11:27
[转载音轨] 夏日友晴天 Luca 2021 台语国配 DD5.1-640Kbps.ac3 agree fenghuaxueyue22 2022-3-17 341574 bobi58888 昨天 19:55
[转载音轨] 隐秘而伟大.Secretly Greatly.2013 台配 2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-23 36464 pixel 2022-5-22 00:23
[转载音轨] 美国往事.Once Upon a Time in America 1984 1080p BluRay.央视京译.DD2.0-640kbps attachment agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2020-8-11 351089 leos 2024-3-2 17:47
[转载音轨] 28天.28Days.2000 六区京译国配 DD 2.0-384kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-6-25 39432 pixel 2022-5-21 22:21
[转载音轨] 航越地平线/怒海惊情.Dead.Calm.1989 六区国配 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-19 36335 pixel 2022-5-22 00:45
[转载音轨] 龙兄鼠弟.Twins.1999.六区国配.AC3-DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree  ...2 shayiqing 2018-2-23 52421 lys1977227 2023-12-19 15:37
[转载音轨] 金蝉脱壳 Escape Plan 2013 重混上译公映国语 DTS-HD 5.1-16bits - [售价 50 大洋] sqs123 2021-4-6 361111 一凡GH 2024-1-3 22:59
[转载音轨] 野鹅敢死队 The Wild Geese 1978 上译 AC3-192 kbps attach_img agree 198609024 2017-3-27 35741 sm1981 2021-5-22 14:28
[转载音轨] 保镖.The.Bodyguard.1992 国配 DD5.1-448Kbps.ac3 agree xiaopanxie2008 2018-10-17 37729 pixel 2022-5-21 19:27
[转载音轨] 救难小英雄澳洲历险记The.Rescuers.Down.Under.1990.粤配.2.0-192kbps.ac3 agree realyinxu 2018-1-5 37347 pixel 2022-5-22 08:02
[转载音轨] 熊的传说.Brother.Bear.2003_三区粤配.DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-1 34388 fkcnjy 2023-2-14 06:49
[转载音轨] 【完美匹配】夺面双雄/变脸.1997 重混德加拉国语 DTS-ES6.1 - [售价 20 大洋] attach_img agree sqs123 2021-3-30 361091 08dan 2024-1-24 10:27
[转载音轨] 行星地球2.Planet Earth II .2016.央视李易国语.DTS-HDMA5.1音轨 attach_img agree 完颜光弟 2023-2-25 371196 Nicolae 2024-3-30 22:19
[转载音轨] 移动迷宫 The.Maze.Runner.2014 公映国配 DTS 5.1.1510Kbps attachment agree anotlee 2018-2-2 35769 阿拉蕾小翅膀 2024-3-6 21:57
[转载音轨] 黑道当家/矮子当道.Get.Shorty.1995 国配 AAC 2.0-160kbps.mka attachment agree shayiqing 2018-1-23 37923 pixel 2022-5-22 07:48
[转载音轨] 妙探出差3.Beverly.Hills.Cop.III.1994.央视长译国配.DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 - [售价 10 大洋] attach_img agree 邹清音 2018-9-26 33410 lorenCeQAQ 2024-3-10 10:57
[转载音轨] 终极证人.The Client 1994 六区国配.AC3-DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-5 38775 liuguqing 2018-8-17 18:25
[转载音轨] 1941春天(电影频道 国语音轨) Spring.1941.2008..ac3 - [售价 10 大洋] attach_img agree 修改人生 2018-10-12 33597 shuilunji 2023-12-11 20:02
[转载音轨] 死亡倒数88分钟.88.minutes.2007 央视国配 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-21 34407 75566782 2024-4-7 17:28
[转载音轨] 变蝇人/变异.The.Fly.1986 德加拉京译国配 DD2.0-224kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-6 42966 droupout 2024-2-16 10:53
[转载音轨] 花都艳舞 国配 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-21 34582 pixel 2022-5-22 00:37
[转载音轨] 蒙娜丽莎的微笑 Mona Lisa Smile DTS-755kbps泰盛上译公映 attach_img agree 第二百纪冰川 2020-3-23 33611 slhxz 2024-2-14 16:26
[转载音轨] 大偷袭.The.Great.Raid.2006 国语DD2.0 128kbps.AC3 attach_img agree 198609024 2017-4-2 331114 CaoXiang891226 2020-3-17 17:52
[转载音轨] 义海雄风.A Few Good Men.1992 德加拉北影国配 DD5.1-448Kbps.ac3 attachment agree  ...2 shayiqing 2018-2-7 751222 mo999 2022-8-7 01:48
[转载音轨] 金刚狼3:殊死一战 公映数字删减提取版 48.0khz aac2.0 - [售价 25 大洋] 530219 2017-5-18 33679 maeric31 2020-6-23 17:12
[转载音轨] 一小时快相:不速之客.One.Hour.Photo.2002 国配 DD5.0-384kbps.ac3 - [售价 5 大洋] agree crow001 2017-7-8 32374 无非369 2023-7-3 00:09
[转载音轨] 言叶之庭.Garden.of.Words.2013.三区粤配.AC3-DD2.0-384Kbps.ac3 attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-2-21 321191 pixel 2022-5-22 06:42
[转载音轨] 冰冻星球.BBC.Frozen.Planet.2011.BluRay.TVB粤配.DD2.0-192kb/s attach_img agree manana 2016-11-24 35716 kuairb 2018-9-9 12:50
[转载音轨] 富贵列车.The.Millionaire‘s.Express.1986 国语2.0-224kbps.mp3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-25 34865 阿拉蕾小翅膀 2023-9-20 14:38
[转载音轨] 8美千娇.8.WOMEN.2002_六区国配.AC3-DD2.0-224Kbps attachment agree shayiqing 2018-1-26 34292 pixel 2022-5-22 07:44
[转载音轨] 爱丽丝梦游仙境 1951_A区粤配.AC3-DS5.1-640Kbps.战神技术群 agree realyinxu 2017-12-25 38516 pixel 2022-5-22 08:14
[转载音轨] 我最好朋友的婚礼.My.Best.Friend's.Wedding.1997.东方联合国配.DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-13 32786 ahdyz 2023-1-16 11:25
[转载音轨] 变形黑侠.K-20 Legend Of The Mask.1990_东影上译国配.AC3-DD2.0-192Kbps attachment agree shayiqing 2018-1-24 32274 pixel 2022-5-22 07:46
[转载音轨] 跳跳虎历险记 The.Tigger.Movie 2000 A区粤配.DD5.1-640Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-26 32764 pixel 2022-5-22 01:21
[转载音轨] 致命人脉.People.I. Know.2002 央视国配 AAC 2.0-64kbps.m4a attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-21 37350 lehahazhangdan 2024-2-5 15:35
[转载音轨] 现代美人鱼.Splash.1984 六区国配 DD 2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-5-21 34889 pixel 2022-5-21 23:28
[转载音轨] 再无可失/王牌任务 德加拉国配 DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-24 32531 小丹尼23 2023-12-9 13:30
[转载音轨] 恋爱操作团.Cyrano Agency.2010 央视国配DD2.0-192Kbps.mp2 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-18 32389 pixel 2022-5-22 00:50
[转载音轨] x特遣队1.自杀小队.加长版.Suicide.Squad.2016.EXTENDED.台配DD.2.0.192kbps - [售价 30 大洋] agree 随缘58 2022-3-27 341371 jufeng_lj 2024-3-17 23:53
[转载音轨] 游牧战神.Kochevnik.2005 央视国配 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-19 33535 pixel 2022-5-22 00:43
[转载音轨] 绿卡:绿卡情缘.Green.Card.1990 国配 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-5-28 37860 pixel 2022-5-21 23:15
[转载音轨] 精灵旅社3:疯狂假期 2018.BD1080P.x264.国语DD5.1 - [售价 5 大洋] LJL0772 2018-10-3 391079 pixel 2022-5-21 20:14
[转载音轨] 国家保安.National.Security.2003.中录国配.DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-13 42389 ljb1019 2022-7-4 11:46
[转载音轨] 圣诞出逃记.The.Legend.of.Seven.Cutter.2006 台配AAC 2.0-128Kbps.m4a attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-3-18 311053 Alice99 2023-10-12 21:03
[转载音轨] 惊天巨啸.海啸奇迹.The.Impossible.2012.aac.128.Kbps国语音轨 attachment agree 邹清音 2017-5-11 33807 wycjwl 2020-10-8 22:19
[转载音轨] 火星救母记.Mars.Needs.Moms.2011.BluRay 粤语音轨 agree realyinxu 2017-12-15 32242 xiaoyang 2024-4-16 19:15
[转载音轨] 蜘蛛侠:英雄归来.2017.上译公映国语.AAC 2.0 - [售价 3 大洋] agree 随缘58 2018-6-20 34309 pixel 2022-5-21 22:27
[转载音轨] 泰坦尼克号(满屏版).Titanic.1997.中影新国配.dtsHD-MA 5.1-24bits.收藏版 - [阅读权限 20]- [售价 100 大洋] sqs123 2021-6-2 32323 天妖 2024-3-17 06:53
[转载音轨] 终极复仇者2:黑豹的崛起 .2006 三区粤配.AC3-DD2.0-384Kbps.ac3 attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-3-3 311202 pixel 2022-5-22 01:02
[转载音轨] 兵人.Soldier.1998.上译国配.MP3-2.0-224kbps.mp3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-13 31897 pixel 2022-5-22 06:50
[转载音轨] 街头之王/守夜人.Street.King.2008 六区京译国配 DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-24 31292 lamlam1218 2023-5-28 23:43
[转载音轨] 危情谍影/阴谋的代价.Professionnel, Le.1981 长译公映国配DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-2-23 311092 pixel 2022-5-22 06:35
[转载音轨] 甜心辣舞/热舞甜心/蜜糖儿.Honey.2003 上译国配 MP3-2.0-128kbps.mp3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-5-28 331005 lehahazhangdan 2024-1-20 17:03
[转载音轨] 人证/人性的证明.Proof.of.the.Man.1977.长译国配.DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 - [售价 5 大洋] attach_img agree 邹清音 2018-10-10 32472 byjlwl 2024-3-26 17:18
[转载音轨] 贾方复仇记.The.Return.of.Jafar.1994.三区台配.AC3-DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-2-11 30818 sxbjzha 2022-9-6 09:16
[转载音轨] 重返中世纪/时间线.Timeline.2003 六区国配 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-8 32383 pixel 2022-5-22 07:13
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