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[转载音轨] 梦的味道.Монтевидео 2010 央视国配.AC3-DD2.0-256Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-22 34369 pixel 2022-5-22 00:32
[转载音轨] 小鸡快跑 Chicken Run 2000 A区粤配.DD5.1-640Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-26 31728 1084412849 2023-3-28 21:55
[转载音轨] 小美人鱼.The.Little.Mermaid.1989 三区粤配.AC3-DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-3 31634 happyfan 2022-10-3 17:17
[转载音轨] 棒球之爱.For.Love.of.the.Game.1999_央视国配.AC3-DD2.0-256Kbps attachment agree shayiqing 2018-1-24 30721 pixel 2022-5-22 07:47
[转载音轨] 白兔糖.Bunny.Drop.2011 纬来台配国语 AAC 2.0-128kbps.m4a attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-2-24 30333 pixel 2022-5-22 06:30
[转载音轨] 傲慢与偏见/Pride.And.Prejudice.2005.六区国配音轨AC3-5.1 attach_img agree lishiren1978 2020-3-20 31994 czkaizi 2023-9-11 22:41
[转载音轨] 时空恋旅人.2013.央视长译国配DTS5.1-1536kbps 1.30GB attachment xuhuilongno1 2017-3-20 32508 maeric31 2020-7-14 17:08
[转载音轨] 看得见风景的房间.A.Room.With.A.View.1985 上译国配 DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-20 32569 pixel 2022-5-22 00:42
[转载音轨] 冰冻星球.BBC.Frozen.Planet.2011.BluRay.港版台配(@beAst调制适配).DD2.0-192kb/s attachment manana 2016-11-26 34729 syukri 2022-11-20 11:33
[转载音轨] 迷踪:第九鹰团/帝国战记.The Eagle.2011 北影公映国配 AAC 2.0-65kbps.aac attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-23 30863 pixel 2022-5-22 00:26
[转载音轨] 航班蛇患.Snakes on a Plane.2006.上译国配.AAC2.0-127.kbps attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-20 31731 pixel 2022-5-22 06:46
[转载音轨] 血钻.Blood.Diamond.2006 重混上译国配 DTSHD-MA 5.1-2240Kbps.16bits - [售价 50 大洋] agree sqs123 2021-6-2 291149 寒丝羽竹 2023-6-14 21:04
[转载音轨] 心灵点滴.Patch.Adams.1998.上译国配.DD2.0-224kbps - [售价 5 大洋] attach_img agree 邹清音 2018-9-30 29753 mafol 2023-9-11 13:07
[转载音轨] 狼少年.A.Werewolf.Boy.2012 录制星卫HD台配 DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-22 31386 pixel 2022-5-22 00:33
[转载音轨] 替身情侣.L'animal .1977 上译公映国配 DD2.0-256Kbps.ac3 attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-5-28 301776 pixel 2022-5-21 23:18
[转载音轨] 赎金风暴.Ransom.1996 央视长译国配 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-9 30505 pixel 2022-5-22 07:05
[转载音轨] 我最好的敌人.My.Best Enemy.2011.央视国配 2.0-49.6Kbps.mp4 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-23 32705 boaigjh 2023-10-7 06:44
[转载音轨] 火的战车.Chariots.of.Fire.1981.央视国语DD2.0.192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-6-25 32580 pixel 2022-5-21 22:22
[转载音轨] 名侦探柯南11:深蓝色的海盗旗.2007 粤配.AC3-DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-3-3 31548 pixel 2022-5-22 01:01
[转载音轨] 雨中的请求.2010_央视国配.AC3-DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-5-20 30875 shuilunji 2024-3-14 22:47
[转载音轨] 红鹰侠.Red.Eagle.2010 公映国配 AAC 2.0-128kbps.m4a attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-24 38935 pixel 2022-5-22 06:29
[转载音轨] 爱美丽的谎言.Beautiful.Lies.2010 央视国配 AAC 2.0-128kbps.m4a attachment agree shayiqing 2018-6-25 31600 pixel 2022-5-21 22:21
[转载音轨] 悍将双雄.Jerry.Cotton.2010 央视长译国配 2.0-128Kbps.m4a attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-23 30354 lookxxx 2022-7-26 21:52
[转载音轨] 相助.The.Help.2011.上译国配.AAC 2.0-48kbps.MP3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-25 33432 lorenzo 2018-8-19 06:47
[转载音轨] 重装捍将 Silent Trigger 1996 国语 aac.128.Kbps - [售价 25 大洋] agree crow001 2017-7-8 32497 ZJS50726072 2022-9-16 11:12
[转载音轨] 狮子王3:丁满彭彭历险记.The.Lion.King.1½.2004 A区粤配DD2.0-320Kbps.ac3 attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-2-24 30375 pixel 2022-5-22 06:27
[转载音轨] 怒火风暴.Falling.Down.1993.六区国配.DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-22 34704 pixel 2022-5-22 06:38
[转载音轨] 玫瑰战争.The.War.of.the.Roses.1989 国配 2.0-128Kbps.mp3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-22 30364 kevin9611 2023-10-22 11:08
[转载音轨] 极度狂热.Fever.Pitch.2005 央视国配 AAC 2.0-64kbps.m4a attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-24 29367 pixel 2022-5-22 00:22
[转载音轨] [沉睡者/豪情四兄弟].Sleepers.1996.六区国配DD5.1 448kps - [售价 5 大洋] agree wycjwl 2018-5-21 31415 yang9354 2024-1-2 10:07
[转载音轨] 守护者联盟.Rise.of.the.Guardians.2012.A区粤配DD5.1-640Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-27 30424 pixel 2022-5-22 01:18
[转载音轨] 百货战警/商场保安.Paul Blart Mall Cop.2009 国配 DD2.0-128kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-24 29399 pixel 2022-5-22 00:15
[转载音轨] 天真与无知.The Girl.Was.Young.1937 国配MP3-2.0-51.6kbps.mka attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-25 32307 pixel 2022-5-22 00:13
[转载音轨] 辉夜姬物语 The Tale of the Princess Kaguya 2013_A区粤配.AC3-DD5.1-448Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-1 42884 pixel 2022-5-22 01:11
[转载音轨] 母牛总动员.Home.On.The.Range.2004.三区台配.AC3-DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-21 39363 1084412849 2023-3-28 19:55
[转载音轨] 星河战队.Starship.Troopers.1997 京译自混国配 DTS 5.1-1536kbps.dts agree sqs123 2021-6-1 291168 ljsj10 2024-1-5 10:12
[转载音轨] 断锁怒潮 Amistad.1997 央视国配.AC3-DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-25 30754 pixel 2022-5-22 00:08
[转载音轨] 王中王 Ace.of.Aces.1982 上译 AC3-192kbps attach_img agree 198609024 2017-3-27 27461 想什么是什么 2023-8-22 14:00
[转载音轨] 手塚治虫的佛陀2:无尽的旅程.2014_三区粤配.DD2.0-384Kbps.ac3 attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-3-2 30459 pixel 2022-5-22 01:06
[转载音轨] 借东西的小人阿莉埃蒂 The Borrower Arrietty 2010_A区粤配.DTS-DD5.1-768Kbps.dts attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-1 30413 2245672255 2023-10-21 15:39
[转载音轨] 劫后黄金梦.Les Morfalous.1984 国配 AAC 2.0-128Kbps.m4a attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-20 301265 pixel 2022-5-22 00:41
[转载音轨] 大力士.Hercules.1997.六区国配.AC3-DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-21 39936 cwjgogo 2020-5-31 11:11
[转载音轨] 追踪长尾豹马修 Marsupilami 2012 精混国配环绕音加强版 AAC 5.1-127kbp.mka attachment agree shayiqing 2018-5-20 28364 pixel 2022-5-21 23:30
[转载音轨] 成名之路.Almost.Famous.2000 六区国配 AC3 DD2.0-192kbps.mka attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-23 27366 pixel 2022-5-22 00:26
[转载音轨] 小飞象.Dumbo.1941 粤配 DD2.0-320kbps.ac3 agree realyinxu 2017-12-16 33641 pixel 2022-5-22 08:23
[转载音轨] 【国配】花木兰.刘亦菲真人版Mulan.2020.DD5.1-640kbps 新人帖 - [售价 10 大洋] attach_img sundey 2020-11-19 331233 xiaohu2000 2023-12-19 19:32
[转载音轨] 壮志凌云.Top.Gun.1986.内参国配.DD2.0-224kbps - [售价 15 大洋] agree 邹清音 2018-10-17 31771 czkaizi 2022-11-18 00:15
[转载音轨] 27套礼服.27 Dresses 2008 TVB粤语.DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-26 28812 pixel 2022-5-22 01:21
[转载音轨] 虞美人盛开的山坡 2011 A区粤配.DTS-DD5.0-768Kbps.dts attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-2-26 38488 pixel 2022-5-22 01:22
[转载音轨] 哆啦A梦07:大雄与奇迹之岛 2012 A区粤配.AC3-DD5.1-640Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-3 29205 pixel 2022-5-22 01:04
[转载音轨] 哆啦A梦05:大雄的人鱼大海战 2010 A区粤配.AC3-DD5.1-640Kbps.ac3 attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-3-3 28831 pixel 2022-5-22 01:03
[转载音轨] 星银岛.Treasure.Planet.2002.三区粤配.DD5.1-384Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-28 29342 pixel 2022-5-22 01:13
[转载音轨] 小红帽 Hoodwinked 2005 A区粤配.DD2.0-384Kbps.ac3 attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-3-2 29918 pixel 2022-5-22 01:06
[转载音轨] BBC:生命.Life.2009.国语粤语配音.DD2.0.384k attach_img maeric31 2019-4-19 29736 pixel 2022-5-21 16:04
[转载音轨] 名侦探柯南18:江户川柯南失踪事件 .2014 粤配.AC3-DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-3 29743 pixel 2022-5-22 01:01
[转载音轨] 要命的吸引力/体热.Body.Heat.1981 六区国配 DD5.1-448kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-7 27925 yang9354 2024-1-2 10:17
[转载音轨] 诱惑老板一百招 .Seducing Mr Perfect.2006 台配 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-6-25 31413 pixel 2022-5-21 22:23
[转载音轨] X战警.X-Men.2000-2019.公映国配等.DD2.0/DD5.1-640kbps[全系列10条音轨] - [阅读权限 10]attach_img agree xiaopang 2022-5-27 27183 slhxz 2024-2-24 12:21
[转载音轨] 白雪公主和七个小矮人.1937.迪士尼官方国配.DD2.0-224Kbps.ac3 attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-2-11 39388 戰神龍之子 2023-12-11 22:11
[转载音轨] 天降神兵.Howard.the.Duck.1986 东影上译国配 AAC 2.0-128kbps.m4a attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-21 28890 bokee 2022-12-9 02:54
[转载音轨] 哆啦A梦04:新大雄的宇宙开拓史 2009_A区粤配.DD5.1-640Kbps.ac3 attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-3-2 28435 pixel 2022-5-22 01:07
[转载音轨] 青春变形记.Turning Red.2022.迪士尼官方台配5.1粤语5.1音轨+字幕 - [售价 50 大洋] attach_img agree 随缘58 2022-3-26 284854 wangf_9 2024-3-23 23:28
[转载音轨] 怪兽屋.Monster.House.2006.粤语.DD5.1-448Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-27 28561 pixel 2022-5-22 01:19
[转载音轨] 变身西装.2008.东森电影台配.AAC2.0-64Kbps.aac attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-2-24 36907 fkcnjy 2023-2-16 07:05
[转载音轨] 圣徒与士兵/冰雪勇士.Saints.and.Soldiers.2003.央视国配.AAC2.0-83kbps.aac attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-13 29594 pixel 2022-5-22 06:51
[转载音轨] 决斗的人/决斗者.The Duellists.1977 六区国配 DD 2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-24 27754 boaigjh 2022-7-10 01:07
[转载音轨] 东方三侠.The Heroic Trio.1993.国语.DD5.1-384kbps.ac3 agree zhizunbao666 2023-7-1 27566 舟宁吾爱 2024-2-27 15:41
[转载音轨] 机器人历险记.Robots.2005.六区国配.AC3-DD2.0-224Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-10 34907 pixel 2022-5-22 07:00
[转载音轨] 情定巴黎:法兰西之吻.French.Kiss.1995.六区国配.DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-22 28495 pixel 2022-5-22 06:39
[转载音轨] 香辣一家亲.Garam.Masala.2005 央视国配 2.0-64kbps.m4a attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-23 28682 pixel 2022-5-22 00:28
[转载音轨] 哆啦A梦02:大雄的奇幻大冒险 2007 A区粤配.AC3-DD5.1-640Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-3 29250 pixel 2022-5-22 01:03
[转载音轨] 与敌同眠.Sleeping.With.The.Enemy.1991 央视国配 DD1.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-22 29839 shuilunji 2022-8-2 17:09
[转载音轨] 午夜惊情/激情刽子手/爱之海.Sea.of.Love.1989 国配 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-5-21 27839 pixel 2022-5-21 23:28
[转载音轨] 视差.The.Parallax.View.1974 央视国配 DD2.0-192kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-22 31506 pixel 2022-5-22 00:34
[转载音轨] 夺宝奇兵5 Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny 2023 国语DTS5.1-24bit-1510K - [售价 30 大洋] lt83687365 2024-1-29 34523 mwm 2024-4-20 01:41
[转载音轨] 森林战士.Epic.2013.A区粤配.DD5.1-448Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-27 27703 pixel 2022-5-22 01:19
[转载音轨] 阿呆与阿瓜.Dumb.and.Dumber.Unrated.1994 六区国配 DD2.0-96kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-1-23 26233 pixel 2022-5-22 07:49
[转载音轨] 只有你/看不见的爱.Always.2011.台配国语[修复版].DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-2-22 35841 free_zhang 2022-8-31 00:03
[转载音轨] 妖精的尾巴:凤凰的巫女.2012.三区台配.AC3-DD2.0-256Kbps.ac3 attach_img agree shayiqing 2018-2-21 27244 doculover 2023-7-7 09:12
[转载音轨] 赶尽杀绝/火线保镖.Shoot 'Em.Up.2007 重混上译国配 DTS-HD MA 7.1 - [售价 70 大洋] agree sqs123 2021-6-1 26700 音乐蜚语 2024-4-2 11:00
[转载音轨] 名侦探柯南12:战栗的乐谱.2008 粤配.AC3-DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-3 28733 pixel 2022-5-22 01:00
[转载音轨] 美娜文具店 Happiness for Sale 2013 台配 2.0-192kbps.mp3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-22 27320 pixel 2022-5-22 00:33
[转载音轨] 海绵宝宝:营救大冒险 2020 Netflix 台/粤音轨 DDP.5.1-640kbps attachment agree safeandsound 2020-11-5 261252 mkyang16 2022-8-6 22:00
[转载音轨] 白昼冷光.The.Cold.Light.of.Day.2012 东影公映数字版国配 2.0-128kbps.m4a attachment agree shayiqing 2018-3-20 26336 pixel 2022-5-22 00:42
[转载音轨] 【匹配4K/蓝光】蚁人与黄蜂女:量子狂潮.Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania.2023 国语 DTS-HD MA 5.1 - 3728 kbps - [售价 20 大洋] agree tt0566 2023-5-23 27917 飞鸟飞鸟 2024-1-11 20:04
[转载音轨] 冰冻星球.BBC.Frozen.Planet.2011.BluRay.港版粤配(@beAst调制适配).DD2.0-192kb/s attachment manana 2016-11-26 30336 syukri 2022-11-20 13:48
[转载音轨] 笑傲江湖之东方不败.1992 匹配蓝光 国语AAC 5.1 - [售价 10 大洋] agree 随缘58 2018-8-31 28734 snowmeteors 2023-4-21 10:42
[转载音轨] 百变狸猫.The.Raccoon.War.1994.A区粤配.DD2.0-192Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-27 26497 pixel 2022-5-22 01:16
[转载音轨] 变身国王 The.Emperors.New.Groove 2000 三区粤配.DD5.1-384Kbps.ac3 attachment agree shayiqing 2018-2-26 35307 zg1204 2024-4-13 22:34
[转载音轨] 救难小英雄The.Rescuers.1977.粤配.DD2.0-320Kbps.ac3 agree realyinxu 2018-1-5 26328 pixel 2022-5-22 08:02
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