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国配字幕区 今日: 2 |主题: 2067|排名: 4 

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[原创字幕] 【公映国配】木星上行.Jupiter Ascending 2015 R6CAM H264 AC3 MURD3R attachment heatlevel feng0571hk 2015-4-2 221467 lt83687365 2024-1-14 18:12
[原创字幕] 【公映国配】霍比特人3:五军之战.2014(3D合盘版)【左右半宽】 attachment imissu20 2015-3-23 6735 5251 2015-4-19 09:40
[原创字幕] 【公映国配】霍比特人3:五军之战.2014(3D合盘版)【左右半宽&上下半高】 attach_img heatlevel  ...2 优伶 SSD管理组 2015-3-23 812119 shengang82 2018-1-24 20:14
[原创字幕] 【公映国配】马达加斯加的企鹅Penguins of Madagascar【左右半宽&上下半高】 attach_img heatlevel 优伶 SSD管理组 2015-3-23 291227 shengang82 2018-1-14 19:58
[原创字幕] 【公映国配】超能陆战队.Big.Hero.6.2014【左右半宽&上下半高】 attach_img heatlevel 优伶 SSD管理组 2015-3-23 451175 h0204427 2021-2-22 19:40
[原创字幕] 【公映国配】超能陆战队.Big.Hero.6.2014.手打(已修正错误) attachment heatlevel agree tommylijones 2015-3-21 211778 powertome 2017-2-8 17:02
[原创字幕] 【公映国配】霍比特人3:五军之战.The.Hobbit.The.Battle.of.The.Five.Armies attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 kane219 2015-3-20 592462 lds 2016-9-25 15:18
[原创字幕] 【六区国配】玩具总动员.三部曲.Toy story.1,2,3 heatlevel agree  ...2 fenghuang 2015-3-19 841383 天妖 2024-1-30 20:21
[原创字幕] 【公映国配】马达加斯加的企鹅.2014.BluRay.CSC-MC-TLP.Ep003.CHY.匹配长译国语发音 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 realyinxu 2015-3-15 1362608 sakewine 2020-2-6 05:33
[原创字幕] 【公映国配】帕丁顿熊.Paddington.2014.1080p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H264-RARBG attachment heatlevel agree yaodao2002 2015-3-13 381933 jackhawktaobao 2015-6-19 21:42
[原创字幕] 【公映国配】黑客帝国I II III.三部曲.The.Matrix.720p.中文字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...234 zpk_123 2015-2-26 1683711 colorange 2023-11-17 11:18
[原创字幕] 【公映国配】加勒比海盗III:世界的尽头.简体中文字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...2 284916237 2015-2-20 911365 Cyril_逍遥 2023-12-4 13:03
[原创字幕] 【央视国配】血染雪山堡.Where.Eagles.Dare.1968.国配简体ASS字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...2 284916237 2015-2-17 841594 edifiernj 2024-3-19 22:38
[原创字幕] 【公映国配】加勒比海盗2.亡灵宝藏.中文简体srt字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...2 284916237 2015-2-16 571452 binbey 2024-1-3 19:55
[原创字幕] 【公映国配】加勒比海盗1(八一版)简中SRT字幕 - [售价 5 大洋] attachment heatlevel  ...2 284916237 2015-2-14 802376 Cyril_逍遥 2023-12-4 17:59
[原创字幕] 【国配字幕】猫屎一号.Cat.Shit.One.2010.国配字幕 attachment heatlevel 东么儿 2015-2-14 37779 大头蜻蜓 2023-12-5 22:54
[原创字幕] 【央视国配】哈尔的移动城堡.Howl's.Moving.Castle.2004.BluRay.CSC-MC.蓝光 attachment heatlevel realyinxu 2015-2-5 39720 byjlwl 2023-10-7 22:28
[原创字幕] 【公映国配】白日焰火Bai.ri.yan.huo.2014.1080p.Remux.AVC.FLAC.5.1-EK attachment heatlevel 黑光白影 2015-1-31 12541 zutain 2018-9-20 09:09
[原创字幕] 【公映国配】分歧者.Divergent.长译版 匹配BD srt字幕 attachment heatlevel agree nasaks 2014-12-14 181003 zlji 2016-2-15 00:15
[原创字幕] 【六区国配】地心历险记1.Journey To The Center Of The Earth.上译版 attach_img heatlevel snail_007 2014-12-14 19849 zlji 2016-2-2 13:05
[原创字幕] 【公映国配】金刚:加长版.King.Kong.2005.匹配蓝光 attachment heatlevel agree  ...234 fengqing69 2014-12-7 1563003 枫香秋舞 2022-11-26 19:13
[原创字幕] 【央视国配】勇敢的心.Braveheart.1995.【孙悦宾版】 attachment heatlevel  ...2 fengqing69 2014-12-2 922518 shuilunji 2024-2-20 20:37
[原创字幕] 【六区国配】勇敢的心.Braveheart.1995.【张遥函版】 attachment heatlevel  ...2 fengqing69 2014-11-30 852449 shuilunji 2024-2-20 19:45
[原创字幕] 【公映国配】忍者神龟-变种时代.Teenage.Mutant.Ninja.Turtles.2014匹配蓝光 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 lxd367108 2014-11-28 3556199 Ronnie 2023-7-1 01:39
[原创字幕] 银河护卫队Guardians.of.the.Galaxy.2014.BluRay.720p.DTS.2Audio.x264国配字幕手打 attachment heatlevel agree yaodao2002 2014-11-18 391611 wangjiaqivip 2014-11-23 15:38
[原创字幕] 【公映国配】[超体].Lucy.2014.蓝光版本 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..7 专杀RMB玩家 2014-10-29 3467635 幽灵公主 2022-2-17 12:16
[原创字幕] [驯龙高手]How to Train Your Dragon.2010.bluray.公映国配中英字幕(CMCT风格) attachment heatlevel  ...23456 wo5888 2014-10-18 2976166 老鸟不飞 2024-4-25 00:39
[原创字幕] [驯龙高手2]How to Train Your Dragon 2.2014.bluray.公映国配中英字幕(CMCT风格) attachment heatlevel  ...23456..9 wo5888 2014-10-18 4007769 gm0606 2024-4-24 20:53
[原创字幕] [隐秘王国]第一集:苍穹之下 匹配国配 attachment heatlevel agree dzwen 2014-10-18 14675 junjun2013 2021-4-11 12:01
[原创字幕] [变形金刚4][Transformers.Age.of.Extinction]2014.BluRay.国配中英字幕(CMCT风格) attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..14 wo5888 2014-9-23 67913512 Zhaodayday 2024-2-15 02:16
[原创字幕] 机器人瓦力(WALL-E) 国语配音字幕 attachment heatlevel heartwood 2014-9-13 20917 iamzxw 2023-5-13 16:42
[原创字幕] 美国队长2:冬日战士.Captain America:The Winter Soldier国配对应中英字幕(CMCT风格) attachment heatlevel  ...23456..8 wo5888 2014-8-2 3647890 lingfriendly 2024-4-10 16:28
[原创字幕] [里约大冒险2].Rio.2.BluRay.720p公映国配完美对应字幕(CMCT原汁原味) attachment heatlevel  ...2345 wo5888 2014-7-25 2003811 gm0606 2024-4-24 21:30
[原创字幕] [猫头鹰王国:守护者传奇].2010.BluRay.720p.x264.AC3-CMCT国配对应中英字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...2 wo5888 2014-7-10 801759 老鸟不飞 2024-4-23 17:06
[原创字幕] [穿靴子的猫].Puss.In.Boots.2011.Bluray.720p.x264.AC3 台配国语对应简中字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...234 wo5888 2014-6-28 1563899 老鸟不飞 2024-4-5 01:47
[原创字幕] [起风了]The.Wind.Rises.2013.Bluray国配字幕,完美匹配蓝光原盘 - [阅读权限 10]heatlevel agree  ...23 wgjas2 2014-6-21 140750 ak133 2018-11-9 12:36
[原创字幕] 怪兽电力公司.Monsters.Inc.2001.2D.Blu-Ray.720p央视国配字幕 - [阅读权限 10]attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 Jaclick 2014-5-3 117619 doculover 2024-3-13 13:22
[原创字幕] [极品飞车].Need.for.Speed.2014.DVDScr.x264.2Audio-SmY.国配ASS字幕 attachment heatlevel agree knuc12345 2014-4-24 403802 kivywa 2018-8-21 15:29
[原创字幕] 《风暴》国配听译精校版 attachment heatlevel agree hb052 2014-3-9 171117 jeason_li 2014-11-25 15:29
[原创字幕] 《冰雪奇缘》国配听译精校版 attachment heatlevel agree heartwood 2014-3-7 321882 jiangkefeng 2017-5-8 23:13
[原创字幕] [地心引力].Gravity.2013.720p.WEB-DL.H264-PublicHD.国语配音字幕(0109更新) attachment heatlevel agree knuc12345 2013-12-16 233733 zhangjianhua 2014-10-17 16:08
[原创字幕] [金蝉脱壳].Escape.Plan.2013.720p.R6.HDScr.x264.AC3-SmY.国语配音字幕(1217更新) attachment heatlevel agree  ...234 knuc12345 2013-12-5 1646107 Anna 2022-8-2 11:26
[原创字幕] 极速蜗牛Turbo.2013.chs对应台配字幕 heatlevel lorrylxw 2013-11-22 111272 jiaopian 2014-4-3 09:02
[原创字幕] 汽车总动员1 国配字幕(精校版) attachment heatlevel agree heartwood 2013-11-20 232133 liang007123 2017-5-4 02:10
[原创字幕] 最终幻想之圣童降临【月声配音社】版国配字幕 - [售价 3 大洋] attachment heatlevel heartwood 2013-11-18 12905 zlji 2017-4-25 21:04
[原创字幕] 汽车总动员1匹配国配 attachment heartwood 2013-11-18 9781 yvette 2014-9-29 05:41
[原创字幕] 海贼王3D剧场版11 追寻草帽 匹配台配 attachment zhangdahai 2013-11-4 6723 chi65000 2014-11-2 09:12
[原创字幕] 夜猫子有福了,我也辛苦了,疯狂原始人The.Croods.2013.chs&eng和chs上译国配字幕 heatlevel agree lorrylxw 2013-11-1 141529 倒转地球 2016-5-22 20:59
[原创字幕] 辛苦,极速蜗牛Turbo.2013.chs对应公映上译国配字幕 heatlevel agree lorrylxw 2013-10-30 131130 imshark 2016-1-18 15:05
[原创字幕] 辛苦听写的,怪兽电力公司2:怪兽大学Monsters.University.2013匹配蓝光公映国语字幕 heatlevel lorrylxw 2013-10-18 101242 wxflxj 2013-12-30 16:21
[原创字幕] [环太平洋]国配双语字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...2 knuc12345 2013-10-5 856501 l1721850594 2018-6-12 17:37
[原创字幕] [重返地球]国配双语字幕第四版 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 knuc12345 2013-9-21 795001 jackhawktaobao 2015-5-6 02:41
[原创字幕] 黑客帝国1-3系列国配字幕(特效字幕) attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..10 luyunhu 2013-9-16 48011358 yefeng51 2024-3-31 20:51
[原创字幕] 速度与激情6国配字幕(简单特效) attachment heatlevel  ...2345 luyunhu 2013-9-16 2467090 枫香秋舞 2024-3-18 13:11
[原创字幕] 【星际迷航 暗黑无界】国语发音完美匹配简体中文字幕 attachment heatlevel Matrix2000 2013-9-11 231567 twinkle 2016-12-8 13:32
[原创字幕] [盗梦空间].Inception.2010国配特效字幕 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 luyunhu 2013-9-1 3979273 zymlzl 昨天 01:50
[原创字幕] 行动目标希特勒/刺杀希特勒/Valkyrie.2008中文国配特效字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...234 luyunhu 2013-9-1 1523456 hc1984107 2024-2-1 02:53
[原创字幕] [星际迷航:暗黑无界].Star.Trek.Into.Darkness.720p.WEBDL.H264-HDWinG.SUB.国配字幕 attachment heatlevel agree knuc12345 2013-8-23 262919 callis 2015-4-3 13:37
[原创字幕] [钢铁侠3].Iron.Man.3.720p.WEB-DL.H264-WEBiOS [PublicHD].sub.国语配音字幕第二版 attach_img heatlevel agree knuc12345 2013-8-16 292375 shengang82 2018-1-24 20:34
[原创字幕] 原创:明日过后(后天)国配字幕 attachment heatlevel agree  ...234 llhxb 2013-7-27 1713917 轻语 6 天前
[原创字幕] [遗落战境]Oblivion.2013.720p.BluRay.x264-SPARKS.国译国配字幕终极版(0726更新) attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 knuc12345 2013-7-22 986454 whzlwd 2017-8-2 21:03
[原创字幕] 超人:钢铁之躯.国语中字.匹配国语发音中文字幕【初版】.rar attachment heatlevel realyinxu 2013-7-11 181922 laoniu12 2017-6-28 15:51
[原创字幕] [大堡礁]第1-3集.Great.Barrier.Reef.EP1-3.BluRay.720p.CCTV国配字幕 attachment heatlevel agree tushenjin 2013-7-11 251745 shengang82 2018-1-13 13:49
[原创字幕] 《特种部队2:全面反击》国语配音字幕终极版(0712更新) attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 knuc12345 2013-7-9 615456 ybhybh 2018-2-28 16:19
[原创字幕] 秘鲁大冒险听译自制完美匹配国语特效字幕 heatlevel agree lorrylxw 2013-6-24 261752 橄榄枝 2018-5-3 22:23
[原创字幕] 阿凡达加长版自制国语特效字幕 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 MOVE 2013-6-23 664738 maeric31 2020-1-21 22:30
[原创字幕] 生化危机5对应国语字幕 attachment heatlevel agree 新一vs黑衣组织 2013-6-18 301888 realyinxu 2015-5-4 00:46
[原创字幕] 魔境仙踪.Oz.the.Great.and.Powerful.2013.BluRay.国语发音匹配字幕-CSC-V2 attachment heatlevel realyinxu 2013-6-9 252247 yw164451807 2017-9-16 10:21
[原创字幕] 七龙珠:全新进化 Dragonball.Evolution.2009 国语发音匹配字幕 attachment realyinxu 2013-6-9 61199 shengang82 2018-1-9 15:01
[原创字幕] [虎胆龙威5]国配双语字幕(0518更新版) attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 knuc12345 2013-5-16 876515 我爱看FILMS 2017-2-19 11:30
[原创字幕] 钢铁侠公映国语配音字幕【初版】 attachment heatlevel realyinxu 2013-5-12 331876 genjit 2022-5-12 20:28
[原创字幕] 【丛林大反攻】完美匹配国语发音 中文字幕 attachment heatlevel Matrix2000 2013-4-3 111147 rywane 2017-6-15 18:52
[原创字幕] 【特种部队 眼镜蛇的崛起】 完美匹配国语发音 中文字幕 attachment heatlevel agree Matrix2000 2013-3-30 483013 qdlfk 2017-7-9 00:45
[原创字幕] [霍比特人]国配双语字幕 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 knuc12345 2013-3-10 574708 zlji 2016-1-22 21:32
[原创字幕] 【丁丁历险记:独角兽号的秘密】 完美匹配国语发音 中文字幕 attachment heatlevel agree Matrix2000 2013-2-19 171736 aqz2 2022-3-17 21:00
[原创字幕] 【惊天战神】 完美匹配国语配音中文字幕 attachment heatlevel agree Matrix2000 2013-2-15 201940 doculover 2023-7-5 21:30
[原创字幕] 对应BBC.Yellowstone.S01E01.Winter.2009.HDTV.x264.AC3.720p-CMCT的央视配音字幕 - [售价 2 大洋] attachment n010322 2013-2-1 2894 5251 2015-3-15 09:51
[原创字幕] 奇妙仙子3夏日风暴 完美匹配中文发音 attachment heatlevel agree lishiren1978 2012-12-25 166264 5251 2015-3-15 14:27
[原创字幕] V字仇杀队(央视国配字幕) V for Vendetta attachment heatlevel agree 天朗明 2012-12-19 303310 laoniu12 2017-6-28 16:17
[原创字幕] [谍影重重4].The.Bourne.Legacy.2012.国配双语字幕(补充片尾曲双语歌词) attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 knuc12345 2012-12-6 525591 yunhuiwu 2016-11-29 15:05
[原创字幕] 《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》国配双语字幕(1124更新最终版) attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 knuc12345 2012-11-16 575679 mantou116 2018-4-5 21:50
[原创字幕] [敢死队2]The.Expendables.II.国配双语字幕(原创听录) attach_img heatlevel agree knuc12345 2012-10-31 323650 citetsilver 2017-9-6 09:51
[原创字幕] 复仇者联盟-原版京译国配音轨专用字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..7 lqvk8939 2012-9-29 32411167 夕阳武士 2021-7-1 03:17
[原创字幕] 阿凡达.Avatar(剧场版)完美对应国语配音简体中文字幕 attachment heatlevel ql95 2012-9-23 223591 dream206 2018-7-2 08:59
[原创字幕] 卑鄙的我\神偷奶爸\Despicable Me 2010 匹配台配 attach_img heatlevel  ...2 bo521shao 2012-9-14 783926 老鸟不飞 2024-3-1 02:02
[原创字幕] 飞屋环游记\UP 2009 匹配上译 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 bo521shao 2012-8-19 993979 yonhoop 2024-1-31 12:57
[原创字幕] [三个火枪手]The.Three.Musketeers.2011.srt国语配音字幕1.0版 attachment heatlevel knuc12345 2012-7-8 132456 良乡夜色 2021-10-3 13:00
[原创字幕] [黑衣人3]原创国语配音字幕 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 knuc12345 2012-6-12 1378358 郁闷的傻瓜 2021-9-17 14:07
[原创字幕] 地心历险记2国语字幕 attachment heatlevel agree withsky 2012-5-29 235122 lifan424 2016-8-5 10:57
[原创字幕] 史密斯夫妇(导演剪辑版)国语字幕 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..7 withsky 2012-5-25 33910102 spark55 2024-4-27 19:10
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