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[转载音轨] 幽灵鬼屋.The.Haunted.Mansion.2003 国配 DD2.0-448kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-24 40495 pixel 2022-5-22 00:14
[转载音轨] 环游地球八十天 国配 DD2.0-192kpbs.ac3 attachment agree  ...2 shayiqing 2018-3-25 931011 pixel 2022-5-22 00:14
[转载音轨] 天真与无知.The Girl.Was.Young.1937 国配MP3-2.0-51.6kbps.mka attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-25 32307 pixel 2022-5-22 00:13
[转载音轨] 我为玛丽狂.There.Is.Something.About.Mary 1998 央视国配 AC3 DD2.0-192kbps.mka attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 shayiqing 2018-3-25 541147 pixel 2022-5-22 00:08
[转载音轨] 断锁怒潮 Amistad.1997 央视国配.AC3-DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-25 30753 pixel 2022-5-22 00:08
[转载音轨] 宠物当家:雅夫爱相随.2012_东森台配国语.AC3-DD2.0-256Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-25 351230 pixel 2022-5-22 00:08
[转载音轨] 未来世界.Futureworld.1976 上译国配 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree  ...2 shayiqing 2018-3-25 501263 pixel 2022-5-22 00:07
[转载音轨] 极度冒险/硬闯100%危险.Maximum.Risk.1996 国配 DD2.0-224kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-25 392382 pixel 2022-5-22 00:06
[转载音轨] 荒野生存.Into.the.Wild.2007 重混央视国配DD5.1-320kbps attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 lsf987 2018-4-15 631727 pixel 2022-5-21 23:57
[转载音轨] 赤裸特工 Naked.weapon.2002.央视录音重混版国配DTS 5.1 1536Kbps - [售价 20 大洋] agree  ...2 xianghua123 2018-4-22 511207 pixel 2022-5-21 23:48
[转载音轨] 圣诞奇妙公司Christmas & Co.2017公映国配.aac - [售价 20 大洋] attachment agree “逸”表非凡 2018-4-22 28524 pixel 2022-5-21 23:48
[转载音轨] 头号玩家 Ready Player One 外录国配音轨-百度网盘 新人帖 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 sjx79 2018-5-13 831656 pixel 2022-5-21 23:35
[转载音轨] 追踪长尾豹马修 Marsupilami 2012 精混国配环绕音加强版 AAC 5.1-127kbp.mka attachment agree shayiqing 2018-5-20 28364 pixel 2022-5-21 23:30
[转载音轨] 爱是妥协.Something.s.Gotta.Give.2003 国配 AAC 2.0-49.4kbps.mka attachment agree shayiqing 2018-5-20 20298 pixel 2022-5-21 23:30
[转载音轨] 跨乐心天堂.2013_纬来台配国语.AC3-DD2.0-128Kbps attachment agree shayiqing 2018-5-20 26612 pixel 2022-5-21 23:29
[转载音轨] 现代美人鱼.Splash.1984 六区国配 DD 2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-5-21 34888 pixel 2022-5-21 23:28
[转载音轨] 午夜惊情/激情刽子手/爱之海.Sea.of.Love.1989 国配 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-5-21 27839 pixel 2022-5-21 23:28
[转载音轨] 外欲杀机.The.Other.Man.2008 国配 DD2.0-192kpbs.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-5-21 361416 pixel 2022-5-21 23:27
[转载音轨] 替身情侣.L'animal .1977 上译公映国配 DD2.0-256Kbps.ac3 attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-5-28 301773 pixel 2022-5-21 23:18
[转载音轨] 驱魔之艾米莉罗斯的驱魔记[未分级版].2005 国配 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-5-28 371002 pixel 2022-5-21 23:17
[转载音轨] 绿卡:绿卡情缘.Green.Card.1990 国配 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-5-28 37858 pixel 2022-5-21 23:15
[转载音轨] 美国队长.Captain.America.2011 公映国配 DD5.1-384kbps.ac3 新人帖 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 tzzhougun 2018-6-13 731336 pixel 2022-5-21 22:36
[转载音轨] 地球战场.Battlefield.Earth.2000 VCD国配 AAC 2.0-128kbps.m4a attachment agree shayiqing 2018-6-16 41632 pixel 2022-5-21 22:33
[转载音轨] 少林少女(周星驰在日本又一作品).Shaolin.Girl.2008 国配 2.0-192kbps.mp3 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 shayiqing 2018-6-16 51713 pixel 2022-5-21 22:30
[转载音轨] 寻找金钟旭.Looking.For.KimJongWook.2010 纬来台配 AAC 2.0-128kbps.m4a attachment agree shayiqing 2018-6-16 42307 pixel 2022-5-21 22:29
[转载音轨] 蜘蛛侠:英雄归来.2017.上译公映国语.AAC 2.0 - [售价 3 大洋] agree 随缘58 2018-6-20 34308 pixel 2022-5-21 22:27
[转载音轨] 诱惑老板一百招 .Seducing Mr Perfect.2006 台配 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-6-25 31413 pixel 2022-5-21 22:23
[转载音轨] 罗马帝国沦亡录The.Fall.of.the.Roman.Empire.1964 六区国配DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-6-25 471039 pixel 2022-5-21 22:23
[转载音轨] 往事如烟央视国配.AC3-DD2.0-128Kbps attachment agree shayiqing 2018-6-25 37447 pixel 2022-5-21 22:22
[转载音轨] 火的战车.Chariots.of.Fire.1981.央视国语DD2.0.192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-6-25 32580 pixel 2022-5-21 22:22
[转载音轨] 爱美丽的谎言.Beautiful.Lies.2010 央视国配 AAC 2.0-128kbps.m4a attachment agree shayiqing 2018-6-25 31600 pixel 2022-5-21 22:21
[转载音轨] 28天.28Days.2000 六区京译国配 DD 2.0-384kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-6-25 39430 pixel 2022-5-21 22:21
[转载音轨] 恐惧的代价.The.Wages.Of.Fear.1953 国配 DD2.0-224kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-6-29 421086 pixel 2022-5-21 22:19
[转载音轨] 忠狗巴比传奇.Greyfriars.Bobby.2005 央视国配 AAC 2.0-133Kbps.aac attachment agree shayiqing 2018-6-29 40789 pixel 2022-5-21 22:18
[转载音轨] 天外飞仙 192kbps.ac3 - [售价 20 大洋] attach_img agree 修改人生 2018-8-15 491250 pixel 2022-5-21 21:37
[转载音轨] 小飞侠1.Peter.Pan.Diamond.Edition.1953.央视配音 DD2.0-192kbps agree realyinxu 2018-9-5 23639 pixel 2022-5-21 21:11
[转载音轨] Miracles.of.the.Namiya.General.Store.2017.东森台配.DD2.0-192kbps attach_img agree elevenjay 2018-9-7 46923 pixel 2022-5-21 21:05
[转载音轨] 精灵旅社3:疯狂假期 2018.BD1080P.x264.国语DD5.1 - [售价 5 大洋] LJL0772 2018-10-3 391079 pixel 2022-5-21 20:14
[转载音轨] 精灵旅社3:疯狂假期 2018.BD1080P.x264.粤语DD5.1 - [售价 5 大洋] LJL0772 2018-10-3 24410 pixel 2022-5-21 20:13
[转载音轨] 保镖.The.Bodyguard.1992 国配 DD5.1-448Kbps.ac3 agree xiaopanxie2008 2018-10-17 37728 pixel 2022-5-21 19:27
[转载音轨] 美国阻击手American.Sniper.2014-256Kbps.AC3 - [售价 2 大洋] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 修改人生 2018-12-5 521635 pixel 2022-5-21 17:16
[转载音轨] 王朝.Dynasties.2018.腾讯国语版-7000毫秒后完美匹配蓝光.mka - [售价 5 大洋] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 zhanhan 2018-12-13 772052 pixel 2022-5-21 16:52
[转载音轨] BBC:生命.Life.2009.国语粤语配音.DD2.0.384k attach_img maeric31 2019-4-19 29736 pixel 2022-5-21 16:04
[转载音轨] 卢旺达饭店.Hotel.Rwanda.2004.国配.DTS5.1-1536kbps - [售价 15 大洋] agree wycjwl 2020-2-10 13313 pixel 2022-5-21 13:59
[转载音轨] 僵尸先生 Mr.Vampire.2K.Remastered.1985 英版2K修复版 原盘提取国语&粤语次世代音轨TrueHD5.1-16bits-24bit - [阅读权限 20]attachment agree 超哥 2020-9-20 12176 pixel 2022-5-21 07:23
[转载音轨] 铁面金刚.The.Naked.Face.1984.aac.192.Kbps国语音轨 attachment agree ceo007 2021-4-2 3575 pixel 2022-5-20 20:09
[转载音轨] 绝代双骄 / 正宗绝代双骄(台) / 武林争霸.Handsome Siblings.1992.港配国语ac3.192.Kbps+台配国语FLAC.354.Kbps音轨 attachment agree ceo007 2021-4-2 4645 pixel 2022-5-20 20:08
[转载音轨] 源代码 Source Code Ballerina 2011 长影国配 DTS 3388Kbps attachment agree ceo007 2021-4-2 7373 pixel 2022-5-20 20:08
[转载音轨] 美国狙击手 American Sniper (2014).央视国配 DD5.1-640kbps attachment agree ceo007 2021-4-2 10474 pixel 2022-5-20 20:07
[转载音轨] 为奴十二年 12 Years a Slave (2013) 八一国配 DTS 5.1 1509 Kbps attachment agree ceo007 2021-4-2 6487 pixel 2022-5-20 20:07
[转载音轨] 红鞋子和七个小矮人.2019.台配国语.DTS.5.1-1536kbps attachment agree ceo007 2021-4-3 8517 pixel 2022-5-20 20:04
[转载音轨] 熔炉 Silenced 2011.台配国语.dts 5.1 1536kbps attachment agree ceo007 2021-4-3 10707 pixel 2022-5-20 20:04
[转载音轨] 特拉·威利 未知星球 Terra Willy Planete inconnue 2019 BD 台配国语 DD.2.0@192KBPS attachment agree safeandsound 2021-9-7 11808 pixel 2022-5-20 13:55
[转载音轨] 超凡蜘蛛侠2 The Amazing Spider-Man 2 2014 上译国配 TrueHD5.1-16bits attachment agree xuhuilongno1 2021-9-9 7944 pixel 2022-5-20 13:52
[转载音轨] 星际探索 Ad Astra.2019 重混国配DTS-HD.MA 5.1 attachment agree xuhuilongno1 2021-9-9 61084 pixel 2022-5-20 13:51
[转载音轨] [临时同居].Temporary.Family.2014 国语音轨.128Kbps.ac3.有效链接 百度网盘 - [阅读权限 1]attach_img heatlevel agree 邹清音 2015-2-4 461445 zhongxia888 2022-4-4 12:29
[转载音轨] [国语音轨]《浪客剑心2京都大火篇》Rurouni.Kenshin.Kyoto.Inferno.2014台配DD2.0-192 - [售价 20 大洋] attach_img heatlevel agree 众神之车 2016-7-8 171034 spark55 2022-2-5 16:03
[转载音轨] [音轨]移动迷宫The.Maze.Runner.2014.720p.BluRay.x264.YIFY.ac3 heatlevel a1660 2014-12-19 30615 chirs 2022-2-3 12:48
[转载音轨] 沉默的羔羊 1991东影上译国配DTS-HDMA5.1-16bits 1.72GB attachment xuhuilongno1 2017-3-21 45690 yusiyuan1980 2021-11-10 11:52
[转载音轨] 全面回忆(剧场版).Total.Recall.2012 上译公映国配 DD5.1-448Kbps.ac3 - [售价 30 大洋] attach_img agree msba 2017-5-16 411253 山水有相逢 2021-10-31 12:49
[转载音轨] 【音轨】肖申克的救赎.The.Shawshank.Redemption.1994 央视国配AC3 DD5.1-448kbps ... attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456 梦之旅人 2013-5-9 2717671 思念缺氧 2021-10-25 12:58
[转载音轨] 分歧者1:异类觉醒AC3 DD5.1 448 Kbps.AC3 attachment heatlevel hxj5566 2015-9-30 401146 liuaipeng 2021-10-23 22:10
[转载音轨] 廊桥遗梦.The.Bridges.of.Madison.County.1995 上译国配+六区国配 mka 345.8MB attach_img heatlevel zxcjyx 2015-9-28 25484 yusiyuan1980 2021-10-17 04:21
[转载音轨] 星河战队2联邦英雄.Starship.Troopers.2.2004.京译国语aac attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 hxj5566 2017-5-22 881561 gtszfczjy 2021-9-11 13:28
[转载音轨] 星河战队3.Starship.Troopers3.2008央视国语 acc attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 hxj5566 2017-5-22 73561 gtszfczjy 2021-9-11 13:04
[转载音轨] 【音轨】狂野目标.Wild.Target.2010 重编码央视国配 DD 5.1-640Kbps.ac3 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 87261358 2016-9-14 921708 zhuyongshe 2021-9-8 16:34
[转载音轨] 【音轨】红场特警.Red.Heat.1988 上译国配重新混音版 DD5.1-448kbps.ac3 heatlevel agree  ...23 87261358 2016-9-14 104923 飞驰的虎 2021-9-3 10:11
[转载音轨] 【音轨】谍影重重4:伯恩的遗产.The.Bourne.Legacy.2012 长译DD5.1-448kbps.ac3 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...234 arclumd 2015-3-29 1893037 liuguqing 2021-8-29 21:05
[转载音轨] 【音轨】国家宝藏ⅠⅡ.National.Treasure.ⅠⅡ 六区八一公映国配 DD5.1-384kbps.ac3 heatlevel  ...23456..9 我快乐 2011-7-3 40911515 gtszfczjy 2021-8-29 08:07
[转载音轨] 家园[加长版] Home 2009 周迅国配 AC-3 224kbps 5.1/48 kHz/16-bit heatlevel  ...2 brutalwang 2016-9-24 972253 厦门盈才新加坡 2021-8-3 11:46
[转载音轨] [国语音轨]《浪客剑心3传说的完结篇》Rurouni.Kenshin.The.Legend.Ends.2014台配DD2.0 - [售价 20 大洋] attach_img heatlevel agree 众神之车 2016-7-8 221344 厦门盈才新加坡 2021-8-3 11:27
[转载音轨] 【音轨】守护者联盟.Rise.of.the.Guardians.2012 长译公映国配 DD2.0-128kbps.ac3 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..18 zxcjyx 2013-3-5 85616810 厦门盈才新加坡 2021-7-20 10:19
[转载音轨] 突袭.The.Raid.Redemption.2011东影 2.0 ac3 92.25MB attach_img heatlevel zxcjyx 2015-9-28 391012 jd870326 2021-7-9 20:44
[转载音轨] 野鹅敢死队 The Wild Geese 1978 上译 AC3-192 kbps attach_img agree 198609024 2017-3-27 35740 sm1981 2021-5-22 14:28
[转载音轨] 敢死队.The Expendables.2010 正版上译公映国配 DTS5.1-768Kbps·569MB - [售价 20 大洋] attach_img heatlevel  ...2 sqs123 2016-9-25 971267 daocaor 2021-4-7 09:06
[转载音轨] 罗马,不设防的城市 Rome,.Open.City.1945 上译DD2.0-192kbps.AC3 attach_img agree 198609024 2017-4-2 47959 zangyon 2020-11-19 21:23
[转载音轨] 盗梦空间.2010.AC3.640k.完美匹配BD heatlevel agree  ...23 javol520 2014-12-3 1011083 maeric31 2020-11-4 15:03
[转载音轨] 惊天巨啸.海啸奇迹.The.Impossible.2012.aac.128.Kbps国语音轨 attachment agree 邹清音 2017-5-11 33805 wycjwl 2020-10-8 22:19
[转载音轨] 【音轨】美女与野兽加长版Beauty.and.the.Beast.Extended.1991.国粤DD5.1-384Kbps.ac3 attach_img heatlevel  ...2 移民乌托邦 2016-3-15 61944 cwjgogo 2020-10-3 00:33
[转载音轨] 【音轨】[超级骑警].Super.Troopers.2002.德加拉国配.DD2.0-224kbps - [售价 20 大洋] attach_img heatlevel shayiqing 2015-11-7 331707 天意归来 2020-9-12 20:33
[转载音轨] 樱桃小丸子:来自意大利的少年 台配国语 DD 2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attach_img agree chziy2345 2017-1-19 46949 maeric31 2020-8-13 16:41
[转载音轨] 时空恋旅人.2013.央视长译国配DTS5.1-1536kbps 1.30GB attachment xuhuilongno1 2017-3-20 32508 maeric31 2020-7-14 17:08
[转载音轨] 【音轨】三个男人一个摇篮 Heyy Babyy (2007)国语 DD2.0-128kbps.ac3  attach_img heatlevel agree tdczxc 2014-11-24 39480 maeric31 2020-7-13 10:10
[转载音轨] 独立日.Independence Day.1996.国语DTS5.1-1536Kbps - [阅读权限 10]attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23 snake0803 2015-7-31 111730 xing_5710 2020-7-8 21:35
[转载音轨] 金刚狼3:殊死一战 公映数字删减提取版 48.0khz aac2.0 - [售价 25 大洋] 530219 2017-5-18 33676 maeric31 2020-6-23 17:12
[转载音轨] 【音轨】国王驾到Singh Is Kinng (2008)国语 DD2.0-128kbps.ac3  attach_img heatlevel agree tdczxc 2014-11-25 36530 锦州飞鹰 2020-6-21 19:23
[转载音轨] 大力士.Hercules.1997.六区国配.AC3-DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-21 39936 cwjgogo 2020-5-31 11:11
[转载音轨] 【音轨】理发师比鲁 Billu (2009)央视国语 DD2.0-128kbps.ac3  attach_img heatlevel agree tdczxc 2014-11-23 421328 锦州飞鹰 2020-5-1 20:36
[转载音轨] X战警前传金刚狼 X-Men.Origins.Wolverine.2009.CMCT国语音轨.DTS 5.1-1509Kbps.dts attach_img heatlevel  ...234 移民乌托邦 2016-3-9 1632353 g522842314g 2020-4-25 13:34
[转载音轨] 大偷袭.The.Great.Raid.2006 国语DD2.0 128kbps.AC3 attach_img agree 198609024 2017-4-2 331111 CaoXiang891226 2020-3-17 17:52
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