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国配字幕区 今日: 7 |主题: 2066|排名: 5 

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[原创字幕] 【央视上译】飞屋环游记 Up 2009 Bluray 简中 srt attachment agree realyinxu 2022-4-6 181419 yonhoop 2024-1-3 15:29
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】火烛鬼.Burning.Sensation.1989.Blu-ray.国配简体srt attachment agree zcyuan 2022-3-29 231315 niniwo228 2023-9-25 19:28
[原创字幕] 【央视配音】怪物史莱克 央视OCR字幕SRT attachment agree realyinxu 2022-3-27 61266 pixel 2022-5-15 06:53
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】洗黑钱.Tiger.Cage.II.1990.BluRay.国配简体SRT attachment agree zcyuan 2022-3-26 181502 ZJS50726072 2024-2-21 22:05
[原创字幕] 【上译国配】蜘蛛侠1-3(含2.1加长版)超凡蜘蛛侠1-2合集.2002-2014.上译国配简中SRT字幕 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 binbey 2022-3-25 541696 slyly 2024-3-21 19:46
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】特警屠龙.Tiger.Cage.1988.BluRay.国配简体srt attachment agree zcyuan 2022-3-24 141274 ZJS50726072 2024-2-21 22:21
[原创字幕] 【B站国配】紫罗兰永恒花园 剧场版 Violet Evergarden The Movie 2020 国配简体ASS attach_img agree 289629195 2022-3-24 111219 瑞莫forever 2024-3-15 08:23
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】黑猫 Black Cat 1991 GBR BluRay 简中ASS 【精调】 attachment agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2022-3-23 221391 ZJS50726072 2024-2-21 22:24
[原创字幕] 【上译国配】迷雾追凶 La Ragazza Nella Nebbia / 雾中的女孩 The Girl In The Fog 2017 国配简体ASS attach_img agree jdsh007 2022-3-21 161833 niniwo228 2023-9-25 19:49
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】执法先锋.Righting.Wrongs.1986.BluRay.国配简体srt attachment agree zcyuan 2022-3-17 243776 老鸟不飞 2023-9-25 21:31
[原创字幕] 【中影国配】黑客帝国:矩阵重启 The Matrix Resurrections 2021 中影公映国语字幕ASS attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 jdsh007 2022-3-15 554453 Chongzi 2024-4-8 21:23
[原创字幕] 【台配国语】碧蓝之海 GRAND BLUE.2020 国配简中ASS attachment agree VII CMCT工作组 2022-3-13 51364 lehahazhangdan 2023-11-26 07:18
[原创字幕] 【长影国配】爱玛 TEmma. 2020 国配简中ASS attachment agree VII CMCT工作组 2022-2-27 211533 老鸟不飞 2024-3-31 16:20
[原创字幕] 【上译国配】迷雾追凶 La Ragazza Nella Nebbia 2017 国配SUP attach_img agree baick CMCT工作组 2022-2-22 371912 lehahazhangdan 2023-11-26 07:23
[原创字幕] 【央视中影】魔发精灵2 Trolls World Tour 2020 BluRay 简中 attachment agree realyinxu 2022-2-20 151191 老鸟不飞 2024-4-3 01:32
[原创字幕] 【官方国配】爆笑虫子之冒险岛大电影.The Larva Island Movie.2020【BLURAY-1080P版】【国配】ass字幕【精校】 attach_img agree 无为198991 2022-2-18 81145 DevilJue 2022-7-10 18:36
[原创字幕] 【官方国语】激战.Unbeatable 2013【BLURAY-1080P版】【国配】ass字幕【精校】 attach_img agree 无为198991 2022-2-7 241371 ZJS50726072 2024-2-21 22:33
[原创字幕] 【央视上译】 无敌破坏王2: 大闹互联网 Ralph Breaks the Internet 2018 BluRay 简中 attachment agree realyinxu 2022-2-6 221350 caizhengyi 2024-2-17 00:35
[原创字幕] 【东影上译】小鬼当家2:纽约迷失记.Home Alone 2: Lost in New York 1992【BLURAY-1080P版】【国配】ass字幕【精校】 attach_img agree 无为198991 2022-2-5 342190 slhxz 2024-2-23 18:14
[原创字幕] 【央视国配】宝莲灯.Lotus Lantern 1999 1080p修复版【国配】ass字幕【精校】 attach_img agree 无为198991 2022-2-4 241370 hljwsq 2022-8-3 09:26
[原创字幕] 【央视配音】绿色星球 第一季第三集 The Green Planet 2022 S01E03 简中 attachment agree realyinxu 2022-2-2 152008 lqken 2022-12-25 13:53
[原创字幕] 【央视配音】绿色星球 第一季第二集 The Green Planet 2022 S01E02 简中 attachment agree realyinxu 2022-1-29 232342 lqken 2022-12-25 13:53
[原创字幕] 【央视八一】大坏狐狸的故事 The Big Bad Fox And Other Tales 2017 BluRay 简中 SRT attachment agree realyinxu 2022-1-25 171593 humeto 2024-3-21 15:48
[原创字幕] 【央视国配】绿色星球 央视国配字幕 The Green Planet 2022 S01E01ASS字幕 attach_img agree ahdyz 2022-1-23 191834 hazaj88 2023-5-6 09:25
[原创字幕] 【央视八一】超人总动员2/超人特攻队2 The Incredibles 2 2018 BluRay 简中 attachment agree realyinxu 2022-1-20 151150 caeser2 2023-4-30 09:40
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】乞儿大侠 Militant Eagle 1978 BluRay 简中SRT(精调) attachment agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2022-1-5 151808 w2093246597 2023-3-3 18:17
[原创字幕] 【上译国配】沙丘.Dune.2021.BluRay.公映国配简英.ASS - [售价 30 大洋] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 daocaor 2021-12-30 602746 天妖 3 天前
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】师兄撞鬼 1990 BluRay 简中ASS attach_img agree 枫香秋舞 2021-12-30 231644 ZJS50726072 2024-2-21 22:45
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】新仙鹤神针 1993 BluRay 简中ASS attachment agree 轻语 2021-12-29 391744 ZJS50726072 2024-2-21 22:52
[原创字幕] 【央视国配】对不起 我们错过了你.Sorry.We.Missed.You.2019.简体SRT attachment agree Tangwenx CMCT工作组 2021-12-27 91539 lehahazhangdan 2023-11-26 09:09
[原创字幕] 【央视配音】了不起的狐狸爸爸 Fantastic Mr Fox 2009 BluRay 简中 attachment agree realyinxu 2021-12-25 25848 yonhoop 2024-3-10 18:05
[原创字幕] 【公映中影】夏日友晴天 Luca 2021 BluRay 简中 attachment agree realyinxu 2021-12-19 201578 飞鸟飞鸟 2024-3-21 01:01
[原创字幕] 【FOX台配】僵尸新娘.2005.BluRay.简体中文ASS attachment agree jay0707520110 2021-12-19 71192 yc65412371 2024-2-27 11:49
[原创字幕] 【央视国配】僵尸新娘.2005.BluRay.简体中文ASS attachment agree jay0707520110 2021-12-19 101178 yc65412371 2024-2-27 13:22
[原创字幕] 【央视上译】冰河世纪4:大陆漂移 冰川时代4 Ice Age 4 Continental Drift 2012 BluRay 简中 attachment agree realyinxu 2021-12-15 201527 binbey 2024-1-6 16:15
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】黄飞鸿之五:龙城歼霸 1994 BluRay CC标准收藏版 简中ASS attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 flowrain CMCT工作组 2021-12-14 551918 天妖 2024-3-10 15:47
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】[尖峰时刻2]Rush Hour 2 2001 EUR BluRay国配简繁ASS 精校 attachment agree VIP006002 2021-12-13 283926 飞鸟飞鸟 2024-3-7 22:20
[原创字幕] 【央视中影】头脑特工队 Inside Out 2015 BluRay 简中 attachment agree realyinxu 2021-12-8 171438 mjpl1314 2022-11-18 14:36
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】血洗红花亭 An Eye For An Eye 1990 BluRay 简中SRT(精调) attachment agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2021-12-6 221590 zbl8848 2024-1-22 08:39
[原创字幕] 【泰盛国配】纯真年代 The Age of Innocence.1993 国配简中ASS attachment agree VII CMCT工作组 2021-12-6 241579 Udon 2024-4-12 23:45
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】黄飞鸿四:王者之风 1993 BluRay CC标准收藏版 简中ASS attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 轻语 2021-12-3 674248 天妖 2024-3-17 01:31
[赏金猎人] 国配字幕猎手任务悬赏通告V004《黄飞鸿之五:龙城歼霸》无人应征 attachment 轻语 2021-12-2 01005 轻语 2021-12-2 13:57
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】最后的前线 The Last Frontier 2020 简中 ass attach_img agree 天堂向左转 2021-11-24 281730 lehahazhangdan 2023-11-26 09:26
[原创粤配] 【粤配字幕】怒火·重案.2021.BluRay.1080p.中英SUP/ASS字幕 attach_img agree kelinyujc 2021-11-23 352005 qq65489370 2024-3-10 12:13
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】怒火·重案 Crossfire 2021 简中 ass(精调) attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 qhdxy 2021-11-23 632227 suguicai11 2023-11-15 15:01
[原创字幕] 【央视国配】剪刀手爱德华 Edward.Scissorhands.1990 国配简中ASS attachment agree VII CMCT工作组 2021-11-21 141184 lehahazhangdan 2023-11-26 09:28
[原创字幕] 【中影国配】乔西的虎与鱼 2020 BluRay 国配 简中ASS attachment agree 轻语 2021-11-13 171747 lehahazhangdan 2023-11-26 09:30
[原创字幕] 【台配国语】夏日友晴天.Luca.2021 台配简中 srt 字幕 attach_img agree ahdyz 2021-11-9 142151 1084412849 2023-4-13 15:36
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】君子好逑 The Other Side Of Gentlemans 1984 BluRay 简中SRT(精调) attachment agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2021-11-2 91107 秋风吟 2022-9-7 20:39
[原创字幕] 【中影国配】007:大破天幕杀机.Skyfall.2012.简中SRT字幕 attachment agree binbey 2021-10-30 221724 mwm 2024-2-24 08:39
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】那山那人那狗 Postmen in the Mountains 1999 简中 ass(精调) attachment agree qhdxy 2021-10-28 131242 ekingling 2023-10-12 01:54
[原创字幕] 【公映国配】比得兔2:逃跑计划.Peter.Rabbit.2.The.Runaway.2021 精调ASS字幕 attach_img agree kelinyujc 2021-10-28 131432 lt83687365 2024-1-21 12:58
[原创字幕] 【央视官方】飞机总动员2:火线救援 Fire and Rescue BluRay 简中 srt attachment agree realyinxu 2021-10-27 121167 飞鸟飞鸟 2024-1-13 12:36
[原创字幕] 【央视中影】汽车总动员3 赛车总动员3:极速挑战 Cars 3 BluRay 简中 SRT attachment agree realyinxu 2021-10-20 101314 wjr0221 2022-6-11 18:35
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】吉屋藏娇国配简体srt attachment agree zcyuan 2021-10-17 191654 虎皮猫大人 2024-3-6 03:09
[原创字幕] 【央视上译】冰河世纪3 冰川时代3 Ice Age 3 Dawn of the Dinosaurs BluRay 简中 SRT attachment agree realyinxu 2021-10-16 221953 老鸟不飞 2024-2-20 23:33
[原创字幕] 【央视国语/六区国语/二区日语】变形金刚大电影.The.Transformers.The.Movie.1986.简中SRT三字幕合集 attachment agree binbey 2021-10-9 182292 52chy 2023-12-16 16:09
[原创字幕] 【中影公映】网络谜踪.Searching.2018.简中SRT字幕 attachment agree binbey 2021-10-9 13978 lehahazhangdan 2023-11-26 09:34
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】索比堡 Sobibor 2018 BluRay 简中SRT(精调) attachment agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2021-10-8 11903 lehahazhangdan 2023-11-26 11:14
[原创字幕] 【央视国配】杰出公民.2016.BluRay.简中ASS attachment agree ToogL 2021-9-27 161161 lehahazhangdan 2023-11-26 10:53
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】江湖龙虎斗 Flaming Brothers 1987 BluRay 简中ASS attachment agree 轻语 2021-9-27 9461 zbl8848 2023-11-9 08:28
[原创字幕] 【中影国配】哆啦A梦:伴我同行2.2020.日版.简中SRT字幕 attachment agree binbey 2021-9-24 14899 pixel 2022-5-17 01:20
[原创字幕] 哆啦A梦:伴我同行2 2020 国配字幕+台配字幕+粤配字幕 attachment 轻语 2021-9-24 221421 yingjieyu 2023-6-20 20:09
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】生死决 Duel to the Death 1983 BluRay 简中ASS(精调) attach_img agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2021-9-23 121130 pixel 2022-5-17 15:26
[原创字幕] 【中影国配】速度与激情9.F9:The.Fast.Saga.2021.BluRay.剧场版.国配精调 attachment agree jzsjj 2021-9-12 301199 edenhall 2023-4-2 17:53
[原创字幕] 【中影国配】速度与激情9.F9:The.Fast.Saga.2021.BluRay.导演剪辑版.国配简中.ASS attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 梦幻之龙 CMCT工作组SSD管理组 2021-9-9 651875 枫叶55 2024-1-23 23:24
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】急先锋 Vanguard 2020 BluRay 简体中文 ASS attach_img 轻语 2021-9-7 171369 zhangxiao 2024-2-24 11:49
[原创字幕] 【央视公映】海上钢琴师.1998.BluRay.简体SRT attachment agree realyinxu 2021-9-5 211213 Ronnie 2024-3-19 06:00
[原创字幕] 【央视八一】超能陆战队.Big.Hero.6.2014.BluRay.简体SRT attachment agree realyinxu 2021-8-19 221523 slhxz 2024-2-28 16:57
[原创字幕] 燃烧.Combustión.2013.央视国配简中.ASS - [售价 15 大洋] attach_img agree daocaor 2021-8-18 11852 lehahazhangdan 2023-11-26 11:18
[原创字幕] 【央视中影】爱宠大机密2.2019.BluRay.央视简中.srt attachment agree realyinxu 2021-8-14 6950 pixel 2022-5-17 22:12
[转载字幕] 速度与激情9 F9: The Fast Saga 2021 WEB 公映国语字幕 attach_img agree zymlzl 2021-8-4 251613 pixel 2022-5-17 22:15
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】猴形扣手 Snake Fist Vs. the Dragon 1979 BluRay 简中ASS attachment agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2021-8-4 141118 轻语 2023-2-17 09:07
[原创字幕] 【国配字幕】富贵列车 The Millionaire's Express 1986 attachment agree r9瑞步 2021-7-30 271187 ProudCherish 2023-12-24 02:47
[原创字幕] 杀人优越权.V.I.P.2017.KOREAN.1080p.10bit.BluRay.台配简中特效字幕 - [售价 20 大洋] attach_img agree daocaor 2021-7-22 25959 飞鸟飞鸟 2024-2-12 18:28
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】算死草 Lawyer Lawyer 1997 BluRay 简中SRT attach_img 轻语 2021-7-21 271373 老鸟不飞 2024-3-14 16:04
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】百变星君 Sixty Million Dollar Man 1995 SRT 国配 attachment agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2021-7-20 221180 fcjsyr 2023-8-31 10:29
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】超级学校霸王 1993 BluRay 国配简中 ASS attachment 轻语 2021-7-8 241118 戰神龍之子 2023-10-15 23:24
[原创字幕] 【国配字幕】艾娃.Ava.2020.BluRay.简中.ASS attachment 轻语 2021-7-5 211387 飞鸟飞鸟 2024-3-30 22:58
[原创字幕] 【央视中录】怪兽电力公司.Monsters.Inc.2001.BluRay.CCTV6-OCR.chs央视OCR字幕简中SRT attachment agree realyinxu 2021-7-4 213352 yonhoop 2024-3-9 12:52
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】心动的感觉 L'étudiante.AKA.The.Student 1988 国配简中ASS attachment agree VII CMCT工作组 2021-7-4 14392 lehahazhangdan 2023-11-26 11:29
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】大内密探零零发 Forbidden City Cop 1996 SRT 国配(精调) attachment agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2021-7-4 20651 suguicai11 2023-7-17 11:54
[原创字幕] 【央视国配】名侦探柯南:沉默的十五分钟 2011 简中ASS attachment agree pdashenr CMCT工作组 2021-6-23 11475 爱春天 2022-11-27 12:46
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】 蛇猫鹤混型掌 Lackey.and.the.Lady.Tiger 1980 SRT 国配(精调) attachment agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2021-6-23 8484 轻语 2023-2-17 09:05
[原创字幕] 【长影国配】哥斯拉大战金刚.2021.BluRay.国配简中ASS(精调版) attachment heatlevel  ...2 梦幻之龙 CMCT工作组SSD管理组 2021-6-20 791971 hb052 2024-4-4 20:45
[原创字幕] [开心鬼撞鬼].Happy.Ghost.III.1986.BluRay.国配字幕ASS attachment agree jay0707520110 2021-6-19 261165 老鸟不飞 2024-3-12 11:28
[原创字幕] 【央视国配】名侦探柯南:业火的向日葵 2015 简中ASS attachment agree pdashenr CMCT工作组 2021-6-17 131087 johyou 2022-11-22 17:00
[原创字幕] 【央视国配】夺宝奇兵2:魔域奇兵 Indiana Jones 1984 ASS attachment agree genjit 2021-6-15 191278 czkaizi 2023-10-30 00:27
[原创字幕] 【央视国配】夺宝奇兵3:圣战奇兵 Indiana Jones 1989 ASS attachment agree genjit 2021-6-15 16984 czkaizi 2023-10-31 01:23
[原创字幕] 【央视国配】夺宝奇兵4:水晶骷髅王国 Indiana Jones 2008 ASS attachment agree genjit 2021-6-13 231119 天妖 2024-3-22 19:55
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