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国语音轨区 今日: 18 |主题: 11533|排名: 1 

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[原盘提取] 变形金刚4 正版国配 DD5.1 640kbps(匹配美版与台版,免费) heatlevel agree  ...23456..15 gskening 2014-11-3 7009052 19791120 2023-12-29 10:41
[原盘提取] 【音轨】当幸福来敲门The Pursuit of Happyness2006国配DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attach_img heatlevel  ...2 优伶 SSD管理组 2014-12-17 60965 19791120 2023-12-29 10:39
[原盘提取] 【音轨】记忆裂痕.Paycheck.2003 【原盘国配/导评】 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attach_img heatlevel  ...2 优伶 SSD管理组 2014-12-17 791898 19791120 2023-12-29 10:35
[原盘提取] 【音轨】迷魂陷阱.Kandidaten.2008 蓝光八一次世代国配 DTS-HD MA 5.1 heatlevel agree  ...2 nbk_LXu 2015-1-23 811624 19791120 2023-12-29 10:26
[原盘提取] 【终结者3】2003_泰盛六区国配.AC3-DD5.1-448Kbps.ac3 heatlevel agree  ...2 afeiying 2015-2-26 671098 19791120 2023-12-29 10:23
[原盘提取] 【音轨】人玩鬼.The Evil Dead.1983.六区国配 DD5.1 384kbps.ac3 heatlevel agree  ...2 黄老闪 2015-9-29 56896 19791120 2023-12-29 10:15
[原盘提取] 【音轨】人玩鬼2.Evil Dead II .1987.六区国配 DD2.0 192kbps.ac3 heatlevel agree  ...2 黄老闪 2015-9-29 62831 19791120 2023-12-29 10:10
[原盘提取] 【音轨】迁徙的鸟. Le peuple migrateur.2001.国语 192kbps.ac3 heatlevel agree 黄老闪 2015-9-20 391125 19791120 2023-12-29 09:53
[原盘提取] 肖申克的救赎.The.Shawshank.Redemption.1994 央视国配AC3 DD5.1-384kbps.ac3 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 bingke1973 2015-9-27 571645 19791120 2023-12-29 09:52
[原盘提取] 【音轨】蜘蛛侠2 SpiderMan2.2004 上译公映国配 192kbps.ac3 attach_img heatlevel agree bingke1973 2015-9-19 34543 19791120 2023-12-29 09:50
[原盘提取] 机械公敌.I ,Robot.2004 上译国配 DTS-DD5.1-768Kbps.dts attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 bingke1973 2015-9-27 1001964 19791120 2023-12-29 09:34
[原盘提取] 盗火线.Heat .1995.六区国配AC3 DD5.1-448kbps.ac3 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 huzy2003 2015-9-30 541138 19791120 2023-12-29 09:32
[原盘提取] 猫头鹰王国:守卫者传奇.2010 上译公映国配DD5.1-384kbps.ac3 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 dodonpachi 2015-9-30 801436 19791120 2023-12-29 09:30
[原盘提取] 怪兽大战外星人.Monsters Vs Aliens.2009 六区上译国配 DD5.1-384Kbps.ac3 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 dodonpachi 2015-9-30 731488 19791120 2023-12-29 09:25
[原盘提取] 亚瑟和他的迷你王国 六区上译公映国配 attach_img heatlevel agree dodonpachi 2015-9-30 411591 19791120 2023-12-29 09:11
[原盘提取] 【音轨】看狗在说话1/猫狗也疯狂.Homeward.Bound.德加拉国配 DD2.0-224kbs.ac3 attach_img heatlevel agree zxctxx 2015-10-25 41883 19791120 2023-12-28 14:44
[原盘提取] 【音轨】看狗在说话之旧金山历险记.Homeward.Bound.II.德加拉国配 DD2.0-224kbs.ac3 attach_img heatlevel agree zxctxx 2015-10-25 481034 19791120 2023-12-28 14:41
[原盘提取] 【音轨】法网边缘A Civil Action 1998 DD2.0.ac3 attach_img heatlevel qq360482511 2015-11-5 19846 19791120 2023-12-28 14:38
[原盘提取] 狂鳄凶煞.ROGUE XISHA[泰国].东映[非东影]国语 DD2.0-192Kbps attach_img heatlevel 鹤舞清枫 2015-11-8 331636 19791120 2023-12-28 14:34
[原盘提取] 【音轨】火影忍者剧场版10终章.The Last.2015 原盘台配 DD2.0-128Kbps attach_img heatlevel a1660 2015-11-11 35618 19791120 2023-12-28 10:55
[原盘提取] 【音轨】精灵旅社2.Hotel Transylvania 2.2015.台配国语.DD2.1-448Kbps.ac3 - [售价 50 大洋] attach_img heatlevel  ...23 elevenjay 2016-1-2 1272550 19791120 2023-12-28 10:41
[原盘提取] [地球捍卫战]. Independence Day .1996.美国.国语.VCD原盘DAT(1.50GB) attach_img heatlevel agree 电影人生1 2016-2-19 34594 19791120 2023-12-28 10:39
[原盘提取] 【音轨】丛林大反攻4.Open.Season.Scared.Silly.2015.国粤台.DD5.1-448Kbps.ac3 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...234 elevenjay 2016-2-26 1652308 19791120 2023-12-28 10:36
[原盘提取] 【音轨】人猿星球1 Planet of the Apes(1968) 国语配音发布 224Kbps.ac3 attach_img agree lwpo2008 2016-2-28 14480 19791120 2023-12-28 10:29
[原盘提取] 【音轨】黑帮大佬医生梦 Munnabhai M.B.B.S. (2003) 国配 attach_img lwpo2008 2016-3-1 14385 19791120 2023-12-28 10:28
[原盘提取] 【音轨】重新采样:名侦探柯南剧场版19.业火的向日葵.2015.台配.DD2.1-320Kbps.ac3 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 elevenjay 2016-3-25 901297 19791120 2023-12-28 10:19
[原盘提取] 【音轨】我的野蛮女友.My.Sassy.Girl.2001.6音轨.DD2.1-48KHz.aac - [售价 100 大洋] attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 elevenjay 2016-4-5 781382 19791120 2023-12-28 10:17
[原盘提取] 全网独有音轨:超时空圣战 Highlander.Endgame国语配音 attach_img heatlevel 神秘客 2016-4-5 461414 19791120 2023-12-28 10:14
[原盘提取] 【美味情缘】No.Reservations.2007.DVD自带上译公映国语配音.DD5.1_384Kbps attach_img heatlevel  ...2 俊彩星驰 2016-4-17 641037 19791120 2023-12-28 10:12
[原盘提取] 【音轨】猎物 La.proie (2011) 八一公映国语 DTS+AC3【D9原盘提取】 - [售价 25 大洋] attach_img heatlevel agree _释然 2016-5-2 471100 19791120 2023-12-28 10:10
[原盘提取] 【音轨】圣诞欢歌/Christmas Carol:The Movie (2001).台配国语.DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attach_img heatlevel anjian 2016-5-5 161145 19791120 2023-12-28 10:07
[原盘提取] 007:幽灵党.Spectre.2015.蓝光提取国配.DD5.1-448Kbps heatlevel agree gskening 2016-5-12 421014 19791120 2023-12-28 10:00
[原盘提取] 【音轨】红番区 Rumble In The Bronx 1995 国配 DTS 5.1-1536kbps.dts attach_img heatlevel  ...2 574619744 2016-5-24 651470 19791120 2023-12-28 09:56
[原盘提取] [丛林奇兵].The.Rundown.2003.DTS.DD5.1.755K(上译公映国配)下载地址已更新 - [售价 10 大洋] attach_img heatlevel huzy2003 2016-5-24 32847 19791120 2023-12-28 09:53
[原盘提取] 【音轨】巴顿将军.Batton.1970.国语.2.0-192Kbps.求高手调制 attach_img 丁-BING 2016-5-27 5328 19791120 2023-12-28 09:35
[原盘提取] [16街区].16.Blocks.2006.AC3.DD5.1.448K(上译公映国配) - [售价 5 大洋] attach_img heatlevel huzy2003 2016-5-29 17573 19791120 2023-12-28 09:32
[原盘提取] 绝命悍将.1999年,德加拉正版VCD原盘分享.国语DAT2.0(1GB) - [售价 5 大洋] attach_img 电影人生1 2016-5-29 15446 19791120 2023-12-28 09:28
[原盘提取] [警界争雄].36.Quai.Des.Orfevres.2004.AC3.DD5.1.448K(上译公映国配) - [售价 5 大洋] attach_img huzy2003 2016-5-31 11428 19791120 2023-12-28 09:26
[原盘提取] 遥远的桥∕夺桥遗恨.A.Bridge.Too.Far.1977 国配 DD2.0-192kbps - [售价 10 大洋] attach_img mblgc71 2016-6-14 14445 19791120 2023-12-28 09:24
[原盘提取] 霸王别姬 Farewell.My.Concubine.1993.国语原声 Dolby5.1音轨 - [售价 20 大洋] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 sqs123 2016-9-26 72869 19791120 2023-12-28 09:21
[原盘提取] 冰川时代5:星际碰撞.Ice.Age: Collision.Course.港版台粤语蓝光正版.DD5.1-448K heatlevel agree  ...234 gskening 2016-10-25 1562834 19791120 2023-12-28 09:18
[原盘提取] 冰川时代5:星际碰撞.欧版蓝光提取公映国配448Kbps,等待高手调制 - [售价 50 大洋] attach_img heatlevel  ...2 gpouuu_2 2016-10-25 871682 19791120 2023-12-28 09:16
[原盘提取] 独立日2:卷土重来.Independence.Day.2.2016.正版蓝光提取.DD5.1-640Kbps attachment heatlevel  ...23456 ym1975 2016-10-26 2763415 19791120 2023-12-27 12:21
[原盘提取] 爱丽丝梦游仙境2.Alice.Through.the.Looking.Glass.蓝光正版提取.DD5.1-640K heatlevel  ...2 gskening 2016-10-27 901033 19791120 2023-12-27 12:18
[原盘提取] X战警:天启 X-MenApocalypse 2016 新索正版蓝光提取 DD5.1-448K attachment heatlevel  ...23456..11 梦幻之龙 CMCT工作组SSD管理组 2016-11-3 5083562 19791120 2023-12-27 12:17
[原盘提取] 精灵高中:驚聲尖拍 Monster High 2014 国粤双语 AAC 2.0 - [售价 3 大洋] 囧叽叽吉囧 2016-11-10 28748 19791120 2023-12-27 12:07
[原盘提取] 精灵高中:恐怖大堡礁 国粤语 MH:Great Scarrier Reef 2016 DD5.1 - [售价 3 大洋] 囧叽叽吉囧 2016-11-10 30522 19791120 2023-12-27 11:20
[原盘提取] 冰川时代5:星际碰撞.Ice.Age.Collision.Course.2016.正版大陆公映国语.DD5.1-448Kbps heatlevel agree  ...23456..11 蝴蝶效应 2016-11-26 5254507 19791120 2023-12-27 11:16
[原盘提取] 倩女幽魂A.Chinese.Ghost.Story.1987/1990/1991.Blu-ray华录版原盘国语/粤语音轨 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 manana 2016-11-28 67716 19791120 2023-12-27 10:55
[原盘提取] 海洋 Oceans 2009 CHN Blu-ray 公映国配 AC3-5.1-384kbps heatlevel agree  ...2 xiedeguo868218 2016-12-9 791362 19791120 2023-12-27 10:50
[原盘提取] 圆梦巨人The.BFG.TW.2016.Bluray.原盘台配国语AC3 -640 kbps attachment heatlevel agree  ...234 manana 2016-12-8 1862099 19791120 2023-12-27 10:48
[原盘提取] 海洋 Oceans 2009 CHN Blu-ray 公映国配 THD-5.1-1555kbps attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 xiedeguo868218 2016-12-9 1001326 19791120 2023-12-27 10:47
[原盘提取] 龙猫 My Neighbor Totoro 1988 台配国语 DD2.0-192Kbps - [售价 5 大洋] agree 小五 2016-12-10 291249 19791120 2023-12-27 10:25
[原盘提取] 魔女宅急便 Kiki's Delivery Service 1989 台配国语 DD2.0-192Kbps - [售价 5 大洋] agree 小五 2016-12-10 25814 19791120 2023-12-27 10:14
[原盘提取] 红猪 Porco Rosso 1992 台配国语 DD2.0-192Kbps - [售价 5 大洋] agree 小五 2016-12-10 331131 19791120 2023-12-27 10:12
[原盘提取] 魔法公主 Princess Mononoke 1997 台配国语 DD2.0-192Kbps - [售价 5 大洋] agree 小五 2016-12-10 25613 19791120 2023-12-27 10:05
[原盘提取] 千与千寻 Spirited Away 2001 台配国语 DD5.1-448Kbps - [售价 5 大洋] agree 小五 2016-12-10 39399 19791120 2023-12-27 10:01
[原盘提取] 阿拉伯的劳伦斯.Lawrence.of.Arabia.1962.原盘自带央视孟超国配DD2.0-192 kb/s attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 manana 2017-6-4 651137 qw114 2023-12-27 07:15
[原盘提取] 玩命追踪 Blitz 2011 蓝光正版国配dtshd5.1-1509Kbps attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 manana 2017-3-18 981755 leos 2023-12-25 15:23
[原盘提取] 暮光之城1 暮色 Twilight 2008 上译国配 DD5.1-448Kbps - [售价 5 大洋] heatlevel agree  ...2 小五 2016-12-11 73469 19791120 2023-12-25 10:47
[原盘提取] 变形金刚2 Transformers Revenge of the Fallen 2009 中录华纳 DD5.1-640Kbps - [售价 5 大洋] heatlevel agree  ...23 小五 2016-12-12 1111412 19791120 2023-12-25 10:33
[原盘提取] 岁月的童话 Only Yesterday 1991 台配国语 DD2.0-192Kbps - [售价 5 大洋] agree 小五 2016-12-12 24705 19791120 2023-12-25 10:28
[原盘提取] 平成狸合战 The Racoon War 1994台配国语 DD2.0-192Kbps - [售价 5 大洋] agree 小五 2016-12-12 26902 19791120 2023-12-25 10:26
[原盘提取] 猫的报恩 The Cat Returns 2001 台配国语 DD2.0-192Kbps - [售价 5 大洋] agree 小五 2016-12-12 33897 19791120 2023-12-25 10:21
[原盘提取] 地海传说 Tales From Earthsea 2006 台配国语 DD5.1-448Kbps - [售价 5 大洋] agree 小五 2016-12-12 26873 19791120 2023-12-25 10:06
[原盘提取] 辉夜姬物语 The Tale of the Princess Kaguya 2013 台配国语 DD5.1-448Kbps - [售价 5 大洋] agree 小五 2016-12-12 37372 19791120 2023-12-25 10:04
[原盘提取] 回忆中的玛妮 When Marnie Was There 2014 台配国语 DD5.0-448Kbps - [售价 5 大洋] agree 小五 2016-12-12 31747 19791120 2023-12-25 10:03
[原盘提取] 哆啦A梦:新·大雄的日本诞生 台配国语 TrueHD 2.0-16bits 匹配日版BD attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 chziy2345 2016-12-12 1181213 19791120 2023-12-25 10:01
[原盘提取] 多啦A梦: 新·大雄之日本诞生 2016 粤语 TrueHD 5.1-16bits 港版蓝光 - [售价 20 大洋] agree 小五 2016-12-14 42413 19791120 2023-12-25 09:59
[原盘提取] 冰川时代1-5 Ice Age 全系列原盘提取国配 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...234 zhougg009 2016-12-15 1721734 19791120 2023-12-25 09:57
[原盘提取] 老无所依.No.Country.for.Old.Men.2007 重编码央视国配 DTS 5.1-768Kbps.dts attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23 pearlbaby 2016-12-27 124832 leos 2023-12-24 15:05
[原盘提取] 逗鸟外传:萌宝满天飞.Storks.2016.欧版原盘自带正版国语.DD5.1-448kbps..ac3 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..10 蝴蝶效应 2016-12-22 4904362 leos 2023-12-24 14:30
[原盘提取] 釜山行/尸速列车 부산행 2016 粤配Dolby TrueHD及AC3 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23 zhougg009 2016-12-21 1231683 19791120 2023-12-24 13:34
[原盘提取] 冬荫功2:拳霸天下 The Protector 2 2013 公映国语 DD5.1-640 - [售价 15 大洋] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 xianghua123 2016-12-22 78697 19791120 2023-12-24 13:31
[原盘提取] 终结者2018(导演剪辑版)Terminator Salvation 2009 北影国配 DTS-HDMA 5.1 - [阅读权限 20]attach_img heatlevel  ...23 pearlbaby 2016-12-28 112616 19791120 2023-12-24 13:29
[原盘提取] 忍者神龟2:破影而出 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 2016 泰盛国版蓝光 DD5.1-640K attach_img heatlevel  ...234 zhougg009 2016-12-29 1582855 19791120 2023-12-24 12:18
[原盘提取] 超级保镖 The Bodyguard 2016 DTSHD 国语音轨 完美匹配蓝光BD - [售价 30 大洋] attach_img shao76 2017-1-1 331004 19791120 2023-12-24 12:17
[原盘提取] 血钻.Blood.Diamond.2006.新索版原盘国配 DD5.1-448kbps attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 manana 2017-1-12 1121722 19791120 2023-12-24 12:16
[原盘提取] 名侦探柯南剧场版20.纯黑的恶梦.2016.台配.DD2.1-192Kbps.ac3 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 elevenjay 2017-1-12 771154 19791120 2023-12-24 12:12
[原盘提取] 穿靴子的猫.Puss.In.Boots.2011 台配 DD5.1-640kbps ac3 - [售价 10 大洋] agree larkinhu 2017-1-18 48701 19791120 2023-12-24 12:11
[原盘提取] 名侦探柯南:纯黑的恶梦 台配国语 LPCM 2.0 2304Kbps.wav attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 chziy2345 2017-1-19 771360 19791120 2023-12-24 12:10
[原盘提取] 逗鸟外传:萌宝满天飞.Storks.2016.台版原盘自带台配国语/粤配.DD5.1-448kbps attachment heatlevel agree  ...234 manana 2017-1-20 1991984 19791120 2023-12-24 11:57
[原盘提取] 侠探杰克2 Jack Reacher: Never Go Back 2016 正版公映国配 DD5.1-640Kbps 精华 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..16 小五 2017-1-26 7755595 19791120 2023-12-24 11:57
[原盘提取] 魔发精灵 Trolls 2016 原版台配国语+粤语 5.1 DD AC3 @ 448 Kbps - [售价 10 大洋] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...234 SUPER-CMCT 2017-1-27 1961838 19791120 2023-12-24 11:45
[原盘提取] 少林寺 TheShaolinTemple 1982 国语 DTS-HD MA 5.1-1509Kbps heatlevel  ...23 chziy2345 2017-1-28 133786 19791120 2023-12-24 11:45
[原盘提取] 奇异博士.Doctor.Strange.2016.蓝光正版提取.DD5.1-640kbps.ac3 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..20 蝴蝶效应 2017-2-25 9539395 19791120 2023-12-24 11:36
[原盘提取] 诸神之怒 Wrath.Of.The.Titans.2012.原盘提取国配DD5.1-448 kb/s attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 manana 2017-3-12 58928 19791120 2023-12-24 11:34
[原盘提取] 第六日 The 6th Day 2000 AC3 48hz 2ch六区国配 - [售价 30 大洋] attach_img agree chc11808 2017-3-16 36473 19791120 2023-12-24 11:33
[原盘提取] 乱战.Chaos.2005.(华录)原盘提取国配DTSHD-1509 kb/s attachment  ...2 manana 2017-3-18 55491 19791120 2023-12-24 11:27
[原盘提取] BBC蒙哥(华录).The.Meerkats.2008.原盘提取国配音轨DD5.1-448 kb/s attachment agree manana 2017-3-18 45620 19791120 2023-12-24 11:27
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