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国配字幕区 今日: 9 |主题: 2213|排名: 4 

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[原创字幕] 英雄本色.1986.4K.REMASTERED.BluRay.国配字幕SRT attach_img agree freehey 2020-7-21 361929 矛头 2023-9-22 17:42
[原创字幕] 【中影国配】星球大战9:天行者崛起 2019 中影公映国配简中字幕.ASS(精调版) agree 梦幻之龙 CMCT工作组SSD管理组 2020-7-15 391749 kuohsienl1290 2024-9-20 17:29
[原创字幕] 少林三十六房.The 36th Chamber of Shaolin.1978.Bluray.SRT 国配字幕 attachment agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2020-7-13 3386 ProudCherish 2023-12-15 03:11
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】乔乔的异想世界.Jojo.Rabbit.2019.ass(精调国配字幕) attachment agree ly19901227 CMCT工作组 2020-7-12 36893 xianrenyou2012 2025-1-3 14:24
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】直捣黄龙.The Man from Hong Konge.1975.Bluray.1080P.SRT 国配字幕 attach_img agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2020-7-10 6452 hljwsq 2023-6-14 10:10
[原创字幕] 【央视国配】科洛弗道10号 10 Cloverfield Lane 国配字幕 attachment agree flowrain CMCT工作组 2020-7-8 301378 jianghong 2024-7-31 21:13
[原创字幕] 【央视国配】豪勇七蛟龙 The Magnificent Seven 2016 精调ASS attachment agree ym1975 2020-7-7 38953 slhxz 2024-1-31 16:00
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】卧虎藏龙.Crouching.Tiger.Hidden.Dragon.2000.ass(精调国配字幕) attachment agree ly19901227 CMCT工作组 2020-7-3 211283 虎皮猫大人 2024-10-11 11:01
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】黑拳.Fatal Contact.2006.Bluray.1080P.SRT 国配字幕 attachment agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2020-7-3 2466 轻语 2023-2-17 08:48
[原创字幕] 【六区国配】宇宙威龙.Total.Recall.1990.国配精调字幕.ASS attach_img agree 合金弹头09 2020-6-29 301416 sunsets 2024-5-8 07:59
[原创字幕] 【央视国配】童年的许诺 Promise at Dawn 2017 Bluray【ASS精调】 attach_img agree baick CMCT工作组 2020-6-20 14572 mafol 2024-5-21 16:31
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】家有喜事加长版(周星驰作品).All's.Well.End's.Well.1992.ASS.国配字幕 attach_img agree Tangwenx CMCT工作组 2020-6-14 1928 cwjgogo 2020-6-15 08:20
[原创字幕] 【六区国配】阿波罗13号. Apollo 13 1995.国配精调字幕.ASS attach_img agree 合金弹头09 2020-6-14 181036 hlhl1111 2025-2-5 08:00
[原创字幕] 【上译国配】宁静 / 惊涛迷局.Serenity.2019.ASS(国配精调) attach_img agree jzsjj 2020-6-7 341221 msba 2024-9-20 16:27
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】快活林.The Delightful Forest.1972.Bluray SRT 国配字幕 attach_img agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2020-6-5 6589 糊涂 2020-8-1 09:32
[原创字幕] 【上音内参】教父2.The.Godfather: Part.II.1974.ass(精调国配字幕) attachment agree ly19901227 CMCT工作组 2020-6-1 28956 mwm 2024-5-29 10:03
[原创字幕] 【央视国配】我家买了动物园 We Bought a Zoo 2011 国配简中ASS attachment agree 梦幻之龙 CMCT工作组SSD管理组 2020-5-28 19542 hlhl1111 2024-8-16 14:31
[原创字幕] 【中录国配】深海狂鲨.Deep Blue Sea.1999.国配精调字幕.ASS attach_img agree 合金弹头09 2020-5-24 19830 wxd2404277 2024-6-23 17:38
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】座头市与独臂刀.Zatoichi Meets Swordsman.1971.SRT.国配字幕 attachment agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2020-5-24 2356 qsdxc 2020-5-26 07:52
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】少林少女.Shaolin.Girl.2008.BluRay.1080p.SRT 国配字幕 attachment agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2020-5-20 3527 suguicai11 2023-10-13 06:51
[原创字幕] 【中影国配】利刃出鞘.Knives.Out.2019.ASS(国配精调) attach_img agree jzsjj 2020-5-19 28952 doculover 2024-11-3 16:06
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】方世玉与洪熙官 Heroes Two 1974 1080p BluRay SRT 国配字幕 attachment agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2020-5-17 5594 iamzxw 7 天前
[原创字幕] 【六区国配】绿巨人.Hulk.2003.中录华纳国配SRT字幕 attach_img agree binbey 2020-5-15 43991 gm0606 2024-11-15 20:32
[原创字幕] 【六区国配】生死时速2.Speed 2Cruise.Control.1997.国配精调字幕.ASS attach_img agree 合金弹头09 2020-5-13 331215 mblgc71 2024-12-25 15:41
[原创字幕] 【上译国配】爆炸新闻 Bombshell 2019 国配简中ASS attachment agree 梦幻之龙 CMCT工作组SSD管理组 2020-5-11 20535 binbey 2022-5-22 13:44
[原创字幕] 【央视国配】塔利.Tully.2018.ass(精调国配字幕) attachment agree ly19901227 CMCT工作组 2020-5-5 20773 wxd2404277 2024-3-10 14:32
[原创字幕] 【央视国配】鸡皮疙瘩1 Goosebumps.2015.国配SRT字幕 attach_img agree 蜜汁狗子 2020-5-4 10703 gm0606 2024-10-26 19:40
[原创字幕] 【长影国配】触不可及(美版).The.Upside.2017.ass(国配字幕) attach_img agree wangweiwin 2020-5-1 21551 01012000 2025-2-8 13:25
[原创字幕] 【北影国配】通缉令/刺客联盟.Wanted.2008.ASS(国配精调) attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 jzsjj 2020-5-1 622240 lbz2050 昨天 17:12
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】风雨同路(周星驰作品).1990.BluRay.SRT.国配字幕 attachment agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2020-4-30 151312 ZJS50726072 2024-2-22 10:39
[原创字幕] 【长译国配】北极大冒险 Midnight Sun 2014 ass(国配字幕) attachment agree 冬暖阳 2020-4-30 13751 sakewine 2024-12-8 10:29
[原创字幕] 【中录国配】律政俏佳人.Legally Blonde.2001.ass(精调国配字幕) attachment agree ly19901227 CMCT工作组 2020-4-29 8585 mafol 2023-11-27 23:22
[原创字幕] 【台配国语】律政俏佳人.Legally Blonde.2001.ass(精调国配字幕) attachment agree ly19901227 CMCT工作组 2020-4-29 6405 slhxz 2024-2-15 19:26
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】点指兵兵 Cops And Robbers.1979 BluRay 1080P ASS 新人帖 attachment agree reky04 2020-4-28 2346 maeric31 2020-4-29 18:46
[原创字幕] 【中影国配】终结者:黑暗命运.Terminator.Dark.Fate.2019.ASS(国配精调)更新 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 jzsjj 2020-4-28 581269 iamzxw 2025-2-10 12:36
[原创字幕] 【中影国配】终结者:黑暗命运 Terminator Dark Fate 2019.国配ASS字幕 attach_img agree symry 2020-4-27 281354 suguicai11 2023-10-20 01:29
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】力王 Story of Ricky 1992 1080p BluRay SRT 国配字幕 attachment agree 轻语 2020-4-27 15627 1023886356 2024-5-31 19:27
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】情圣(周星驰作品).1991.1080p.Blu-ray.国配字幕 attach_img agree Jookei99 CMCT工作组 2020-4-27 211267 ZJS50726072 2024-2-22 10:42
[原创字幕] 【央视国配】欢迎来到东莫村国配ASS精调字幕 新人帖 attach_img agree symry 2020-4-24 171146 gm0606 2025-1-1 17:34
[原创字幕] 【上译国配】惊魂记 Psycho.1960.UNCUT.GER.BluRay.国配字幕 attach_img agree Jookei99 CMCT工作组 2020-4-24 191130 msba 2024-9-18 12:36
[原创字幕] 孤堡惊情.The.Orphanage.2007 原盘国配重制加长版.ass (国配精调) attach_img agree jzsjj 2020-4-21 10833 胜天半子 2024-8-25 09:55
[原创字幕] 【华录国配】孤堡惊情.The.Orphanage.2007.ass(国配精调) attach_img agree jzsjj 2020-4-20 5348 EASYICE 2020-4-21 17:39
[原创字幕] 冰雪奇缘2.Frozen.II.2019.2160p.HDR.上译公映国配SUP - [阅读权限 10]attachment agree genjit 2020-4-18 31595 dalan 2025-2-5 18:49
[原创字幕] 【中影国配】罗宾汉:起源.Robin.Hood.2018.ass(国配精调) attachment agree jzsjj 2020-4-18 461359 wxd2404277 2025-2-6 21:07
[原创字幕] 捕蝇纸 Flypaper 2011 BluRay SRT 国配字幕 attach_img agree lishiren1978 2020-4-16 19557 jhkm 2024-11-7 09:27
[原创字幕] 【央视国配】星际传奇2.The.Chronicles.of.Riddick.2004.ass(精调国配字幕) attachment agree ly19901227 CMCT工作组 2020-4-15 20677 msba 2024-10-1 13:46
[原创字幕] 愤怒青年.The Delinquent.1973.Bluray.SRT.国配字幕 attachment agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2020-4-15 3464 温暖 2020-4-15 13:48
[原创字幕] 【京译国配】飙风战警.Wild Wild West.1999.国配精调字幕.ASS attach_img agree 合金弹头09 2020-4-12 291537 junsongcao 2024-8-20 21:22
[原创字幕] 现代应召女郎.Girls.Without.Tomorrow.1992.Bluray.SRT.国配字幕 attachment agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2020-4-10 8984 一凡GH 2024-10-23 21:33
[原创字幕] 成龙电影系列之十二飞龙猛将(英版4K修复加长版).1988.GBR.BluRay.国配简ass[原创听录] attach_img agree 天堂向左转 2020-4-9 401108 lt83687365 2024-12-15 11:51
[原创字幕] 【中影国配】疾速备战.John.Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum.2019.ass(精调国配字幕) attachment agree ly19901227 CMCT工作组 2020-4-6 481645 chieny 2024-9-2 16:05
[原创字幕] 【东影国配】无敌浩克.The.Incredible.Hulk.2008.ass(国配字幕) attach_img agree jzsjj 2020-4-5 411780 hangxj 2024-8-5 20:42
[原创字幕] 【上译国配】星际传奇.Pitch.Black.2000.ass(精调国配字幕) attachment agree ly19901227 CMCT工作组 2020-3-30 411721 lonely_ldx 2024-12-10 20:11
[原创字幕] 【上译国配】霹雳娇娃2.Charlies.Angels.Full.Throttle2003.上译公映国配精调字幕.SSA attach_img agree 合金弹头09 2020-3-30 361802 hzm77 2024-9-15 15:05
[原创字幕] 邪魔.The Devil.1981.BluRay.1080P.SRT.国配字幕 attachment agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2020-3-28 13545 msba 2024-9-20 16:36
[原创字幕] 【官方国配】王国/尸战朝鲜/李尸朝鲜 第一季 2019 ass 国配(精调) 已上传字幕 attachment agree qhdxy 2020-3-22 19708 ZJS50726072 2024-2-22 11:08
[原创字幕] 罗宾汉.Robin.Hood.1973.BluRay 上译国配字幕 attachment agree woodpecker 2020-3-22 4936 ZJS50726072 2024-2-5 15:56
[原创字幕] 【长译国配】唐顿庄园.Downton.Abbey.2019.ass(精调国配字幕) attachment agree ly19901227 CMCT工作组 2020-3-20 40706 lt83687365 2024-12-8 16:47
[原创字幕] 傲慢与偏见/Pride.And.Prejudice.2005.国配Ass字幕 attach_img agree lishiren1978 2020-3-18 421466 TY1023 2024-1-30 21:53
[原创字幕] 我在黑社会的日子. Triads - The Inside Story.1989.Bluray.SRT.国配字幕 attachment agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2020-3-18 131011 1023886356 2024-8-24 19:42
[原创字幕] 【中影国配】雷米奇遇记.Rémi.sans.famille.2018.ass(精调国配字幕) attachment agree ly19901227 CMCT工作组 2020-3-17 19907 niniwo228 2023-9-24 19:49
[原创字幕] 【北影重配】美国队长1:复仇者先锋.2011.The.First.Avenger.(国配字幕) attach_img agree jzsjj 2020-3-17 33916 小丹尼23 2024-5-7 23:52
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】人吓人 The Dead and the Deadly 1982 Blu-ray 1080p.ASS国配字幕 attach_img agree Jookei99 CMCT工作组 2020-3-15 251355 kl7755188 2024-5-24 16:40
[原创字幕] 【公映国语】变身特工 Spies in Disguise 2019 国配SRT字幕 attach_img agree 蜜汁狗子 2020-3-15 29760 胜天半子 2024-8-27 07:19
[原创字幕] 【上译国配】霹雳娇娃1.Charlies.Angels.2000.上译公映国配精调字幕.ASS attach_img agree 合金弹头09 2020-3-14 421074 ybcpq 2025-1-21 09:17
[原创字幕] 长江图.Crosscurrent.2016.Bluray.1080P.SRT.美版蓝光 国配字幕 attachment agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2020-3-14 2501 轻语 2020-3-14 22:48
[原创字幕] 我是一个贼.Legendary.Couple.1995.BluRay.SRT.国配字幕 attachment agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2020-3-13 11561 想什么是什么 2023-9-17 20:32
[原创字幕] 24小时第一季03.24 Hours Season1 .2001.中录德加拉国语字幕.ASS attach_img agree turnface 2020-3-12 5489 niniwo228 2023-9-24 19:55
[原创字幕] 空山灵雨(英版).1979.GBR.BluRay.国配简ass[原创听录] attach_img agree 天堂向左转 2020-3-12 2516 jetli1992 2020-3-14 00:58
[原创字幕] 君子协定.Gentleman's.Agreement.1947.BluRay 国配字幕 attachment agree woodpecker 2020-3-11 3521 想什么是什么 2023-7-20 17:31
[原创字幕] 【长译国配】骡子.The.Mule.2018.BluRay.1080p.ASS.国配字幕 attach_img agree Jookei99 CMCT工作组 2020-3-11 271483 xiurong 6 天前
[原创字幕] 【中影国配】勇敢者游戏2:再战巅峰.Jumanji.The.Next.Level.2019.ass(国配字幕) attach_img agree jzsjj 2020-3-10 451475 wiki 2024-7-22 15:18
[原创字幕] 【台配国语】极地特快 The.Polar.Express.2004.ass(精调台配字幕) attachment agree ly19901227 CMCT工作组 2020-3-10 191224 kuohsienl1290 2024-11-20 18:02
[原创字幕] 【上译国配】极地特快 The.Polar.Express.2004.ass(精调国配字幕) attachment agree ly19901227 CMCT工作组 2020-3-10 151105 冰霜圣堂 2024-6-15 08:36
[原创字幕] 失踪.Missing.2019.BluRay.1080P.SRT.国配字幕 attachment agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2020-3-8 7478 niniwo228 2023-9-24 19:57
[原创字幕] 【上译国配】霹雳娇娃.Charlie's.Angels.2019.ass(国配字幕) attach_img agree jzsjj 2020-3-6 331153 洪福齐天 2023-11-21 21:02
[转载字幕] 冰雪奇缘2.Frozen.II.2019.BluRay.原盘台配SUP字幕 轻语 2020-3-4 201209 191311131 2023-3-12 12:47
[原创字幕] 追鬼七雄.The Trail.1983.BluRay.SRT.国配字幕 attach_img qsdxc CMCT工作组 2020-3-4 9480 lehahazhangdan 2023-11-19 18:45
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】猛鬼佛跳墙 Bless This House 1988 Blu-ray 1080p-chs attachment agree Jookei99 CMCT工作组 2020-3-3 9487 ZJS50726072 2024-2-22 11:54
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】洪福齐天.The.Gambling.Ghost.1991.简体ASS attachment agree Jookei99 CMCT工作组 2020-2-26 9450 ZJS50726072 2024-2-22 12:49
[原创字幕] 【长影国配】决战中途岛.Midway.2019.ass(国配字幕)更新歌词注解 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 jzsjj 2020-2-25 631863 MATAO212000 2025-1-14 00:37
[原创字幕] 忘不了.Lost in Time.2003.BluRay.1080P.国配字幕.SRT attachment agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2020-2-25 5617 lehahazhangdan 2023-11-19 18:46
[原创字幕] 24小时第一季02.24 Hours Season1 .2001.中录德加拉国语字幕.ASS attach_img agree turnface 2020-2-23 6538 niniwo228 2023-9-11 12:29
[原创字幕] 24小时第一季01.24 Hours Season1 .2001.中录德加拉国语字幕.ASS attach_img agree turnface 2020-2-23 5563 CaoXiang891226 2020-2-25 11:19
[原创字幕] 喋血街头.Bullet in the Head.1990.BluRay.国配字幕.SRT attachment agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2020-2-22 5509 虎皮猫大人 2024-2-25 23:10
[原创字幕] 高楼大劫案 Tower.Heist.2011 央视国语字幕ASS精调 attachment agree ym1975 2020-2-21 351324 bokee 2024-12-25 08:42
[原创字幕] 冰雪奇缘2.Frozen.II.2019.BluRay 台配字幕 听录精调 attachment agree woodpecker 2020-2-18 291249 leo008 2024-11-21 12:45
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】杀手壕.Battle.Creek.Brawl.1980.BluRay.1080.国配简体SRT attach_img agree Jookei99 CMCT工作组 2020-2-18 10434 xbbsxl 2023-8-22 14:40
[原创字幕] 冰雪奇缘2.Frozen.II.2019.BluRay.上译公映国配SRT字幕(有更新) attachment agree binbey 2020-2-18 28797 191311131 2023-3-12 17:21
[原创字幕] 倚天屠龙记之魔教教主.1993.BluRay.1080p.国配字幕(匹配韩版) attach_img agree zhangyun_1 2020-2-18 26695 mwm 2024-5-26 10:41
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