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国配字幕区 今日: 1 |主题: 2066|排名: 5 

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[原创字幕] 【央视配音】怪物史莱克 央视OCR字幕SRT attachment agree realyinxu 2021-6-10 15939 yonhoop 2024-3-10 18:35
[原创字幕] 【中影公映】寻龙传说 网映OCR字幕SRT attachment agree realyinxu 2021-6-10 241251 finerygg 2024-2-7 16:32
[原创字幕] 【台配国语】城市猎人:新宿 2019 BluRay ASS 台配字幕 attach_img agree Jookei99 CMCT工作组 2021-6-4 13509 wang7 2024-4-1 15:04
[原创字幕] 【北影原盘/央视】闪电狗.Bolt.2008.Bluray.BD-OCR& 北影公映蓝光盘OCR+央视OCR字幕SRT attachment agree realyinxu 2021-6-2 12994 lihang77 2024-4-15 17:38
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】 广东十虎与后五虎 Ten.Tigers.of.Kwangtung 1979 ASS 国配 attachment agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2021-5-31 6443 pixel 2022-5-18 01:40
[原创字幕] 【中影国配】城市猎人(法国版) 2018 国配字幕 简中 ASS(精调) attachment 轻语 2021-5-31 171131 who1982 2023-2-18 23:24
[原创字幕] 【长影/央视双国配】蝴蝶梦 Rebecca.1940 国配简中ASS attachment agree VII CMCT工作组 2021-5-31 15824 mafol 2023-12-12 23:48
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】[赌神3:少年赌神].1996.BluRay.蓝光国配ASS字幕 attach_img agree 枫香秋舞 2021-5-22 291351 天妖 2024-2-24 20:53
[原创字幕] 【央视北影】泰坦尼克号.Titanic.1997.BluRay.CCTV6-OCR.chs.srt央视OCR字幕SRT attachment agree realyinxu 2021-5-16 221248 郭先生0618 2023-12-15 12:20
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】铁甲无敌玛利亚 I.Love.Maria.1988 国配简中ASS attachment agree VII CMCT工作组 2021-5-11 8804 轻语 2023-2-17 09:04
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】少林足球 Shaolin Soccer 2001 SRT 国配(精调) attachment agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2021-5-10 401583 戰神龍之子 昨天 21:15
[原创字幕] 【上译国配】傲慢与偏见 Pride.And.Prejudice.2005 国配简中ASS attachment agree VII CMCT工作组 2021-4-29 251321 lehahazhangdan 2023-11-25 12:14
[原创字幕] 【北斗企鹅+上译公映双国配字幕】蜘蛛侠:英雄归来.Spider-Man: Homecoming.2017.六区北斗企鹅+上译公映国配SRT双字幕 attach_img agree binbey 2021-4-29 391445 Ronnie 昨天 14:08
[原创字幕] 【中影国配】海兽之子 Children of the Sea 2019 国配字幕 简中 ASS attachment 轻语 2021-4-24 111058 lehahazhangdan 2023-11-25 12:17
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】新龙门客栈(韩版) New Dragon Gate Inn 1992 ass 国配(精调) attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 qhdxy 2021-4-23 601845 suguicai11 2023-11-9 13:48
[原创字幕] 【央视国配】贵妇失踪记.The.Lady.Vanishes.1938.CC.国配字幕 attach_img agree Jookei99 CMCT工作组 2021-4-23 7620 想什么是什么 2023-7-20 17:11
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】旺角卡门(4K CC修复版) As Tears Go By 1988 ass 国配(精调) attachment agree qhdxy 2021-4-22 301333 niniwo228 2023-9-22 19:47
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】英伦琵琶 Banana Cop 1984 BluRay SRT(精调) attachment qsdxc CMCT工作组 2021-4-21 6654 lehahazhangdan 2023-11-22 10:35
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】[黄飞鸿之怒海雄风]Warriors.of.the.Nation.2018.国配ass字幕 attach_img agree 枫香秋舞 2021-4-18 16999 天妖 2024-3-15 23:13
[原创字幕] 【央视中影】女王的柯基 The Queen's Corgi .2019.BluRay.CCTV6-OCR.chs.srt中影公映央视OCR字幕SRT attachment agree realyinxu 2021-4-16 9611 lehahazhangdan 2023-11-25 12:19
[原创字幕] 【八一国配】哆啦A梦:伴我同行Stand.By.Me.Doraemon.2014.简中SRT attachment agree binbey 2021-4-15 14849 dyahz223 2023-5-6 13:57
[原创字幕] 【国配+台配字幕】疯狂原始人2.2020.BluRay.简中.ASS attachment 轻语 2021-4-7 24970 SSD100 2023-5-24 09:51
[原创字幕] 【原盘国配】夏日福星.1985.完整版.国配简ass attachment agree r9瑞步 2021-4-4 28823 spark55 2024-1-22 00:01
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】表姐,你好嘢!2 Her Fatal Ways II 1991 ass 国配(精调) attachment agree qhdxy 2021-3-26 12816 doculover 2023-12-3 11:58
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】鹿鼎记2:神龙教 Royal Tramp II 1992 BluRay SRT attachment agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2021-3-20 28727 jd870326 昨天 20:13
[原创字幕] 【长译国配】神奇女侠1984.Wonder.Woman.1984.2020.ass(国配精调) attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 jzsjj 2021-3-10 711802 小丹尼23 4 天前
[转载字幕] 倚天屠龙记之魔教教主.1993.BluRay.1080p.国配字幕(匹配港版) attach_img agree zhangyun_1 2021-3-10 241262 luyunhu 2024-1-29 21:01
[原创字幕] 【中影国配】假面饭店/假面酒店.Masquerade.Hotel.2019.国配简中SRT字幕 attachment agree binbey 2021-3-5 11849 虎皮猫大人 2024-4-16 19:09
[原创字幕] 【中影国配】假面饭店 Masquerade Hotel 2019 BluRay 1080p 简中SRT attachment 轻语 2021-2-26 201031 niniwo228 2023-9-16 16:07
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】表姐,你好嘢 Her Fatal Ways 1990 ass 国配(精调) attachment agree qhdxy 2021-2-25 161000 doculover 2023-12-3 11:56
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】西游记之女儿国 The Monkey King 3 Kingdom of Women 2018 ass 国配(精调) attachment agree qhdxy 2021-2-25 7651 ZJS50726072 2024-2-21 23:42
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】白发魔女2(德版) The Bride with White Hair 2 1993 BluRay SRT(精调) attachment agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2021-2-25 8459 Enjoyy 2023-7-10 23:50
[原创字幕] 【上译公映】冰雪奇缘.Frozen.2013.BluRay.简体SRT字幕 attach_img agree binbey 2021-2-23 11896 擎天兔 2022-10-4 01:47
[原创字幕] 【中影公映国配】绿毛怪格林奇 The Grinch 2018 BluRay SRT 国配字幕 attachment agree Jookei99 CMCT工作组 2021-2-20 7474 ZJS50726072 2024-2-21 23:49
[原创字幕] 本能.Basic Instinct.1992.北译内参国配字幕.ass attach_img agree sunhao555 2021-2-8 331088 huzy2003 2023-12-10 22:09
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】决战紫禁之巅 The Duel 2000 BluRay 简体ASS(精调) attach_img agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2021-2-7 15376 gulefa 2023-10-16 06:05
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】射雕英雄传之东成西就 1993 KOR BluRay 简中ASS attach_img heatlevel  ...2 轻语 2021-2-5 551464 子乐 2024-4-6 16:35
[原创字幕] 疯狂原始人 The Croods 2013 4K UHD BluRay 国配+台配+中英SUP attachment 轻语 2021-2-4 401300 xiaofei2023 2023-9-11 14:11
[原创字幕] 【上译国配】守护者联盟 2012 BluRay 简中ASS attach_img 轻语 2021-2-1 20987 hnlwcxj 2022-8-5 17:23
[原创字幕] 【上译国配】圣诞怪杰 2000 15周年重制版 BluRay 简中ASS attach_img 轻语 2021-1-29 12557 au哎呦 2024-3-3 22:51
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】背靠背,脸对脸 ASS字幕 attach_img agree kelinyujc 2021-1-28 291145 pixel 2022-5-19 10:36
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】四大名捕 The Four 2012 BluRay SRT(精调) attach_img agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2021-1-28 9310 pixel 2022-5-19 10:45
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】家在香港 Home at Hong Kong 1983 BluRay SRT(精调) attachment agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2021-1-28 3341 pixel 2022-5-19 15:42
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】义胆群英.Just.Heroes.1989.BluRay.简体SRT attach_img 轻语 2021-1-28 19731 zhangxiao 2024-2-13 18:10
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】少林英雄 The Heroes 1980 GER BluRay 简中SRT(精调) attach_img 轻语 2021-1-26 6608 pixel 2022-5-19 15:45
[原创字幕] 【上译国配】绝地战警:疾速追击 Bad Boys 3 2020 BluRay 简中SRT attachment 轻语 2021-1-18 24872 枫香秋舞 2024-2-3 12:42
[原创字幕] 【中影国配+台配字幕】1/2的魔法/二分之一的魔法 Onward 2020 简中SRT attachment 轻语 2021-1-15 20770 lg4916336 2023-7-6 21:26
[原创字幕] 【上译国配】白狮奇缘.2018.BluRay.国配字幕.SRT attachment agree jay0707520110 2021-1-13 8665 ZJS50726072 2021-10-8 12:03
[原创字幕] 【中影国配】末日逃生.Greenland.2020.BluRay.国配字幕.SRT attach_img 轻语 2021-1-11 33957 gm0606 2023-2-26 13:31
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】行运一条龙(周星驰作品).The.Lucky.Guy.1998.国配简体ASS attach_img agree Tangwenx CMCT工作组 2021-1-9 9584 niniwo228 2023-9-2 19:03
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】安乐战场.Fatal.Vacation.1990.BluRay.国配简体srt attachment agree zcyuan 2021-1-4 20446 doculover 2023-7-10 12:59
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】卫斯理之蓝血人.The Wesley's Mysterious File 2002 BluRay SRT(精调) attach_img agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2021-1-3 8359 ZJS50726072 2021-10-8 12:31
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】阿郎的故事All.About.Ah.Long.1989.BluRay.国配简体ass attachment agree zcyuan 2021-1-1 17398 mafol 2024-4-17 21:54
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】拆弹专家.Shock.Wave.2017.BluRay.国配简体srt attachment agree Tangwenx CMCT工作组 2021-1-1 5398 虎皮猫大人 2024-4-3 19:14
[原创字幕] 【长影国配】登月第一人.First.Man.2018.央视长译 attachment agree genjit 2020-12-31 8686 shuilunji 2023-12-12 08:29
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】卫斯理传奇 The.Legend.of.Wisely.1987.Bluray.国配简体SRT attachment agree zcyuan 2020-12-23 8521 w04517 2021-2-21 00:35
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】威龙猛探(英版2K).The Protector 1985 BluRay SRT(精调) attach_img qsdxc CMCT工作组 2020-12-22 17880 zhangxiao 2024-2-25 12:32
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】成龙 - 急先锋 Vanguard 2020 BluRay 简中SUP attachment agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2020-12-19 25854 卿之 2022-11-14 21:07
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】尸家重地 Mortuary.Blues.1990.BluRay.国配简体SRT attachment agree zcyuan 2020-12-16 19411 虎皮猫大人 2024-4-1 03:34
[原创字幕] 【长影国配】回到未来3(35周年重制版) Back to the Future Part III 1990 BluRay ASS(精调) attachment qsdxc CMCT工作组 2020-12-12 29439 mwm 前天 15:53
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】岁月风云之上海皇帝.1993.BluRay.国配简体srt attachment agree zcyuan 2020-12-8 23536 xianghua123 2024-3-2 18:22
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】上海皇帝之雄霸天下.1993.BluRay.国配简体srt attachment agree zcyuan 2020-12-4 32540 ZJS50726072 2024-2-22 00:10
[原创字幕] 信条.Tenet.2020.BluRay.简中国配.ASS(精调版) attachment heatlevel  ...2 梦幻之龙 CMCT工作组SSD管理组 2020-12-4 901828 lehahazhangdan 2023-11-25 12:24
[原创字幕] 【长影国配】回到未来2(35周年重制版) Back to the Future Part II 1989 BluRay ASS(精调) attachment agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2020-12-1 27494 寒丝羽竹 2024-4-7 20:19
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】不散(英版).Goodbye Dragon Inn 2003 BluRay SRT(精调) attach_img agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2020-11-27 4327 cwjgogo 2020-11-30 08:53
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】醉拳(英版).Drunken Master 1978 BluRay SRT(精调) attach_img agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2020-11-27 18464 bdlbw 2024-2-21 15:32
[原创字幕] 【长影国配】回到未来(35周年重制版) Back to the Future 1985 BluRay ASS(精调) attachment agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2020-11-21 411275 mwm 前天 15:31
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】白发魔女传 1993 英版 4K修复 BluRay 简中SRT attachment 轻语 2020-11-21 181097 pggezi 2023-9-24 09:26
[原创字幕] 【公映国配】背水一战.The.Last.Stand.2013.Bluray.国配精调字幕.ASS attach_img agree 合金弹头09 2020-11-18 21755 lzgyc 2024-2-16 00:08
[原创字幕] [鬼畜之源]啊!海军.Aa.Kaigun.1969.DVD 八一国配简中 attachment agree safeandsound 2020-11-15 8714 hljwsq 2024-1-14 09:21
[原创字幕] 【上译国配】黄昏双镖客(美版4K修复) For a Few Dollars More 1965 BluRay ASS(精调) attach_img agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2020-11-14 17442 想什么是什么 2023-8-22 20:55
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】连环炮 A Man From Holland 1985 GER BluRay 简体SRT attachment 轻语 2020-11-9 7536 高清448K 2021-8-9 13:19
[原创字幕] 【中影公映国配】海蒂和爷爷 Heidi 2015 BluRay 简中精调SUP attach_img agree baick CMCT工作组 2020-11-5 401301 虎皮猫大人 2024-3-2 17:14
[原创字幕] 【长影国配】海蒂和爷爷 Heidi 2015 BluRay 简中ASS attachment agree 梦幻之龙 CMCT工作组SSD管理组 2020-11-4 23798 飞鸟飞鸟 2024-3-2 17:20
[原创字幕] 【中影国配】今夜在浪漫剧场.Color.Me.True.2018.中影公映国配字幕 attachment agree binbey 2020-11-3 2279 mafol 2023-9-2 13:06
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】俏探女娇娃.Deadly Angels 1977 BluRay SRT(精调) attach_img agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2020-10-26 10308 lehahazhangdan 2023-11-25 14:09
[原创字幕] 【央视国配】潜伏者.The.Infiltrator.2016.BluRay.简体ASS attachment agree flowrain CMCT工作组 2020-10-20 14347 想什么是什么 2023-9-5 08:03
[转载字幕] 【台配字幕】尼斯大冒险 Manou the Swift 2019 BluRay 简中SRT attachment 轻语 2020-10-17 4337 8506933 2023-10-15 12:30
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】精武风云·陈真.Legend of the Fist 2010 BluRay SRT(精调) attach_img agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2020-10-16 15356 suguicai11 2023-7-17 11:56
[原创字幕] 【中影国配】1917:逆战救兵 1917 2019 BluRay 简中ASS attachment agree 轻语 2020-10-7 341377 lehahazhangdan 2023-11-25 13:27
[原创字幕] 【央视国配】借口公司 2017 简体SRT(精调) attachment agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2020-9-30 19956 seanconnery 2023-12-21 21:10
[原创字幕] 【更新:蓝光国配】龙行天下 The Master 1992 港版+2K修复版 BluRay SRT(精调) attach_img agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2020-9-29 32884 天妖 2024-3-13 15:35
[原创字幕] 【央视国配】梅格雷的亡者 Maigrets Dead Man 2016 国配简中ASS attachment agree wycjwl 2020-9-28 16500 神猫 2024-1-8 11:12
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】笑拳怪招 (英版2K修复版) The Fearless Hyena 1979 简中ASS attachment agree pdashenr CMCT工作组 2020-9-24 16448 hanfeng888888 2024-4-9 16:24
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】龙少爷 (英版2K修复加长版) Dragon Lord 1982 简中ASS attach_img agree 天堂向左转 2020-9-24 171115 lehahazhangdan 2023-11-25 14:07
[转载字幕] 【中影公映国配】【更新】花木兰.Mulan.2020.BluRay.SRT attach_img agree binbey 2020-9-23 43845 天妖 2024-2-15 20:35
[原创字幕] 【中录国配】公主日记2 皇室婚约.The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement.2004.Bluray.国配精调字幕.ASS attach_img agree 合金弹头09 2020-9-21 9672 lehahazhangdan 2023-11-25 13:41
[原创字幕] 【台配】隧道.The Tunnel 2016 BluRay SRT(精调) attach_img agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2020-9-19 13625 meiyuting 2023-12-2 09:14
[转载字幕] 【央视国配】梅格雷的陷阱 Maigret Sets a Trap 2016 国配简中ASS attachment agree wycjwl 2020-9-17 19700 神猫 2024-1-8 11:14
[原创字幕] 【蓝光国配】南方小羊牧场.When a Wolf Falls in Love with a Sheep 2012 BluRay SRT(精调) attach_img agree qsdxc CMCT工作组 2020-9-11 5297 想什么是什么 2023-8-22 22:36
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