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[转载音轨] 哆啦A梦02:大雄的奇幻大冒险 2007 A区粤配.AC3-DD5.1-640Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-3 30441 CheeseMouse 2025-1-19 18:10
[转载音轨] 哆啦A梦05:大雄的人鱼大海战 2010 A区粤配.AC3-DD5.1-640Kbps.ac3 attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-3-3 28995 pixel 2022-5-22 01:03
[转载音轨] 哆啦A梦:大雄的恐龙 2006 A区粤配.AC3-DD5.1-640Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-3 23689 pixel 2022-5-22 01:03
[转载音轨] 哆啦A梦07:大雄与奇迹之岛 2012 A区粤配.AC3-DD5.1-640Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-3 29312 pixel 2022-5-22 01:04
[转载音轨] 正义联盟.Justice.League.2017数字国语dd2.0-380kbps - [售价 20 大洋] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 yymp3 2018-3-2 682174 pixel 2022-5-22 01:04
[转载音轨] 终极复仇者.Ultimate Avengers 2006_三区粤配.DD2.0-384Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-2 27997 kuohsienl1290 2024-12-22 14:49
[转载音轨] 哆啦A梦08:大雄的秘密道具博物馆 2013 A区粤配.DD5.1-640Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-2 241034 ipuppet 2023-10-11 20:17
[转载音轨] 哆啦A梦11:大雄的宇宙英雄记 2015 三区粤配.DD5.1-448Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-2 27751 pixel 2022-5-22 01:05
[转载音轨] 手塚治虫的佛陀2:无尽的旅程.2014_三区粤配.DD2.0-384Kbps.ac3 attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-3-2 30567 pixel 2022-5-22 01:06
[转载音轨] 小红帽 Hoodwinked 2005 A区粤配.DD2.0-384Kbps.ac3 attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-3-2 291120 pixel 2022-5-22 01:06
[转载音轨] 加菲猫2 Garfield A Tail Of Two Kitties 2006_粤语.AC3-DD5.1-448Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-2 25425 pixel 2022-5-22 01:06
[转载音轨] 名侦探柯南13:漆黑的追踪者.2009 粤配.DD2.0-448Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-2 25409 pixel 2022-5-22 01:07
[转载音轨] 哆啦A梦04:新大雄的宇宙开拓史 2009_A区粤配.DD5.1-640Kbps.ac3 attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-3-2 28532 pixel 2022-5-22 01:07
[转载音轨] 哆啦A梦12:新.大雄的日本诞生 2016_A区粤配.DD5.1-640Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-2 23399 pixel 2022-5-22 01:07
[转载音轨] 哆啦A梦09:新.大雄的大魔境 2014_三区粤配.DD5.1-448Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-2 26643 pixel 2022-5-22 01:08
移动:寻梦环游记.Coco.2017.正版蓝光国台粤语.DD5.1-640Kbps gskening 2018-3-1 -- chen80917 2023-9-23 09:49
[转载音轨] 苹果核战记2:机器人的背叛.2007_三区粤配.DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-3-1 41880 pixel 2022-5-22 01:09
[转载音轨] 猫头鹰王国:守卫者传奇 Legend of the Guardians.2010_三区粤配.DD5.1-384Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-1 371249 alexhzz 2024-3-5 15:57
[转载音轨] 熊的传说.Brother.Bear.2003_三区粤配.DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-1 34642 fkcnjy 2023-2-14 06:49
[转载音轨] 钟楼怪人.The.Hunchback.of.Notre.Dame.1996_三区粤配.DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-1 26967 kanulau1 2023-7-25 13:42
[转载音轨] 名侦探柯南02:第十四个目标.1998_粤配.DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-1 27908 pixel 2022-5-22 01:10
[转载音轨] 名侦探柯南19:业火的向日葵.2015_粤配.DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-1 26467 pixel 2022-5-22 01:10
[转载音轨] 借东西的小人阿莉埃蒂 The Borrower Arrietty 2010_A区粤配.DTS-DD5.1-768Kbps.dts attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-1 31611 mzy9915 2024-11-22 16:14
[转载音轨] 辉夜姬物语 The Tale of the Princess Kaguya 2013_A区粤配.AC3-DD5.1-448Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-1 421015 pixel 2022-5-22 01:11
[转载音轨] 蜜蜂总动员.Bee Movie 2007.三区粤配.DD5.1-384Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-1 26884 pixel 2022-5-22 01:12
[转载音轨] 圣诞颂歌.A.Christmas.Carol.2009.A区粤配.DD5.1-640Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-1 26572 pixel 2022-5-22 01:12
[调制音轨] 变形金刚2(2009): 4K UHD 北影国配 DTS CH5.1 1536K (1.61G) attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23 leon7799 2018-2-28 1062117 qqgg727 2022-10-18 09:03
[转载音轨] 星银岛.Treasure.Planet.2002.三区粤配.DD5.1-384Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-28 30535 Jaclick 2024-10-19 00:47
[调制音轨] 别惹蚂蚁.The.Ant.Bully.2006.三区粤配.DD5.1-384Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-28 31950 慕容雪虎 2023-1-3 13:53
[转载音轨] 红猪.Porco.Rosso.1992.A区粤配.DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-28 28761 silfey 2023-12-21 15:26
[转载音轨] 辛普森一家.The.Simpsons.2007.三区粤配.DD5.1-384Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-28 24939 pixel 2022-5-22 01:14
[转载音轨] 小马王.Spirit.Stallion.of.the.Cimarron.2002.三区粤配.DD5.1-384Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-28 24468 pixel 2022-5-22 01:14
[转载音轨] 怪兽大战外星人.Monsters.Vs.Aliens.2009.A区粤配.DD5.1-640Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-28 25592 tomchoi 2024-10-12 00:59
[转载音轨] 虫虫特工队.A.Bug's.Life.1998.三区粤配.DD5.1-384Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-28 25350 fkcnjy 2023-2-15 07:24
[转载音轨] 极地特快.The.Polar.Express.2004.三区粤配.DD5.1-384Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-28 271096 kuohsienl1290 2024-11-20 18:54
[调制音轨] 勇往直前 Only the Brave (2017)公映国语 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 xhswlj CMCT工作组 2018-2-27 1362591 xiaopang 2025-1-12 00:56
[转载音轨] 百变狸猫.The.Raccoon.War.1994.A区粤配.DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-27 26800 pixel 2022-5-22 01:16
[转载音轨] 白雪公主和七个小矮人.Snow.White.and.the.Seven.Dwarfs.A区粤配.DD5.1-640Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-27 24491 pixel 2022-5-22 01:17
[转载音轨] 超级大坏蛋.Megamind.2010.A区粤配.DD5.1-640Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-27 26901 pixel 2022-5-22 01:17
[转载音轨] 守护者联盟.Rise.of.the.Guardians.2012.A区粤配DD5.1-640Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-27 30714 pixel 2022-5-22 01:18
[转载音轨] 侧耳倾听.Whisper.of.the.Heart.1995.A区粤配.DTS-DD5.1-768Kbps.dts attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-27 22653 pixel 2022-5-22 01:18
[转载音轨] 怪兽屋.Monster.House.2006.粤语.DD5.1-448Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-27 28720 pixel 2022-5-22 01:19
[转载音轨] 森林战士.Epic.2013.A区粤配.DD5.1-448Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-27 27868 pixel 2022-5-22 01:19
[转载音轨] 龙猫.My.Neighbor.Totoro.1988.A区粤配.DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-27 24298 pixel 2022-5-22 01:20
[转载音轨] 猫的报恩.The.Cat.Returns.2002.A区粤配.DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-27 23383 pixel 2022-5-22 01:20
[转载音轨] 起风了.The.Wind.Rises.2013.A区粤配.DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-27 26316 pixel 2022-5-22 01:20
[转载音轨] 公牛历险记Ferdinand.2018 公映国配.ac3 - [售价 20 大洋] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...234 “逸”表非凡 2018-2-26 1722334 pixel 2022-5-22 01:21
[转载音轨] 跳跳虎历险记 The.Tigger.Movie 2000 A区粤配.DD5.1-640Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-26 321032 pixel 2022-5-22 01:21
[转载音轨] 27套礼服.27 Dresses 2008 TVB粤语.DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-26 281155 pixel 2022-5-22 01:21
[转载音轨] 虞美人盛开的山坡 2011 A区粤配.DTS-DD5.0-768Kbps.dts attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-2-26 38674 pixel 2022-5-22 01:22
[转载音轨] 变身国王 The.Emperors.New.Groove 2000 三区粤配.DD5.1-384Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-26 35438 zg1204 2024-4-13 22:34
[转载音轨] 盒子怪 The.Boxtrolls 2014 A区粤配.DTS-DD5.1-768Kbps.dts attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-26 32383 byjlwl 2023-7-11 13:18
[转载音轨] 公主和青蛙 Princess and the Frog 2009 A区粤配.DD5.1-640Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-26 311042 pixel 2022-5-22 06:15
[转载音轨] 小鸡快跑 Chicken Run 2000 A区粤配.DD5.1-640Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-26 31862 1084412849 2023-3-28 21:55
[转载音轨] 金钱帝国.The.Hudsucker.Proxy.1994 国配AAC 2.0-162Kbps.aac attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-25 371286 pixel 2022-5-22 06:16
[转载音轨] 富贵列车.The.Millionaire‘s.Express.1986 国语2.0-224kbps.mp3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-25 351057 无风起浪 2024-11-19 19:06
[转载音轨] 谍网迷魂.The.Manchurian.Candidate.2004 央视国配DD2.0-192kbps.mka attach_img agree  ...2 shayiqing 2018-2-25 572137 厦门盈才新加坡 2023-7-10 22:02
[转载音轨] 美女与野兽:贝儿的心愿.The.Enchanted.Christmas.1997 粤配DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-25 25533 pixel 2022-5-22 06:17
[转载音轨] 超人总动员 The Incredibles 2004 C区粤配DD5.1-640Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-25 33415 pixel 2022-5-22 06:21
[转载音轨] 斑马总动员.Khumba.2013 粤语.DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-25 21343 1084412849 2023-3-26 13:31
[转载音轨] 妖怪手表:诞生的秘密喵 2014 三区粤配.DD5.1-384Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-25 19834 pixel 2022-5-22 06:25
[转载音轨] 悬崖上的金鱼公主.2008.A区粤配.AC3-DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-25 19918 happyfan 2023-7-8 17:55
[转载音轨] 我的爸爸是森林之王.The.Son.Of.Bigfoot.2017.BluRay 国配DD2.0 attachment agree 沧海683 2018-2-25 451431 wangwei050 2024-10-30 02:57
[转载音轨] 快乐的大脚2.Happy.Feet.TWO.2011.三区粤配.AC3-DD5.1-640Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-24 361006 yingjieyu 2024-2-26 17:55
[转载音轨] 决斗的人/决斗者.The Duellists.1977 六区国配 DD 2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-24 27977 boaigjh 2022-7-10 01:07
[转载音轨] 狮子王3:丁满彭彭历险记.The.Lion.King.1½.2004 A区粤配DD2.0-320Kbps.ac3 attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-2-24 30462 pixel 2022-5-22 06:27
[转载音轨] 哆啦A梦03:大雄与绿巨人传.2008.A区粤配.DD5.1-640Kbps.ac3 attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-2-24 21375 pixel 2022-5-22 06:28
[转载音轨] 名侦探柯南08:银翼的魔术师.2004 粤配DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-24 19385 pixel 2022-5-22 06:28
[转载音轨] 变身西装.2008.东森电影台配.AAC2.0-64Kbps.aac attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-2-24 361131 fkcnjy 2023-2-16 07:05
[转载音轨] 红鹰侠.Red.Eagle.2010 公映国配 AAC 2.0-128kbps.m4a attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-24 381080 pixel 2022-5-22 06:29
[转载音轨] 非常小特务 粤语.AC3DD5.1-640Ks.mka attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-24 36507 pixel 2022-5-22 06:30
[转载音轨] 名侦探柯南01:引爆摩天楼.1997 粤配.AC3-DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-24 35457 pixel 2022-5-22 06:30
[转载音轨] 白兔糖.Bunny.Drop.2011 纬来台配国语 AAC 2.0-128kbps.m4a attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-2-24 30437 pixel 2022-5-22 06:30
[调制音轨] 至暗时刻 Darkest Hour (2017)公映国语 DD2.0-224kbps.ac3 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 xhswlj CMCT工作组 2018-2-24 932076 fkcnjy 2023-2-19 15:06
[官方出品] 东方快车谋杀案.Murder.On.The.Orient.Express.2017.上译国配.DD5.1 640kbps attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 baick CMCT工作组 2018-2-23 3676687 px123 2024-10-9 23:02
[官方出品] 回到火星(世界之外).The.Space.Between.Us.2017.中影国配.DD5.1 640kbps attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23 baick CMCT工作组 2018-2-23 1322874 jhkm 2024-9-11 10:13
[官方出品] 比利·林恩的中场战事.2016.八一国配 DD5.1 640kbps attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2345 baick CMCT工作组 2018-2-23 2384361 aycgx 2023-10-12 18:32
[转载音轨] 初恋这件小事.First.Love.2010 录制CCTV6国配 2.0-128Kbps.m4a attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-23 491425 Ronnie 2023-3-6 02:36
[转载音轨] 一个购物狂的自白.Confessions.Of.A.Shopaholic.2009 中录京译国配AAC2.0-46kbps.aac attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-23 26386 pixel 2022-5-22 06:33
[转载音轨] 终极快递.Paris.Express.2010.央视国配.DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-2-23 39629 pixel 2022-5-22 06:34
[转载音轨] 龙兄鼠弟.Twins.1999.六区国配.AC3-DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree  ...2 shayiqing 2018-2-23 55568 老鸟不飞 2024-12-6 00:19
[转载音轨] 脱线先生.Mr.Magoo.1997 中录国配 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-2-23 431360 pixel 2022-5-22 06:35
[转载音轨] 危情谍影/阴谋的代价.Professionnel, Le.1981 长译公映国配DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-2-23 311268 pixel 2022-5-22 06:35
[转载音轨] 床的另一边.De.L.Autre.Cote.Du.Lit.2009 央视国配 DD2.0-128kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-23 27538 superconan123 2024-10-25 18:26
[转载音轨] 乱世冤家.Marié'an.II, Les.1971 上译国配 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-23 24807 px123 2025-1-4 09:32
[转载音轨] 魔鬼联队.The.Damned.United.2009.六区国配 DD2.0-192kbps.mka attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-23 26498 chi65000 2025-2-6 15:18
[转载音轨] 追龙.公映国语音轨 DTS-HD 5.1+ AC3 5.1 匹配蓝光 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23 hummer220 2018-2-22 1472436 pixel 2022-5-22 06:37
[转载音轨] 奴隶情人.100.Days.with.Mr.Arrogant.2004.台配2.0-128kbps.m4a attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-2-22 371077 pixel 2022-5-22 06:37
[转载音轨] 最后一班地铁/最后地下铁.Le.Dernier.Metro.1980.正版国配DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-2-22 36574 fayewang 2025-2-1 11:13
[转载音轨] 怒火风暴.Falling.Down.1993.六区国配.DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-22 34850 pixel 2022-5-22 06:38
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